You'll get no argument from me there. However, the suggestion that console gamers can't understand what kind of a game Morrowind was intended to be and so somehow adversely affected Oblivion's content disporportionately is unfounded, unsupportable, and insulting. And that's the last I'm going to say about it. *Agrees to disagree with whoever says otherwise*
Respect, peace, etc.
Rebuttal; well i could say the majority of them didn't. Just look at the market PC games have an ultra complexity you cant find on any of the consoles. Hearts of iron, Eve online, Arma 2, cities xl ect, RTS GAMES and so on. Just imagine if you got every CoD kid on his xbox 360 playing arma 2 they'd be like "WTF IS THIS BAAHHHH!" all day long. It's like taking people who played idk Fable 2 and throwing them at morrowind it would be to much for their minds to comprehend. While many PC gamers are used to really complex games that are intellectual challenging console gamers are not for there is nothing on the console platforms that even compares to the mental exercises that one would find in some PC titles.
Unless you can point out a game, for I've never seen one.
EDIT: im not saying they are stupid just not used to a game experience requiring you to think, it's like going from tic tac to to Three-dimensional chess.