So I'm a Bosmer chased north into Skyrim by the Thalmor. Archaeologist with an interest in the Ayleids, posing awkward questions of 'Aldmeri' purity etc... Thalmor not best pleased, purges, escaped into exile. Fortunate that this country is full of even older Elven ruins!
You know drill.
Anyhow, I just happened upon a column of Thalmor agents walking between Riverwood and Whiterun, and the single, most important RP rule I have was thus activated: if I see Robes and Gold, I'm shooting. It was a close fought thing but my arrows found their marks, and I beheld the ruins of a Thalmor party strewn across a lonely path. Imagine my surprise, however, when I continue onwards toward Whiterun only to be assailed by the Hold guards!
There were no witnesses, I killed all of them. But plausible or not, I was surrounded by Guards soon enough, and decided to accede to the inevitable and go to jail. I now have this single lockpick, and I consider my options...
1) In previous games I would have gone to the Thieves Guild to pay off my bounty remotely. Would I be correct in saying that this is no longer possible? The only way to clear bounties is to deal with the guards in the appropriate Hold?
2) Is there any way to clear a bounty remotely?
3) Are Thalmor agents part of the 'guards' faction, is this why my bounty for 'murder' stuck? Or did the Stormcloak prisoner count as a 'witness' whom I neglected to liquidate?
What I know for sure is that I'm Dawnguard material, I like the idea of 'escaping' my pursuers by joining them, only thing is I would like to visit Whiterun at some point to investigate the return of the Dragons. Might be a bit difficult to deal with the Jarl whilst his men are hacking at me from all directions!
Any ideas?