That girls can't take the initiative and ask a man she likes if he wants to go out onna date. Or really just anything having to do with "guys have to do it first" thing. We're in an age of breaking gender roles, and that shoulda been the first one broken!
Because we men have fragile egos, and are but little children when it comes to the imposing women.
That annoyed me to no end when I was a bit younger, but now I've realized it isn't that bad, well except for the paying on the first few dates thing lol. Anyways, if you meet a girl you really like, ball's in your court, you can give her a call and arrange a date, for her if she meets a guy she really likes she has to worry about if he'll call and if he's just using her for, you know. One night stands are different, but I imagine that girls feel like absolute [censored] when they meet a guy they like, go out for a few dates, then sleep together and he drops contact, that's why I wouldn't do something like that. Basically, even though it can be hard asking someone out, it's better than waiting around for someone to ask you.