More generally, what annoys me about the opposite six are that breed who talk about and desire what they say are the fabled 'nice guys' (like me)... but who constantly date jerks (not a fan of the word and don't use it myself, but I think my version would be censored, begins with P ends in rick), and stay with them even when they're being systematically driven into the dirt, and their self-esteem is being consumed until they're just unattractive used-up husks.
One of my best friends is an expert in treat 'em mean, keep 'em keen, and judging solely on the responses he gets, ALL THE TIME, I'm of the opinion that women who confuse 'assertive' and 'confident' with 'being a p rick' make up the majority. Heh. My mate can tease (rag a gal 'til she's interested) his way into pretty much any woman's good books. I borrowed his "Shut up
you!" technique for a while, and I'm happy to report it works. lol
When women say they are ugly when they actually are beautiful and put on loads of make-up and sometimes even have surgerys to become more beautiful when it actually make them uglier.
When I assure them that they are beautiful, they just get angry and tell me that I just don't understand. (Which I actually don't)
lol... yeah, that kind belongs in the majority I mentioned me thinks. She's likely one of the used up husks who has dated p... ricks... and the correct response to I'm ugly is not, "No you're not, you're beautiful." It's more like, said in a half 'I'm joking' way "Yeah you are, fatty (even if she's not) big nose (even if she hasn't) googly eyes (etc)." Then... *laugh, nudge nudge* lol Perfect response from John P Rick... Woman Weekly's most hated man according to the survey, but most successful man according to everyday living outside of womens magazines. They say one thing... they mean another... nice guy. Heh ha.