<...>Most women seem to be ruled by their emotions, that bothers me. Not just in women of course, I know plenty of men who let their emotions control their lives as well, and it just...annoys me, <...> Women also cry more in general, I don't see the point, crying doesn't solve anything it just annoys the people around you, it's okay to be sad but why make such a big deal out of it? For attention? Why? I don't get it.
Women are more emotional. Women remember things with emotion, unlike men. The only time you see men remembering things with its full original emotion, is with veterans telling their war stories. They cry, they laugh, a bitter-sweet memory because those memories were intense. Women don't need intense to remember emotions.
Reason over emotion / emotion over reason = none of it works. Emotion and reason has to walk hand in hand. You can never take the right decision if you ignore one or the other, both have to be in agreement. What if you only find a solution that promotes one approache over the other? You have the wrong solution, search again.
I agree that men are disoriented by emotional women, mostly because girls use it against you. Those girls emotionaly manipulate others, I don't approve, I don't do this. I don't fall for this. Take me for instance (hehe), when I get angry, I mean really angry, my eyes fill with tears of rage. Yes, I cry, not because I planned it so, not to manipulate, it's the physical manifestation of a strong emotion... and I am not that emotional. A man might start yelling or punching walls instead... but the emotion is the same.
EDIT: I know this is a low blow, but during that time of the week, either lock yourself in the bathroom with enough food to last you that whole week, or start taking valium. I can understand that it svcks, but is that my fault? No.
This ties into the whole emotion vs. reason thing. when i am in pain, I'm in pain. That's pretty much it, I will get irritable but that only makes me go out of my way to not snap at people, because I know they don't have it coming. The only exception to this is when I don't get my nicotine...if I am not drunk as a substitute, god help you. I just realised I may not be in the best position to talk here after all, but I said it was a low blow.

The period episode is not about pain, mostly, it's more about a sudden drop of happy hormones that makes us feel like poop. Two weeks later, we feel like queens or a femme fatale... I never trust any beauty products that garantees results in two weeks just for that.
I agree that most girls use this to just ignore their civil responsibilities. So what, I get irritated those days, I don't go berserk on my friends for that, I know where it comes from and I control it.
I don't mean to be sixist or rude, but some women take feiminism way too seriously. Sometimes they are the ones being sixist. <...> I'm all for gender equality, but whether they know it or not this feminism stuff is getting way out of hand. Now not everyone does this, but alot do, that I've seen, anyway.
I see myself as a feminist, but most self-proclamed feminist are plain sixist, like you say. The ideology has been spoiled. I'm not for equality, I'm for equivalence.
Their obsession on spending hundred if not thousands of dollars on clothing they wear once and then closet.
Their (men) obsession on spending hundred if not thousands of dollars on electronic gadgets they use once and then forget.
Or I have got a headache :ahhh:
Technically, an orgism relieves headaches, because of the blood flow, so tell that to her next time. If she don't want to, she should just say so.
Maybe she's just using it as an excuse?

<...> it pisses me off when someone says "It's just hormones". Well no [censored], emotion is triggered largely by hormones and nerves in both sixes, what the hell else would it be?
Damn right! Hormones spices life, but please don't get ruled by them! It's no excuse for somebody to be a a-hole. Be civilised and responsible!
More on topic: I personnaly make a huge difference between girls/boys vs women/men. Things that bother me mostly are the immature things, and those tend to melt as people mature.
What I don't like about men: One on one, men listen to women. If a woman is alone with many men, they tend to ignore her, not on purpose, they just do. She has to speak up much more than if only with women.
When men don't give credit if something good came out of a brainstorming session of any kind, they take a good idea and use it as their own. Apparently, not on purpose again. I have to mention it's my idea and then they acknowledge it, without problem whatsoever. Weird.