Most women seem to be ruled by their emotions, that bothers me. Not just in women of course, I know plenty of men who let their emotions control their lives as well, and it just...annoys me, I can't descirbe it any other way. All that does is lead to overreactions and drama. Whereas people who try not to be emotion and let reason do it's job instead (Such as me and most men i know) tend to be much more measured and able to not make an enormous deal out of completely nonsensical issues. Women also cry more in general, I don't see the point, crying doesn't solve anything it just annoys the people around you, it's okay to be sad but why make such a big deal out of it? For attention? Why? I don't get it.
Also, most women seem to think that men are great at picking up sublte hints and are able to read minds and body language like a book with giant print. Breaking news! We are not. This annoys me in general, not just when women do it. if you want to say something, just [censored]ng say it already, stop beating around the bush and get to the point, maybe then I would know what you want. Worth a try don't you think?
There's more, but the list could go on forever. Honestly though, if women could just being more direct and less confusing the world would be a better place. And in general, something that applies to everyone, reason will always trump emotion. Always.
I mean, getting emotional can be fun at times, surely. And we wouldn't have reason without emotion. But I'd rather be reasonable most of the time than emotional most of the time.
And, to think, I actually have a girlfriend. Real life one, even!