1.How they take forever in bathrooms. My mother needs to realize that some people actually need it for bathing (she thinks that she needs it for smoking cigarettes and talking on her cellphone).
2.How they give in so easily to emotions. Sometimes, other people's feelings have to come second to things which are greater.
3.I have noticed that they have a penchant with stupid songs and phrases from commercials. These might just be the ones I know, but I definitely notice it enough.
4.Their extreme feminism. Not all do this, only a noticeable minority (maybe like 25%). They need to realize that men are biologically stronger than females. I won't explain the biology, but you know that it is true.
5.How they say nothing is wrong when CLEARLY THEY ARE ON THE VERGE OF TEARS (see rant #2).
6. How superficial they are, especially when ti comes to clothing. People who understand my avatar probably think that this one is funny.
7. How soft they get over animals. I agree that they are cute, but do you really need to make those high-pitched noises?
8. How they brag about ridiculous things like that they can see 1 more shade of red than men can. Who the hell cares?
9. How long it takes them to accomplish things. Again, this is certainly not with all, but I noticed that many female teachers, colleagues etc... in my life take forever to accomplish tasks that should be done briefly.
10. Lastly, their general taste in movies, books etc.... I know that I am not in Twilight's intended audience, but it is just so bad, and so many of them like it....
I've done #2 before, but not intentionally
#5, well, that's just a defense mechanism
#6 - I only like clothes because if I feel I look good, I'm happier. But I don't tend to be superficial about it. I'm not rich enough to be anyway

#7 I hate that too. I try not to do it. In all defenses, though, my father is a heavy-set manly-man and he still talks to his dog like she's a little kid. Maybe not the typical "oooeh there's my cute little baby," more like "there's my sweet little gingin!"
#8 people actually brag about that?
#9 *shrug* I finish everything faster than most and still achieve accuracy and quality
#10 I am DEFINITELY not a Twilight fan, or a Poe-poser. Some may know what I mean.. those psuedo goths that think saying they like Poe gives them +10 cool points. *laugh* It almost makes me dislike his work. You know something is terribly wrong when silly girls get in the way of enjoying classics. I'd like to think I don't have bad taste. I read a lot of Glen Cook, Steven Brust, etc. - and I think that's just fine. Sure, a stupid movie, book, song etc. can be amusing every now and then, but I don't necessarily enjoy it.
Then again, I love the Rocky Horror Picture Show, so people may think differently about my claims..

Ahhh, generalizations, pitting genders against each other.
People piss me off when they do this. Some men are insensitive, and so are some women.
I love men. How the backs of their necks smell clean and masculine after a shower. When they are patient trying to explain a concept to me, like why it's important that the NFL strike not happen. Not just because they are being unfailingly polite, but because I showed intrest. People need to occasionally leave their comfort zone. It's how we learn. I like how mens legs and chests and faces are usually hairy. How their skin always seems to taste a bit salty. and of course, procreating with them.
I also hate that I love them. No woman ever [censored], molested, or beat the living [censored] out of me.
Well, there we go, now I have played the silly game.
Hell, when ANY part smells so clean and masculine. I have to get my boyfriend to use Old Spice more often. But even without, natural scent is so lovely. (Provided there's enough hygiene and self-care involved.)
Ahhh males and hair. Can be gross and can be lovely. Fortunately I see the lovely kind every day.
I feel.. totally off topic now.. because I'm kind of drooling at masculinity instead of being on topic.. darn ye..