I hate how women are so insecure about their looks and/or how they always beat themselves up over it.
Granted, this isn't all women who do this, but I have yet to meet one who was genuinely happy with how they look. I'm sure they exist... somewhere out there in a galaxy far, far away.

On a related note, I also hate makeup. :yuck:
I'm not, my metabolism is ridiculousl and I'm skinny as hell because of it, the only way for me to reliably gain weight unless my metablism slows down is to go on a massive protein cure and excersise intensely pretty much every other day. Do i obsess over it though? No, why should I? I know I
can do do somethign about it if I commit to it but I have other things going on right now and I need to prioritise.
This bothers me too by the way, especially when beautifull women complain that they're ugly. I have two problems with that. First, most are just trying to get attention, and that's just pathetic. If you want attention, be an interesting or fun person to be around, simple as that. Second, nobody likes people who are insecure, nobody. I have insecurities, I don't flaunt them, why would I? If all you're looking for is sympathy or pity, you can look somewhere else, I've got other things to deal with.
EDIT: I know this is a low blow, but during that time of the week, either lock yourself in the bathroom with enough food to last you that whole week, or start taking valium. I can understand that it svcks, but is that my fault? No.
This ties into the whole emotion vs. reason thing. when i am in pain, I'm in pain. That's pretty much it, I will get irritable but that only makes me go out of my way to not snap at people, because I know they don't have it coming. The only exception to this is when I don't get my nicotine...if I am not drunk as a substitute, god help you. I just realised I may not be in the best position to talk here after all, but I said it was a low blow.