Gawd I've been away for awhile.. and great debate threads like this start floating up..
So, ok, the ladies. Things I have noticed in my life concerning the opposite gender..
Brain hard wiring.Yes, men have very specific hard wiring in our brain that breaks down into roughly three segments: The top half, the bottom or the legs. you ladies know it. and use it whenever you need to get our attention and it works, yay...
but you ladies are just as hard wired as we are -granted, with certain differences- but still it's there, except you
deny this hard wiring to the fullest. As if you didn't have specific Pavlovian reactions -Which I won't discuss here
Field day.Women's cleaning skills are no match for a former marine (granted, most guys are slobs, but we don't pretend that cleaning is inherent to our genetic make up).
Ladies, you could take some pointers from me and not assume that you know better just because I'm a guy and you're not. When I clean you can eat off the toilet seat and all dust bunnies are removed from behind/under/on top of whatever furniture there happens to be. If you can see it, you can reach it (ladders) and thus, you can clean it.
Digging up old cows.If I did something wrong a month ago, it would really help me as a human being if I was made aware of my mistreatings at the time it happened, and not a month later in the form of
"..and another thing! Last week bla bla bla, yadda yadda
Honestly, do ladies really thing we keep all of our mistakes categorized in our head, ready for cross examination at the drop of a hat? Hell no! we have enough on our minds trying to discypher whether "Does this make me look fat" is a trick question or not (guys, IT'S ALWAYS A TRICK QUESTION!!!!!!)
And yes, we will forget dates, anniversaries and appointments. Sorry.
Slanted equality.We have to treat women equally, or we get our jewels handed to us. So why is it that I get soo much flak -from women- about raising my son on my own?
"Where's the mother?"
"Why isn't he with his mother?"
"Surely it can't be healthy for a child to be raised by a cancerous old marine?"
am the better choice, deal with it!
Being one of the guys.Ladies, if you think that in the heat of anger you can
hit me, then I'm gonna assume you can take what you're dishing out.
Yes, this means I hit back.
After all, we're all equal, right?
I was just coming off of a really bad phone call with the mother of my son, who decided to rain on my day for a half hour just prior to posting this.