What build?

Post » Fri May 04, 2012 9:32 am

So after taking Ravenius's suggestion i begged and pleaded to my friend to let me use his debit card and he said yes. He's gonna come over tomorrow so he can order it for me and i can pay him. But i really don't know what build to do. Cause Morrowind looks like a whole different monster then Skyrim and Oblivion. I want to do either an Orc, Argonian, Or Dark Elf. Any suggestions for builds?
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Siobhan Wallis-McRobert
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 5:31 am

Well in this game expect people to act accordingly to which race u chose. Other than that, if u go sneaky sneaky im doing light armor, short blades for short swords Nd daggers, conjuration for the bound dagger, resto, illusiom.and one oyher for the night eye. Gah im gonna have to look at my spec.

Really, just pay attention to what people say, get the goty version and if ur getting it for PC get the kingpix overhaul mod. Its very easy to install and stays true to vanilla.

But the biggest thing after u install the mod, and its really the biggest most important thing.......when u step off the boat and look around, close ur mouth and wipe ur chin because a cliff racer moght just fly in.

Lol tbh, take ur knowledge or oblivion and skyrim and just wing it with ur build. U truely can ay what u want, just becareful though u might not be able to advance all the way to the top in all the guilds, buts thats ok. U cant do everything in one aythru. Just sit back, kiss ur personal life away and enjoy :)
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Ross Zombie
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 10:27 pm

Dark Elf seems good for starters if you want to make a battlemage thief... It's best if you do a 'jack of all trades' character to do a little bit of everything for an all around good experience. I don't have any specific build or anything for you though.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 11:19 pm

Race: Imperial or Dunmer are the best choices for a new player.

Birthsign: The Lady is an amazing choice for virtually any character, you start the game with +25 Endurance and +25 Personality, which are priceless bonuses. If you feel you're having too much trouble hitting stuff though you could pick The Lover sign, which is +25 Agility. Remeber that the more Agility you have, the easier it is to hit things.

Attributes and Skills: Pick one armor skill and one weapon skill and put them in your Major Skills category - if you play an Imperial these will probably be heavy armor and longblade. If you play a Dunmer, go with light armor and short blade, these choices will capitalize on each race's respective bonuses. These two choices are the most important, but useful skills to consider for major or minor positions would be speechcraft, mercantile, athletics, and acrobatics. Depending on whether you want your character to be more of a thief or a warrior you might select block as a major skill and carry a shield, or you'll choose Security to open locks and Sneak to...well, sneak. Again, agility is important to make sure that you hit with your attacks often so for a new player I'd advise making agility your major attribute. Endurance or Strength would be good to increase your life or damage respectively, as well as carrying capacity.
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Katharine Newton
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 11:01 pm

Id say even as a theif carry a shield since its a chance u can block, meaning u dont actually press a button to block iy automatic does when it does.
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Arnold Wet
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 9:04 am

Personally I always found a plain old nord or orc knight-ish class easiest. Weapon of your choice, heavy armor, marksman, restoration, block, etc.
Armorer you don't need, take something like illusion for silencing mages, or speechcraft to make dialogue based missions run smoothly. Use marksman instead of destruction and save your magicka for healing.

Once you've got the basics down though, feel free to create weirder characters. I managed a merchant playthrough once, which was pretty amusing.
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Helen Quill
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 11:02 am

With a reasonable choice of major skills, an Imperial or Dunmer can be an excellent "jack of all trades" character to learn the game. Either can be a very good fighter, just a step behind a Nord, Orc, or Redguard, but with a lot of other capabilities as well. As said above, you'll want a weapon skill as a Major, and using the one that your race already gets a bonus for will give you a nice head start. One armor class as a Major for a fighter, or a Minor skill for a semi-combat character, should be enough, and you can wear one piece of another type to gradually train up a second class if you like.

You probably want at least one magical school as either Major or Minor, depending on the character concept: Restoration, Destruction, Alteration, Illusion, and Mysticism all have their strong points. Enchanting and Alchemy are also potentially very effective if taken as Major skills and worked at (and can be obnoxiously abused if you try, which I strongly suggest NOT doing), but far less useful as occasionally practiced Minor skills.

If I take Marksman, I don't feel a need for Destruction, or vice versa, but it's good to have at least one ranged attack. There's an aiming issue if you don't use the Morrowind Code Patch, where "tall" race characters have their aim "bent" up or down in mid-flight depending on whether the target is above or below them, but I learned to correct for it easily enough.

Speechcraft is semi-important, but not critical; either you have it and learn to Admire and Bribe for information, or you're going to have to struggle to get information in a few places, even with bribes. Of course, you can douse yourself in Telvanni Bug Musk to make yourself irresistable via Alchemy.

In Morrowind, there are so many different ways to play the game that any advice you get here needs to be taken with a "grain of salt", if not the entire shaker. Due to the more relaxed levelling scheme, and absence of scaling, it doesn't have the same issue as the later games with falling behind the curve if you don't powergame. In short, just play and enjoy it, rather than worry about the details.

Oh, that cheezy Iron Dagger on the table? GREAT weapon. Its minimal value means that it never costs more than 1 Septim to have repaired, and its low damage means that you get to hit your target multiple times before killing it, thereby getting a lot more training with each combat.
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April D. F
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 5:47 am

Alright, After reserching and reading the thread i'll probably start out as a Dunmer and break tradition because Argonian's aren't great Jacks of all trades in Morrowind. Major skills should e Longblade, Heavy armor [i may do light cause i like how light armor looks usually] Destruction, Restoration, And i'm not sure about the others. Probably speechcraft as one. And probably the Lover sign.
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ANaIs GRelot
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 9:18 pm

Alright, The order is placed and i should get it between the 17th and the 20th of April. Got it factory sealed new for 20 dollars and 93 cents.
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Rachel Briere
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 1:51 am

You could have been playing it half an hour from now had you just bought it on Steam!

But I guess you can't come around entirely in one day...baby steps :P
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Sebrina Johnstone
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 11:53 pm

You could have been playing it half an hour from now had you just bought it on Steam!

But I guess you can't come around entirely in one day...baby steps :tongue:
Ha. I'd still rather have a physical copy. Plus if Morrowind doesn't work on my laptop i can play it on the main computer http://h20000.www2.hp.com/bizsupport/TechSupport/Document.jsp?lang=en&cc=us&taskId=120&prodSeriesId=4160010&prodTypeId=12454&objectID=c02016581
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Robert Jr
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 12:09 pm

I think your main computer would run Morrowind quite nicely, even if some pretty good mods.

Also, if you buy a game on Steam it's not limited to just that one computer, you could install it on both your laptop and desktop and use the same steam account on both machines.
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Laurenn Doylee
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 4:40 am

I think your main computer would run Morrowind quite nicely, even if some pretty good mods.

Also, if you buy a game on Steam it's not limited to just that one computer, you could install it on both your laptop and desktop and use the same steam account on both machines.
Hmm. Good to know for future reference. Pretty mods you say? Interesting.
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adam holden
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 4:49 am

For a first time character I generally recommend a fighter type with a few magic skills on the side. The preset Knight or Crusader are good examples. A fighter using melee weapons is the most solid type of character in Morrowind, and having some magic available lets the new MW player get used to using it without having to rely on it.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 6:35 am

Seriously ur desktop could easily run the mge graphics overhaul by kingpix. It is a must have! it makes the graphics on a 10 year old game look look almost as good as skyrim. Im at work, hopefully someone can provide the link. Its insanely easy to install, just make sure u have the free programs it says downloaded and the mod will install itself, takes bout 5 to 10 mins.
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Thomas LEON
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 11:27 am

Morrowind has shipped. i should get it earlier then estimated.
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Stefanny Cardona
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 3:58 am

Morrowind is in transit. I should get it in like 1 or 2 days now.
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Rach B
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 10:34 am

nice, it's a great game, i just finished my first play through after a 10 year beak, last time i never even beat the game or got anywhere close, just walked around and killed things but now i actually did the main quest and a bunch of other quests and am looknig to start my next character soon idk what to make but here's what my first character was

dunmer majored in long blade heavy armor and acrobatics aere my 3 main, i love acrobatics used it all the time and it was my first level 100 skill by almost 20 levels, i used destruction for ranged attacks but it was just okay for me only got it up to 50ish, i had sneak and secuirty as a ajor and they level too slow for me that they didn't even reach 40 and athletics was another one that was minor but still leveld up really slow imo

gota think on what to make now tho, have fun it's a really great game
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Rhiannon Jones
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 12:55 am

nice, it's a great game, i just finished my first play through after a 10 year beak, last time i never even beat the game or got anywhere close, just walked around and killed things but now i actually did the main quest and a bunch of other quests and am looknig to start my next character soon idk what to make but here's what my first character was

dunmer majored in long blade heavy armor and acrobatics aere my 3 main, i love acrobatics used it all the time and it was my first level 100 skill by almost 20 levels, i used destruction for ranged attacks but it was just okay for me only got it up to 50ish, i had sneak and secuirty as a ajor and they level too slow for me that they didn't even reach 40 and athletics was another one that was minor but still leveld up really slow imo

gota think on what to make now tho, have fun it's a really great game
Sweet. I'm excited.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 2:04 am

heres the link to that overhaul graphics mod. http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Mods.Detail&id=8987

heres the official thread http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1216870-relz-morrowind-overhaul-sounds-graphics/

and heres anothe rlink http://morrowindoverhaul.rpgitalia.net/

i really highly recommend this mod before u start playing as it needs a "clean slate" meaning no alrdy there saved games and what not. It is insanely insanely easy to install, the easiests mod ive ever installed because the thing install itself. To me, the mod fixed SEVERAL bugs and glitches, overhauled the graphics to soemthing u would ave thought came out last year instead of 10 years ago.
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Philip Lyon
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 12:45 am

heres the link to that overhaul graphics mod. http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Mods.Detail&id=8987

heres the official thread http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1216870-relz-morrowind-overhaul-sounds-graphics/

and heres anothe rlink http://morrowindoverhaul.rpgitalia.net/

i really highly recommend this mod before u start playing as it needs a "clean slate" meaning no alrdy there saved games and what not. It is insanely insanely easy to install, the easiests mod ive ever installed because the thing install itself. To me, the mod fixed SEVERAL bugs and glitches, overhauled the graphics to soemthing u would ave thought came out last year instead of 10 years ago.

I doubt my pc could even run that, mine can't run Skyrim but it runs Oblivion perfectly so Idk and I already tried to dl it and failed immensely, looks like I'd have to unistall and reinstall to get it to work I'm thinking
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Elea Rossi
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 7:05 am

yes that is the only downside to the mod is that u gotta go thru witha clean slate, meaning uninstalling and then reinstalling. Its on a gig to uninstall and reinstall.

It will run on ur gig, its very easily customizable. U even put in ur graphics card and it will let u know if things will work or not and a majority of the options it lets u chose from changes ui and stuff like that, nothing taxing. The only thing taxing will be the graphics but like I said its very customizable and even on the lowest settings, its still a vast improvement, plus just the fact alone it fixes soooooo many bugs and vevery customizable and so easy. U do have to dl 4 programs that are free, but u dont even touch them, it just needs them to go thru its process of installing and setting it up for you.
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Maria Garcia
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 2:01 am

Idk, I svck with mods can't get half the ones I dl to work lol, I think I'm okay with vanilla textures, except faces, I got mods for character creation and npcs and a few other things
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Erin S
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 10:57 am

heres the link to that overhaul graphics mod. http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Mods.Detail&id=8987

heres the official thread http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1216870-relz-morrowind-overhaul-sounds-graphics/

and heres anothe rlink http://morrowindoverhaul.rpgitalia.net/

i really highly recommend this mod before u start playing as it needs a "clean slate" meaning no alrdy there saved games and what not. It is insanely insanely easy to install, the easiests mod ive ever installed because the thing install itself. To me, the mod fixed SEVERAL bugs and glitches, overhauled the graphics to soemthing u would ave thought came out last year instead of 10 years ago.

Hey I was wondering if this mod edited characters/npcs/weapons/armors or does it only modify textures such as buildings/ground/tress/structures?
I'm thinking about reinstalling Morrowind with it but I like the mods I have currently, characters look great, Morrowind looks boring and plain so I will still use the other mods such as better heads and bodies etc, right?
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stevie critchley
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 9:41 am

I know it does alrdy have a beauty or nvde mod whatever ya wanna call it included in. it enhances the textures of land, buildimgs, clutter, body, npcs, weapons, armor. Dosent change the values of armor rating or weapon rating. It stays gameplay wise very close to vanilla, mainly redoes textures, fixes bugs, and changes some ui and behaviors.
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