And then... I wanna mod Adam Jensen (Human Revolution) into the game... Yeah I know he wouldn't fit in... But still that would be an awesome mod, have your weapons be your arms, and when its sheathed you just have the black arms and when the blades are out the arms open up and the blades slide out... (I would never give him guns in skyrim, just his Augs, maybe a crossbow gun for distance.) You could mod the Fus Roh Dah into the typhoon with some ease I imagine. EPIPHANY MOMENT!!!- He could be a walking Dwemer artifact... Just change is Augs from black to gold and Voila! Now he fits!
And then I'd add a new faction and disease. The Plague Doctors and the Plague (imaginative I know) have an interesting little story about former necromancers trying to undo their mistake...
But how about you guys? what character do you wanna see in Skyrim? Please give details!