First thread:
After some insight into what would occur if some situations were changed, I decided to make a new thread with some whole new questions. Discuss your choices.
First thread:
After some insight into what would occur if some situations were changed, I decided to make a new thread with some whole new questions. Discuss your choices.
Trying to answer some of these questions honestly is difficult, in Helgen My characters are always neutral, up until meeting the Red Queen. I can not vote for remain loyal to the Stormcloaks in some of the categories.
Found my DoVahKiin switching sides a LOT in this one. I support Balgruuf a lot more than Ulfric but in five of the ten Meleineth bailed on the Empire.
The dragon army could be used by both sides in the next war.
What I found interesting is that there were still many Imperial supporters in the situation where the Thalmor didn't exist and the Empire banned Talos worship by itself. Guess the rights of others aren't important for Imperials
Remain loyal to the Empire. Especially for the Dragon Army option... man i would form Tamriels first ever dragon based Imperial Legion and become the new Tiber Septim. First order of business.. burn the capital city of Alinor as they call it to the ground. Then torch Valenwood and Elsweyr here and there until they swear loyalty to new Empire. Tamriel will be reunited under the Empire banner once more.. a better Tamriel forged in fire. Only fools would dare challenge such power.
Damn, man. The bosmer don't even want to be part of the Aldmeri Dominion. If you chose to show up as their savior instead of their murderer, you'd get way more out of them.
Same votes as last time, all Stormcloak. I like your variety of questions, especially the one with a dragon army.
Well then they best surrender when I come flying over the horizon on the back of Ohdahviing. No more rebellions.. no more dominion... no independence... just the Empire, the way Tiber wanted it to reign in all it's glory. Then time permitting we set our sights to Akavir. As the Dremora Lords best put it... NO ONE ESCAPES!
Man, you're posting something very similar to what I posted once. I got a lot of flack for it from Imperial folks. lol.
Might is right, though.
Agreed, though I wouldn't be surprised if a small portion are supporters of the Thalmor and the Dominion, but with all of the purges the Thalmor conduct on their Merrish cousins, I would say the majority are in support of being liberated.
Difference is i wouldn't go around slaughtering civilians, just the military forces. However i would go at Hammerfell peacefully to make up for us having to let them go before. Black Marsh would be left alone.. can't see much good in controlling it to be honest.
Remember when we had a temporary ban on Civil War related threads because they were getting increasingly heated which led to increasing frequency?
I miss that.
Simply arrive and offer them an ultimatum as my enemy. Join the Empire or burn. They can take it any way they please.
You can't control the Argonians. The Hist could mind-[censored] them at any minute and make them go berserk for the hell of it.
Or you could just say, we're here to free you from your Thalmor overlords. They would be overjoyed by that, not what you just described.
If you were to say that, they would think you were just as bad as the Thalmor.
Exactly. Thats why i wouldn't bother with Black Marsh.
Argonians super-charged by Hist could make even Dremora afraid. Not to mention Black Marsh is pretty much inhospitable to anything not an Argonian so the Empire really can't have a strong presence there as the environment would kill them.
"ohh by the way now that you're free you have to join the Empire". That wont work. Just give them a choice and if they deny the Empire then their military forces will be destroyed and a Legion will be implanted to take control. Life would go on as normal for all provinces, they would simply have to follow Imperial Law.
The Thalmor have no influence in Black Marsh. The Black Marsh government is pretty much isolationist and dislikes everyone, regardless of if they are Imperial or Thalmor.
Read Rising Threat to get some knowledge of where Black Marsh stands.
Lets see the Argonians grow wings and fly like an army of 200 dragons can :/
Provided the flesh-eating insects, poisonous plants, and all sorts of horrific diseases don't kill the Legion first.
I doubt they would fight it to begin with in all honesty. I only expect real trouble from Summerset Isles.