» Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:27 am
I've played 3 characters so far. One was a stealth-focused character where my perks went into archery, one handed (dual wield), sneak, smithing and light armor. This class was great fun and very effective. Another class I tried was a warrior class where I focused on two handed, heavy armor, smithing and blocking. This was also a very fun and effective class.
The first character I really rolled was a mage with only a couple of perks in one handed to go along with many perks in conjuration, destruction, restoration and alteration. The character was quite fun early on in the game but as the game progressed, he definitely began to suffer. A lot of people whinge about mages in this game and rightly so if you're completely focused on combat effectiveness. The mage is not as fearsome in battle as the warrior but if you think about it; a mage shouldn't be as great in combat as a warrior. That's why they call warriors "warriors"! Playing as a mage is all about choosing the right companion to go with you and conjuring the right creature because if you try to get in there yourself, you're likely to break a nail.
The real way that the mage misses out is that they have removed all of the cool, non-combat magic from the class. No more walking on water or opening locks. Magic is now basically a weapon to be mapped to one of your hands and quite frankly, it's not as effective as a sword.