» Wed Sep 01, 2010 9:58 pm
As there are no longer official class categories, and that is probably good, I have determined that my first character will be role-played as a http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/V%C3%B6lva.
She will mostly use magic, but as alchemy is now part of the stealth grouping, I would say Mage/Stealth. I think a shamaness should know alchemy to prepare herbs and potions.
At this time, I envision her wearing various cloths, furs, and leathers.
She will mostly use a dagger (herbs/skinning/defense), a bow, and a small one-handed axe. She will use other tools as necessary to perform various crafting activities and enchanting. These will include those items, such as a mortar and pestal, and other items necessary for alchemy.
Emphasis, will be on magic and alchemy, as she will be neither a shieldmaiden, nor a spellsword, nor a battlemage type. However, she will do what is necessary to survive.