Im trying to decide on a class to play this beta with. Ill probably just pick whatever but input from yall is always good.
I had the time of my life with my dagger nightblade.
i had the greatest of thrills healing with my resto staff templar.
i had the zuberest feelings of palpatine style power when things exploded on my desto sorc.
this weekend it is the sword and shield dk!
I think I'm going to really get to know my sword-and-board templar heal/tank hybrid.
Going to continue with my archer nightblade. From all accounts these will be a rarity.
I was in the last beta, can login to the beta forums, should I expect another email invite or is this automated?
We're limited once again, meaning you have time for all crazy build types you want.
Since this is not a bug hunt, just try everything you want up to level 17, you can pvp with it, everything, plenty of time for all.
I'd continue my nightblade caster but it is in EP which I have no interest in playing anymore. I will roll my Breton NB concept and start with 1-hand + shield this time around to see how it plays. If I like it I'll repeat for release and then take Resto Staff at 15.
I had 2x Sorcerer and Dragon Knight level 15 last weekend and this time ill give Nightblade and stealth a proper try.
You should get it but if you don't, don't panic. You'll be able to play either way.
Khajiit (don't tell K9mouse) Nightblade
and a
Restoration staff DragonKnight
Going with a Khajiit Templar as a stealthy archer and minor healer. Basically a ranger.
Dunno.. I've been doing the pee pee dance since 1:00 pm, after I calm down i'll think about it.
Sorcerer, because I haven't tried it yet. Gonna try one in the Ebonheart Pack because that's the alliance I spent most time thinking "wtf am I doing?" as of the first beta.
The class with most fun so far has been the an archer (nightblade) wood elf/bosmer.
When/If CD comes out I'm gonna try melee again. But untill then I'll stay ranged in 3rd person.
Come on, it says right there.. wood elf / bosmer
* although i'll try all classes with the bow skill line to see which one is best.
So far templar has the best survivability with the aedric spear CC to counter any melee close to you, NB has good class specific benefits as well, but more as a finisher/dropping combat, than CC.
Mage is tricky, he can have pets, and a good cc (crystal shard which can be morphed to instant cast IIRC), move speed bonus.
basically i'll try what I didn't, sorc bow, nb bow and DK bow.
not sure on the DK, but he has good melee counter skills as well.
Also not sure on the armor type either, medium screams for archer type, but tbh I didn't feel that much of a boost on damage but a significant drop in survivability, might go heavy+light/medium combo.
well since they arent wip[ing i will probably play the same character again a sorceror assassin
I'm going to try out the night blade and Templar, as I tried the other two last beta weekend.
You have the choice for putting some magicka points and with just 1 healing spell you will have your healing tree reasonably leveled, meaning you could switch to healing.
Also you could go light+heavy/medium armor for more magicka usage, even if you focus little on magicka points.
Going to have to test as many abilities as possible so I'm not swimming in an ocean of indecision come launch.
Keep playing my Nightblade, and get him to 17. Want to PvP a lot because I didn't get to play much last time in Cyrodil. Focusing on Siphoning/Frost staff kiting, and see how that goes.
This beta is for group test.In previous beta my real life friends who i play all mmo's with were on a trip and i had to play alone.In this beta we will try the dungeons and how our classes work in a group.
As for me i will continue testing my Templar and the build i have in mind.
And of course find bugs and report them.