What do console commands do?

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:32 am

What I mean to say is that if I use a console command to retrieve an item, will it disable steam achievements? Will it have any other negative concequences?

I vendored the first dragon priest masks I recieved because quite frankly a quest didn't pop up on my screen. Now with 150+ hours into the game I can't just go back to the first few hours worth of saves for the mask. But I cannot progress either... I went and checked every single vendor in the game in the hopes of them keeping it in their stock like the dragon claws but to no avail. I went back inside the dungeon where the mask holder is and the coffin pops open but he never spawns and as an added bonus I get locked inside the instance because it's a steel grate that won't open until the boss event is completed.

I've spent the every day since release playing 10 hours a day or more average, I don't want this stupid mask/quest to get my save files ruined because I have to/want to use a console command to retrieve the item...
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TIhIsmc L Griot
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:51 pm

Save after using console commands, you still get steam achievements, there is no penalty.
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Jani Eayon
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:45 pm

Save after using console commands, you still get steam achievements, there is no penalty.

That is totally incorrect. Using certain commands will bypass the Steam achievements. Example. using the "setav" command line to max out skill level will make the game not recognize that the skills were made by actually leveling. There are commands that will allow this, but it would work like mass leveling very fast, instead of just setting the level. Also, maxing out skills will negate skill book reading (which reading certain books will rank up a certain skill) and will not give the achievement for reading 50 skill books. Those are a few.
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Jade Muggeridge
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:29 am

That is totally incorrect. Using certain commands will bypass the Steam achievements. Example. using the "setav" command line to max out skill level will make the game not recognize that the skills were made by actually leveling. There are commands that will allow this, but it would work like mass leveling very fast, instead of just setting the level. Also, maxing out skills will negate skill book reading (which reading certain books will rank up a certain skill) and will not give the achievement for reading 50 skill books. Those are a few.

If you want to break your game in this way, ok...it was just about reasonable commands.
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Stefanny Cardona
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:15 am

If you want to break your game in this way, ok...it was just about reasonable commands.

Is it reasonable though? Bypassing the quest to make getting the item could break getting the achievement. I guess try it, and find out. What is the achievement called?
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:07 pm

What I mean to say is that if I use a console command to retrieve an item, will it disable steam achievements? Will it have any other negative concequences?

I vendored the first dragon priest masks I recieved because quite frankly a quest didn't pop up on my screen. Now with 150+ hours into the game I can't just go back to the first few hours worth of saves for the mask. But I cannot progress either... I went and checked every single vendor in the game in the hopes of them keeping it in their stock like the dragon claws but to no avail. I went back inside the dungeon where the mask holder is and the coffin pops open but he never spawns and as an added bonus I get locked inside the instance because it's a steel grate that won't open until the boss event is completed.

I've spent the every day since release playing 10 hours a day or more average, I don't want this stupid mask/quest to get my save files ruined because I have to/want to use a console command to retrieve the item...

It will have no penalty. I just gave myself the daedric armour perk after levelling the light side of the armour tree and got an achievement about 10minutes later. There are some circumstances which will preclude achievements being awarded, but spawning dragon priest masks won't.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:14 pm

Is it reasonable though? Bypassing the quest to make getting the item could break getting the achievement. I guess try it, and find out. What is the achievement called?

Their is no specific achievement locked into the quest I am refering to.

As you all know by now, their are dragon masks in the game. The first one I got was vendored 150 game hours ago at the start of the game. When I got the mask no quest popped up so I didn't know I would need them later on for a quest. I've practically finished the majority of the quests in game and it's bothering me that I will never be able to complete this because I sold the item. Wouldn't bother me so much if I was warned in anyway shape or form...Or if the merchents held onto the items like they do the dragon claws...

I've never used a console command in any other game because I like to do things the hard way. Unfortunately this isn't one of those cases of hard or easy way out. I vendored an item (which I wasn't warned would be needed for a quest) and I want to respawn the guy so I can kill him again for his mask. The sad part of all this is I have a chest in my house specifically designated for miscellaneous items that might be needed for future quests... I have tons of junk in their like every piece of junk you can imagine.
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Elizabeth Davis
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:35 pm

Using the console does not break the ability to get achievements. I've manually leveled up my follower since this seems currently bugged, and a couple hours later I got an achievement. This is a first hand experience.
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Marquis deVille
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:23 am

There's no penalty to using achievements. Yes, if you make your characters skills 100 through setav, you won't get the achievement, but this isn't due to a penalty, it's simply the console command skipping past the trigger for the achievement. As long as you aren't skipping whatever triggers the achievement, then you will still get it.
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Mel E
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:40 pm

Using the console does not break the ability to get achievements. I've manually leveled up my follower since this seems currently bugged, and a couple hours later I got an achievement. This is a first hand experience.

Thanks for the confirmation everyone, like I said I wouldn't know because I haven't done any before. I don't even use google to help with quests lol that's why I've been playing for 150+ hours and I still haven't finished the main quests.

Now onto my next newbie question... How do I get "Vokun" the dragonpriest to spawn at "high gate ruins" which is located in the Pale between solitude and dawnstar?
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Jesus Sanchez
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:45 pm

Depends on which achievement you are referring to.

If you want to get the level 50 achievement and you used "player.setlevel 50" then it won't work.

However, if you use "player.setlevel 49", and then use "player.advskill " to get enough skill levels from level 49 to level 50, then you'll still get the level 50 achievement.
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Brandon Bernardi
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:21 am

Sometimes achievements may not update if you used the console on the current save. If you quicksave after you use the console to exit the game and restart then achievements will always update.
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Ria dell
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:18 pm

dude, if youre worrying about achievements while using console commands, im sorry but youre doing it wrong. console commands exist to bypass the normal, intended function of the game; you shouldnt be using them with the intent of getting achievements. you use them when you dont give a flying [censored] about achievements. most console commands you typically use dont usually harm anything, but if you dont know what you are doing, you could screw up your game in more ways than you can imagine, especially in a finicky, buggy game such as this.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:25 am

There's no penalty to using achievements. Yes, if you make your characters skills 100 through setav, you won't get the achievement, but this isn't due to a penalty, it's simply the console command skipping past the trigger for the achievement. As long as you aren't skipping whatever triggers the achievement, then you will still get it.

Exactly. And breaks getting the achievements. Can one still get them after that? They sure can, if they reverse the command and use the "advskill" instead.

Their is no specific achievement locked into the quest I am refering to.

As you all know by now, their are dragon masks in the game. The first one I got was vendored 150 game hours ago at the start of the game. When I got the mask no quest popped up so I didn't know I would need them later on for a quest. I've practically finished the majority of the quests in game and it's bothering me that I will never be able to complete this because I sold the item. Wouldn't bother me so much if I was warned in anyway shape or form...Or if the merchents held onto the items like they do the dragon claws...

I've never used a console command in any other game because I like to do things the hard way. Unfortunately this isn't one of those cases of hard or easy way out. I vendored an item (which I wasn't warned would be needed for a quest) and I want to respawn the guy so I can kill him again for his mask. The sad part of all this is I have a chest in my house specifically designated for miscellaneous items that might be needed for future quests... I have tons of junk in their like every piece of junk you can imagine.

Are you talking about like the masks you get from like "Krosis" and the other omnipotent Draugrs that are entombed close by Dragon sites?

These guys:
Otar the Mad

If you want the mask(s), make a save, just in case. Go http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Artifacts and look at the item IDs for the masks. Open the console and type (no quotes, include spaces) "player.placeatme item-id 1 (The number 1 meaning how many). You then will have the item laying right near you. I would suggest using this command instead of the "additem" command, as it might make the game think you acquired it, and not just added it.
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Harry-James Payne
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:05 am

They command [censored] duh
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Dan Wright
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:18 am

dude, if youre worrying about achievements while using console commands, im sorry but youre doing it wrong. console commands exist to bypass the normal, intended function of the game; you shouldnt be using them with the intent of getting achievements. you use them when you dont give a flying [censored] about achievements. most console commands you typically use dont usually harm anything, but if you dont know what you are doing, you could screw up your game in more ways than you can imagine, especially in a finicky, buggy game such as this.

Try reading first before trying to sound intelligent. No where in this thread or any of my posts did I mention anything remotely about bypassing achievements. I'll say it again for you just in case you don't know how to scroll up.

One of the masks from a dragonpriest named Vokun was vendored at the start of my character. Now 150 hours of play time has passed and I need the Vokun mask in order to finish the labyrinthian quest. I checked every vendor in the game and the game had already removed the mask. The irony here is that vendors keep the dragon claws and the glemora witch heads long past the quests, along with dozens of items in my inventory which cannot be removed despite the quest being completed. But this mask wasn't tagged as a quest item, or at the very least given me a clue that I might have needed it in the future. When I started finding other masks similar to the Vokun one I vendored then I realized they might be important so I started saving the rest.

The purpose of this thread was to find out whether or not using a console command to respawn this NPC would effect other unrelated steam achievements. Which was confirmed by numerous people, thanks everyone.
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