PC. Desktop. New rig built specially with Skyrim in mind (well, and BF3....and ME3...and another replay of Crysis in it's full glory....and Rage maybe...

Specs so far (subject to constant change).
- CPU: A nice Sandy Bridge // Octo-Bulldozer.
- RAM: 16 Gbs, fastest mobo & CPU can run (and for those ones who say it's overkill, I dare to run Oblivion with BC / UL with 4 gbs of RAM, which were "overkill" in it's time...eternal load times and micro-cuts while playing NO MORE, no matter what or how many mods I put in the game).
- SSD drive, to help with the RAM.
- GPU: Dual SLI Geforce GTX 580 überclocked & 3 gbs of vRAM each.
- MOBO: A nice one

- Probably watercooled (still deciding).
- Monitor: 27' @ 1920x1080 min, bigger if I see a good catch (still looking).
- €5 Keyboard and mouse

(no, a decent mouse).