Lately I've been wondering about opinions regarding this, Some people consider becoming a vampire and perking into Necromage is cheating, others don't.
Note that I play on PS3 my POV comes from a completely non RP perspective. As far as I'm concerned if the game "let's" you do it without any intentional manipulation of code, or the use of mods, or entering a series of button presses to spawn a tank (Vice City) then I think it's fair game. So I put together a short list of widely known "things" that still exist after 1.9 and these are all based on the assumption that you have maxed out enchanting and perked up to extra effect, obtained the Aetherium Crown with a combination of the lover stone and the mage stone to gain the +35% static leveling speed.
Enchanting - the Dark Brotherhood questline and Azura's star are the ultimate compliment to leveling enchanting. Obtain the star of azura and a weapon w/ soul trap, kill humanoids and recharge after every kill (since the xp is dependent on the size of the soul used to recharge and not the amount that is recharged) this can quickly level enchanting in the background
100 Enchanting w/ Extra Effect will allow you to put 25% cast reduction for 2 schools of magic on 4 pieces of gear, i.e. free casts for 2 schools (destruction & restoration) for example
Illusion - casting muffle repeatedly to speed boost to 100 in appx >1hr
Alteration - using oakflesh to boost to 50, buy waterbreathing spell then stand in ankle-height water and repeatedly casting waterbreathing to get to 100
Conjuration - Dark Brotherhood completion: repeatedly cast soul trap on prisioner to get to 100 very quickly
Destruction & Restoration - Dark Brotherhood completion: frostbite in one hand, healing hands in the other, target your prisoner, rubberband the controller buttons and walking away for a few hours, easy max.
That's an example of how easily one can max out the wisdom path and there are ways to speed boost almost every other skill in the game and get to 81 fairly quickly.
My question is where do you draw the line at what is cheating? I'm assuming RPers would say if it's not something considered "normal" for your character to do in a certain situation then it's cheating, i.e: casting muffle if you're not trying to sneak past enemies, for example.
Once I work out all the details I plan to do a 1.9 speed run to 81 just for the sake of testing the limits of how fast it can be done.
Your thoughts?