Well this is more of a art style issue, but i tired of gray and brown landscape, even in skyrim. I get it though, its covered in ash but still everything is so bland it just turns me off. Also miraak's gear imo is ugly and weak.
I question your fashion tastes.
Then again, I'm into "dark" arts, so go figure. I personally loath the fact that I may never see Miraak's awesome sword in another TES game. It has become my fav weapon period. His attire is awesome too, but it should remain Skyrim only. But the sword and staff could at least be Mora's gift for a quest or two for him in the next game or something.
I thought Dragonborn was just way to good... Even Karstaag came back! I would never expect to see that tough sob again lol... I agree with Titus, the MQ was really short, but Solstheim and the side content was brilliant.
Also, Hevnoraak shares my love for Miraak's gear... I am currently using his full attire with my Atronach Mage, so I have 100% Spell absorption, plus his Sword and Staff (specially that GODLIKE staff) are simply way too good... I may start a new char to give the game a chance to kill me lol
That was easy!
It's not that Dragonborn didn't have enough content, it's just that the central narrative had real pacing issues because of it's length... You never get to explore Miraak as a character at all. At least with Alduin you're fed a considerable amount of information, even if most of it comes from Esbern or Arngeir.
Indeed. Especially involving Miraak's importance. They really dropped the ball here. He had a lot of potential as a character. All it did was raise more questions...
Im all about aesthetics. But customization in skyrim is seriously lacking behind other RPG's so im very picky about what I wear. Example, the only armors i like in the game are the scaled armor, and the different variations of steel boots, so I stick to robes and clothes. And on miraak's sword; its unique, but lets just say I never let that thing see the light of day in my game.
Also the ebony helmet looks cool.
You fear true power?
Hevnoraak Ive beaten you and have your mask already, I don't have to answer these questions.
Miraak's equipment is quite lame stat-wise. IMO master robes of _____ are the best even after both expansions.
Throwable spears would have been nice...
Indeed. It's better than armor for melee people, as you consistently do 100 points of damage(nothing resists it) within a small area of effect to boot + your melee damage.
Slay me? The most powerful and wise of the priesthood?!
The robes tentacle explosion is very deadly if you know how to set it off by using certain spells/powers.
What? Dost thou knowest some secret to making the tentacles more frequent? I try not to rely on luck with my equipment. I hate weapons that are like "has a chance to paralyze"
I take those screenshots while in-game. I'm on PC. That particular one I edited with imgur.
Like everyone else said, a longer main quest would have been nice.
Also, they could have made dragon-riding not an entirely useless, stupid waste of time.
Main quest should have been a bit longer. Like most have already said, Miraak should have been expanded upon more. Lovely DLC though.. Raven Rock and Tel Mithryn were my favourite parts but Apocrypha's atmosphere was gnarly too.
One other problem that bothered me was that the Telvanni Robes and the Priest Robes were enchanted with a lame enchantment.. and Miraak's stuff was pretty lacklustre altogether, besides his rad sword.
More Morag Tong activity.Would have liked to actually interact with them as a guild,not just as a bunch of enemy npcs.But obviously not being able to join them ,because there is already the DB.
I have some ideas about Miraak's background story but that is not OT.
OT: Dragons that are more controllable while in the air and using every available attack from their back. I had no prob with the length of the MQ and loved Solstheim. Oh! Add in I would have loved to have taken a ride on the Silt strider in Real Time, not FT.