What COULD be tweaked - thanks Crytek for this game

Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 8:33 am

Hey guys, I'm new to this forum and I decided to post a little list of what I think could be tweaked a bit on Crysis 2.
First of all i would just like to say that I've been a massive Crysis fan, as I have all the games and I must say this is probably my favourite shooter of all time :)

Alright so here is what i think COULD be tweaked - these tweaks are NOT essencial as the game is PERFECT - i honestly cannot find any glitches/bugs that would unbalance it!

1. The time it takes to call in the nano-suit disabler - it is MUCH too long! If you call it on enemy position you can bet money that by the time that thing drops from the sky, the enemy would have move'd.
2. Search criteria should save so you don't have to tick the boxes again.
3. The Grendel either has some weird hit detection issue or it needs a little bit of a boost, as currently it is outclassed by SCAR/SCARAB.
4. Again for the Grendel, the ammount of visual recoil with the ACOG should be removed as the gun is clearly meant for longer-range encounters, as it is burst fire/semi auto.

That's about it, I do not see any other thing that needs tweaking :)

Now for my stats:
Rank: 25
K/D ratio: 2.89
W/L ratio: 1.39
Time Played Online: 10h 8m 19s

My level of enjoyment so far(out of 9000): 9001

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Sunny Under
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 6:54 am

Nice to see a positive/constructive thread.
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Maria Leon
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