what couldn't you do in Crysis 2, but could in Crysis 1

Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 5:48 pm


Did I ever claim to hate Crysis 2?

Please find one instance in which I specifically claimed to hate Crysis 2 (careful not to actually find the many instances in which I said Crysis 2 was an overall fair game, you would hurt your argument if you accidentally quoted the facts that countermand your ill conceived preconceptions)

Ohhhhh, your referring to when I pointed out a bunch of problems WITH Crysis 2... Yeah, actually there's a pretty big difference between saying you just, hate something? and pointing out problems with it, like when you point out problems, it's to a constructive end? Like if I said there's a million hackers running around on MP in this forum, it would be so the admins would relay my issues to Crytek, so they could fix, and ultimately improve the game?

Yeahhhhh, sorry Jack.

Practically every post you make here is trashing the game. Maybe you never said you hate it but you either don't like it at all or you're just another troll or both. You're posts are not constructive at all, they are just insults.
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Oyuki Manson Lavey
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 12:13 pm

you work for Crytek ?


Did I ever claim to hate Crysis 2?

Please find one instance in which I specifically claimed to hate Crysis 2 (careful not to actually find the many instances in which I said Crysis 2 was an overall fair game, you would hurt your argument if you accidentally quoted the facts that countermand your ill conceived preconceptions)

Ohhhhh, your referring to when I pointed out a bunch of problems WITH Crysis 2... Yeah, actually there's a pretty big difference between saying you just, hate something? and pointing out problems with it, like when you point out problems, it's to a constructive end? Like if I said there's a million hackers running around on MP in this forum, it would be so the admins would relay my issues to Crytek, so they could fix, and ultimately improve the game?

Yeahhhhh, sorry Jack.

Practically every post you make here is trashing the game. Maybe you never said you hate it but you either don't like it at all or you're just another troll or both. You're posts are not constructive at all, they are just insults.
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Janette Segura
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 10:37 am

LOL, and yours are?

Firstly I did actually say Crysis 2 was fair and gave it a decent rating, so...

Secondly, NEWSFLASH, saying 'Crysis 2 is amazing, I don't NEED DX11!!!' isn't constructive as saying 'Crysis 2 needs DX11!!!!' See, DX11 is an advancement, and saying anything that contests with the natural progression of technology is the antitheses of constructive dialog.

In the English language, a certain degree of hyperbole is acceptable when it's used to express a point, if it's too confusing, then don't over anolyze it. My tone is harsh because the situation calls for it and then some.

Also, you speak as though hating this game is not a legitimate stance to have, when it actually is. If someone feels like they've been wronged, why is it that they can't say exactly how in a forum that was at least partially designed to that end? Being more pissed off with the clear lack of features in Crysis 2 only means your a stronger Crysis fan with higher expectations, again that's not a bad thing. If anything that pushes the gaming industry forward despite the constant financial tuggings of consoles to game publishers. Hell, I WISH I was more peeved, that would make me a stronger fan and someone that actually cared what happens to Crysis and Crytek, instead of a head nodding drone, but unfourtinately I'm simply not as outspoken as I should be.

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Isabella X
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 6:46 pm

Well, Crysis is clearly not for you then.

See, Crysis (or what used to be Crysis) was supposed to be realistic in that sense, interactions between the player and the many environs, and not simply walking over bullets and absorbing them through the soles of your feet. We don't need proof that Crysis wasn't designed to please everyone, because it actually used to require extremely high PC specs, thereby technologically discriminating against those with inherently lower expectations in games.

It also used to be really good, so that excluded the vast majority of console gamers right there.

Did you also not like that you could blow up corrugated steel shanties or break down trees? These are (were) basic elements of Crysis, until it was consolidated.

I played and enjoyed Crysis. Contrary to what, most people claim, the game was linear. Yes you can run to the left bushes and the right but there was a clear path to follow and the game did not allow you to deviate from that path. Far cry had more freedom in that regards. Blowing up trees and other stuff were cool the first few times but it rarely if ever impacted the actual gameplay for me. And lets not try to fool yourself or others there were alot of unrealistic aspects of the game. The game was more interactive which is not to be confuse with being realistic.
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Jhenna lee Lizama
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 5:23 pm

Using anything pickable (no virtual animals were harmed... much) to kill enemies in single player. ^_^
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Everardo Montano
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 12:11 pm

I played and enjoyed Crysis. Contrary to what, most people claim, the game was linear. Yes you can run to the left bushes and the right but there was a clear path to follow and the game did not allow you to deviate from that path. Far cry had more freedom in that regards. Blowing up trees and other stuff were cool the first few times but it rarely if ever impacted the actual gameplay for me. And lets not try to fool yourself or others there were alot of unrealistic aspects of the game. The game was more interactive which is not to be confuse with being realistic.
Well, yeah, of course it wasn't a totally free game, if there was no finite direction you would get lost and never finish the game.

The point I was trying to make is that uncontestedly far more open then the relatively confined Crysis 2. Crysis 2 played like a completely linear game, even when it gave you 'tactical options', it was 3 things that ultimately didn't change a whole lot.

In Crysis, you could assault the KPA strongholds from almost any direction using any non-predefined tactic you can think of.

The features that I brought up, ie blowing up shacks and trees and picking up ammo/weapons/things ARE realistic interactions though, interactions that were docked from C2 for no reason, and definitely served to put the player farther into the game.
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Nicholas C
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 5:14 pm

Well, Crysis is clearly not for you then.

See, Crysis (or what used to be Crysis) was supposed to be realistic in that sense, interactions between the player and the many environs, and not simply walking over bullets and absorbing them through the soles of your feet. We don't need proof that Crysis wasn't designed to please everyone, because it actually used to require extremely high PC specs, thereby technologically discriminating against those with inherently lower expectations in games.

It also used to be really good, so that excluded the vast majority of console gamers right there.

Did you also not like that you could blow up corrugated steel shanties or break down trees? These are (were) basic elements of Crysis, until it was consolidated.

I played and enjoyed Crysis. Contrary to what, most people claim, the game was linear. Yes you can run to the left bushes and the right but there was a clear path to follow and the game did not allow you to deviate from that path. Far cry had more freedom in that regards. Blowing up trees and other stuff were cool the first few times but it rarely if ever impacted the actual gameplay for me. And lets not try to fool yourself or others there were alot of unrealistic aspects of the game. The game was more interactive which is not to be confuse with being realistic.

Any video-game must strike a balance between realism and fun. Crysis did that beautifully. Nobody is "fooling themself" when they say that an animation of your hand grabbing ammo is more realistic than walking over it and automatically absorbing it into your gun. It simply is more realistic because in reality, to load a gun, one must first reach for the ammo. Same goes for knocking down shanties. In reality, buildings can be destroyed and trees can be knocked down. Maybe that didn't impress you, but some of us think it's frickin' awesome.

And there are varying degrees of linearity in video-games. A game is not simply "linear" or "non-linear." Crysis gave the player a great deal of freedom, both in approaching any given encounter, and in the terrain the player traversed to reach those encounters. Any game that lets me either take a boat down a river, drive a jeep over a dirt road, or hoof it through the under-brush of the jungle to reach my destination is -not- simply "linear."
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Iain Lamb
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 4:56 am

My brain cannot think of how someone could NOT like picking up guns/everything else.

In Crysis 2, guns were the only things you COULDN'T pick up...
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Noely Ulloa
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 6:01 am

Damn reading this thread is allowing me to relive my fond memories of crysis 1... and pissing me off even more at what crysis has become..

reduction of destructable enviornments, huge sandboxes, and loss of geometry/texture quality of objects colse up piss me off the most
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jenny goodwin
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 9:33 am

Practically every post you make here is trashing the game. Maybe you never said you hate it but you either don't like it at all or you're just another troll or both. You're posts are not constructive at all, they are just insults.

I hate the game and think you're too busy drinking the kool-aid to realize that a lot of people hate the game.
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Nathan Maughan
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 12:54 pm

SP: Get my ass kicked by the koreans because of their awesome camos. C1 is probably the only game where I've seen characters blend into the environment. I managed to beat it spraying into moving bushes though. Couldn't have imagined Crysis without physics, back those days...
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Janine Rose
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 5:10 am

SP: Get my ass kicked by the koreans because of their awesome camos. C1 is probably the only game where I've seen characters blend into the environment. I managed to beat it spraying into moving bushes though. Couldn't have imagined Crysis without physics, back those days...

MGS3 Says Hi.
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 5:04 pm

Claymore mines.
Attach C4 to pickup trucks, drive towards enemies at maximum speed, exit, trigger C4.
Use weapons without unlocking them via levels.
Change weapon setting in realtime.
Restock ammo.
Radio scanner thingy.
Various other thinges found in this thread.
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Rhi Edwards
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 4:19 am

SP: Get my ass kicked by the koreans because of their awesome camos. C1 is probably the only game where I've seen characters blend into the environment. I managed to beat it spraying into moving bushes though.

Hell yea! This was awesome. Especially if you consider that AI used trees and for cover, as well as moved kneeling through bushes in search for a player making lots of fun, sudden and unexpected encounters.
Not "where's the enemy? enemy is in front of you." type of game we have now.

But well.... http://www.gamesas.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=40&t=21523
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 2:19 pm

SP: Get my ass kicked by the koreans because of their awesome camos. C1 is probably the only game where I've seen characters blend into the environment. I managed to beat it spraying into moving bushes though. Couldn't have imagined Crysis without physics, back those days...

MGS3 Says Hi.

I don't do consoles. :( I'd have to try it to believe it. I do think C1's textures and physics had plenty to do with the amazing gameplay experience, not just "staring at grassblades" or whatever some dudes say.
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Dalton Greynolds
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 7:28 pm

Run at 2FPS while shooting at monsters.
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 5:09 pm

pause for a moment to enjoy stunningly gorgeous scenery.

You can do that in Crysis 2 as well.
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Brian LeHury
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 1:08 pm

pause for a moment to enjoy stunningly gorgeous scenery.

You can do that in Crysis 2 as well.

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Harry Hearing
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 4:47 am

pause for a moment to enjoy stunningly gorgeous scenery.

You can do that in Crysis 2 as well.


Either your are compl- oh wait, no. Another troll or just someone following the herd.
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Emily abigail Villarreal
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 2:29 pm

Anyone mention ammo types yet?
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Mrs Pooh
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 6:20 am

pause for a moment to enjoy stunningly gorgeous scenery.

You can do that in Crysis 2 as well.

I find that unless I keep moving/shooting at all times in Crysis2, I'm liable to look down and see a collectible car key or NY souvenir (I live in NY, I don't need to be collecting souvenirs, especially while trying to save the city from alien apocalypse), or, worse yet, a BLURRY TEXTURE AGHAGGGAH NOOO MY EYES!!
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 7:21 pm

-more suit options
-more weapon moddifications +ammo types
-advanced settings
-sandbox editor
-destructible enviroment
-Nomad, Helena, Psycho
-jungle and island
-freedom of movement
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Nick Swan
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 5:38 pm

Either your are compl- oh wait, no. Another troll or just someone following the herd.

What herd, exactly? The herd that doesn't get exactly stunned by decent, but not all *that* jaw dropping GFX? Yep, sounds about right. And which herd do *you* follow? ;)

(see, I even disregarded the fact about blur and ****...)
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 6:54 am

Either your are compl- oh wait, no. Another troll or just someone following the herd.

What herd, exactly? The herd that doesn't get exactly stunned by decent, but not all *that* jaw dropping GFX? Yep, sounds about right. And which herd do *you* follow? ;)

(see, I even disregarded the fact about blur and ****...)
probably the ones that are kissing/eating from crytek's ass, right now
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 5:53 pm

Either your are compl- oh wait, no. Another troll or just someone following the herd.

What herd, exactly? The herd that doesn't get exactly stunned by decent, but not all *that* jaw dropping GFX? Yep, sounds about right. And which herd do *you* follow? ;)

(see, I even disregarded the fact about blur and ****...)

I think he meant to say "flock," as in a flock of sheep. "Herd" doesn't really make much sense, unless he's implying that Crysis fans who aren't in love with Crysis2 are in the majority.
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