The AI was better
There was exploration instead of linear A to B
There wasn't any patronising tactical advisor telling me when to use stealth, or where to sneak to
Weapons were more customisable with more mounts and ammo types
It was a benchmark for PC gaming
It was far more challenging as the aliens were aerial, a lot quicker and did a lot more damage
The voice acting was far better
The characters were more interesting (Can the antagonist speak?)
Maximum strength existed, and was by far the most fun to use
There were less bugs and you felt proud of your high-end machine if you could run it well as you were the envy of hordes of gamers
But what I like about Crysis 2:
It runs better (because of the console engine)
Multiplayer seems more developed (although buggy as hell)
Maximum speed has been removed, which ran out of energy after running two paces anyway.
You mean protagonist, and no, he cannot speak, which is lame as hell. Also, he doesn't have a face or a personality.
I personally miss Maximum Speed, and I hate that sprint is tied to your energy in Crysis2. True, Maximum Speed drained your energy quick, but damn, it got you around, and at least I could still sprint if I wanted to with no suit power.