» Tue Mar 08, 2011 5:17 am
Did I ever claim to hate Crysis 2?
Please find one instance in which I specifically claimed to hate Crysis 2 (careful not to actually find the many instances in which I said Crysis 2 was an overall fair game, you would hurt your argument if you accidentally quoted the facts that countermand your ill conceived preconceptions)
Ohhhhh, your referring to when I pointed out a bunch of problems WITH Crysis 2... Yeah, actually there's a pretty big difference between saying you just, hate something? and pointing out problems with it, like when you point out problems, it's to a constructive end? Like if I said there's a million hackers running around on MP in this forum, it would be so the admins would relay my issues to Crytek, so they could fix, and ultimately improve the game?
Yeahhhhh, sorry Jack.