» Sat Feb 19, 2011 6:21 am
More monsters that display ornate and blatant use of magic at all times. Energy pulsing in their body, spell use, summoning combined with animations/emotes that show them doing this with their arms, claws, digits.... Fire in their eyes, fire on their swords, pre-magic casting animations if humanoid, if they want to breathe fire or something, animations of them casting their head back to really blast you when they come back down.....
I want monsters to use more tactics. Maybe they freeze you in place, then get behind you and laugh hideously as they pelt you where you can't see what's happening, or push you over and kick you down the hill. Or maybe threw a Bolus at your legs and cause you to get tied up and if you try to run, you fall over, and they laugh at you while they're kicking you in the head. More reaction from monsters about what they're doing to you, as if they enjoy hurting you, so it can make your feel angrier at them and want revenge. Big trolls should get a real laugh out of splitting open your skull, maybe even point at you and say "Mmm, dinner..." to taunt you. I'd like to see some monster having layed down traps in the soil that only they know about. They avoid the places where the traps are, but if you walk there, a spike shoots ouf the ground and nails you good. Or maybe they you are winning, so the troll runs away and you lose him. But like 3 days later, he returns with some troll buddies and says "Amember me? Now jyou me dinner hahahaha!"
I would love to see some TSR-like Hell-hounds, big dogs that can breathe fire like dragons. Or big wild cats that seem to have nine forepaws when fighting you, because they are scratching so fast you can't see their arms clearly, and they have huge snakes growing from their shoulders that can also bite you, and poison you.
I would love to see some Yaun-Ti style monsters, whose lower body and face is of a huge serpent but whose torso is humanoid, with big arms who tips end in further snakes, meaning when they grip a sword they're gripping it with their giant snake fangs, which would look very scary and dangerous.
Some zombies that pretend to walk slowly but who suddenly get very fast when you get within close range, scaring the heck out of you with two-three attacks per your one attack.
Some undead Liches with flaming eyes and who seem to levitate at all times on pillers of lightning and around whom clouds of magic brew at all times.
I would love to be killing a wolf and suddenly as it dies, a spell forms over it and when the spell cloud dissipates it's a semi-naked human, and you realize only then it was a Werewolf. And now you are worried maybe it nicked you with a claw, which means you could become one.
How about some kind of giant porcupine creature with very long quills who can pelt you with them like a team of archers if you get too close. Some armies use tons of these creatures on their front lines as an expensdible defense perimeter, so sometimes when approaching enemy territories, you may encounter a hailstorm of "arrows" killing you swiftly.
More giant monsters who make the ground thunder when they walk, whose roar is so powerful they can "push" you back 10-20 feet each time, where they then pelt you with a psionic blast from their eyes like rings of white energy flying at you. They can only hit you with psionics from 10-20 feet away, meaning you have to try and either attack from a far distance from them, or get back in close range again. But they always try to get you in their 10-20 foot psy-blast radius.
Wow... scary, and fun....