What crysis 2 shoulda looked like

Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 3:53 am

I dont think so but each to there own, espcially when it coems to textures, physics, the original is far ahead.

Indeed, its quite funny that people who defend crysis 2 say graphic is not important or looks better then crysis 1, fine whatever they think. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. But neglecting the fact that in crysis 1 you have superrior physics and better AI which all adds to the gameplay and the immersion of the game.

The first thing I expected was that I can blow big holes into buildings or in the ground with explosives, yet only to be disapointed that the whole game is solid like a rock, hell not even thin trees can be shot down. The AI also was a big disapointment, the first one had it flaws but at least they reacted somewhat ok. When you killed someone near by in stealth mode they at least the run scared... in crysis 2 they just dont care when you kill a guy directly infornt of another guy...

In each of this departsment the game is a step backwards.
Another thing is how locked down the game is, which basically does nothing but hinders moders or pc enthusiasts to fidel with the cfg. The pak files are encrypted (already tool there that can unpak it) the console first was totaly disabled but at least you could exec commands via cmd or cffg files... in the recent patch its now enabled, but pretty much all usefull commands are locked down.

So far crytek did pretty much everything wrong what you can do wrong with a modern pc game, epseical when you look at the past where they did nothing of that at all...
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 5:03 am

Let's not forget (if it wasn't posted already)
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 6:51 am

Let's not forget (if it wasn't posted already)

Really everything said there is NOT in the game:

Large open environments?NO
Rich interior? NO
Destruction? Physics? hahah.. NO.
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Farrah Barry
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 6:10 pm

Let's not forget (if it wasn't posted already)

So it begs the question where are all these features.
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Tasha Clifford
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 5:33 pm

So it begs the question where are all these features.

In the rubbish bin, along with Cryteks pride.
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Jack Bryan
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 6:35 am

So it begs the question where are all these features.

In the rubbish bin, along with Cryteks pride.

Hey don't complain, yes they sold their soul to the devil but then again... they have lots of moneyyyyy!!!
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stacy hamilton
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 9:48 am

the original version of crysis 2 looks better than the original version of crysis, im sure when a mod like that is released for crysis 2 people will still complain

game from 2011 looks better than a game from 2007.

thats what you just said. Not that i agree. But thats what you are saying and even IF you were right, i would reply "so what? it should look better"

no doubt in my mind if crysis 2 was pc exclusive it would crush a modded crysis 1. but they didnt choose to go that route. thefore we are left with an ugly game where bricks and other objects are flat and some textures look like they are from HL1 for the sole purpose of 'optimizing' for the consolezezezez
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Alan Cutler
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 4:48 am

So it begs the question where are all these features.

In the rubbish bin, along with Cryteks pride.

Hey don't complain, yes they sold their soul to the devil but then again... they have lots of moneyyyyy!!!

I guess with that logic, then I can punch Gandhi and have diaria all over a care bear. But it's all good, I have loads of moneyyyyy!!!
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Janine Rose
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 1:27 am

haha :D yeah well there aren't manny companies that choose fanbase over money making.

I only know blizzard to really support their fans by free mod tools, free support, very good developing cycle.. companys like crytek need to learn that going multiplat isn't always more money than staying with your loyal pc fanbase.

Look at blizzard, they made BILLIONS with only pc.
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 1:20 am

Out of curiosity. How do you make a city enviroment look like a jungle? Paint the buildings green or what?
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 9:39 pm

haha :D yeah well there aren't manny companies that choose fanbase over money making.

I only know blizzard to really support their fans by free mod tools, free support, very good developing cycle.. companys like crytek need to learn that going multiplat isn't always more money than staying with your loyal pc fanbase.

Look at blizzard, they made BILLIONS with only pc.

They will see the results when Crysis 3 does not sell as well as expected... of course this is my opinion, question it if you like.
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 8:40 am

Out of curiosity. How do you make a city environment look like a jungle? Paint the buildings green or what?

A 'jungle' meaning you are free to roam wherever you want without any stupid barriers or roadblocks or wrecked cars blocking your way. I mean doing a game in New York, I would think they would give you the opportunity to pick your own route to get to your destinations, instead of going either through 20 soldiers or an underground passage... It really takes away the satisfaction of completing a mission.

When I first heard of Crysis 2 being in New York, I instantly thought I would be able to drive around the city, go up to the roof of buildings and stealing a chopper or something. The final result feels too structured for my taste
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john palmer
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 6:15 pm

Out of curiosity. How do you make a city environment look like a jungle? Paint the buildings green or what?

A 'jungle' meaning you are free to roam wherever you want without any stupid barriers or roadblocks or wrecked cars blocking your way. I mean doing a game in New York, I would think they would give you the opportunity to pick your own route to get to your destinations, instead of going either through 20 soldiers or an underground passage... It really takes away the satisfaction of completing a mission.

When I first heard of Crysis 2 being in New York, I instantly thought I would be able to drive around the city, go up to the roof of buildings and stealing a chopper or something. The final result feels too structured for my taste

I feel like the linearity and structure of Crysis 2 gives good focus to story and action....it can't be too openworld because it draws the player away. It still has the "play-how-you-want" style and is more "MAXIMUM GAMEPLAY" over "MAXIMUM GAME." Both a good and bad thing, depends on the angle you look at it.
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Brentleah Jeffs
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 5:59 am

I feel like the linearity and structure of Crysis 2 gives good focus to story and action....it can't be too openworld because it draws the player away. It still has the "play-how-you-want" style and is more "MAXIMUM GAMEPLAY" over "MAXIMUM GAME." Both a good and bad thing, depends on the angle you look at it.

I kinda agree as well. It sets the game for a good singleplayer story which is great, but it is also the reason most people would only play it once. And as for the graphics, both Crysis 1 and 2 has it's good points. Crysis 1 had a lot sharper textures and of course the physics that allows us to blow up huts almost everything else. Crysis 2 looks more 'photo-realistic', the lighting adds more to the atmosphere and gives it like a 'movie' feel. I think if Crytek were to release a High-Resolution texture pack, like Bioware did for Dragon Age II, there would be a lot less complaining on the forums... So please give us a High-Resolution texture pack? =]

Oh and destructibility would be nice as well x)
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 3:44 am

Coulda been maximum gamplay and maximum game so easy.
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 5:46 am

But in the end: CRYSIS 2 IS ONLY MAXIMUM FAIL. period.
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des lynam
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 5:17 am

after seeing the mod i am MAXIMUM DISSAPOINT in Crysis 2
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cosmo valerga
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 3:51 am

modder : PRO
crytek dev. team : ????
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Baby K(:
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 6:43 pm

dear crytek, if you are reading this, PLS HIRE THE MODDER THAT MADE THIS YOUTUBE VIDEO!
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Kevin S
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 8:05 pm

I just tried the EQM pack today, i did not play Crysis for a while, but wow the game looks soooo amazing now, only complaint is MAXIMUM HEADACHE, almost vomit on my keaboard after 15 mn of gameplay , does anybody know how to reduce the head bobbing please ?
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Guy Pearce
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 1:12 am

The modders from Crysis 1 show clearly that DX11 isnt necessary to improve the grfx in a game.
The whole friggin Direct X API is slow as hell. Some guys just "smell" tessalation and go nuts... how stupid.
Even older DX10 cards support softwaretessalation, bokeh filter and multithreading etc...
Just Microsofts **** strategy to make older (but still fast enough ) grfx cards obsolete.
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 6:57 pm

Big Boys to their toys? LMAO, STFU XD Stupid foreign piece of ****

You do realize that *you're* the foreigner here, right?

You're probably one of those southern pigs...
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 3:55 am

This graphic is simply amazing.
Shame that C2 dont have such one.
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kiss my weasel
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 8:18 pm

holy **** that's awesome!
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Emily Martell
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 10:41 pm

Actually there's a lot of image improvement with DirectX 11. A. LOT. As you can see in the attached image. Tesselation, multi-threaded rendering and SM5.0 all add up. Bethesda are going to be using DirectX 11 in the upcoming ES5: Skyrim and they're multi-plat. Why not CryTek?
S02451006.jpg [ 25.64 KiB | Viewed 41 times ]
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