Indeed, its quite funny that people who defend crysis 2 say graphic is not important or looks better then crysis 1, fine whatever they think. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. But neglecting the fact that in crysis 1 you have superrior physics and better AI which all adds to the gameplay and the immersion of the game.
The first thing I expected was that I can blow big holes into buildings or in the ground with explosives, yet only to be disapointed that the whole game is solid like a rock, hell not even thin trees can be shot down. The AI also was a big disapointment, the first one had it flaws but at least they reacted somewhat ok. When you killed someone near by in stealth mode they at least the run scared... in crysis 2 they just dont care when you kill a guy directly infornt of another guy...
In each of this departsment the game is a step backwards.
Another thing is how locked down the game is, which basically does nothing but hinders moders or pc enthusiasts to fidel with the cfg. The pak files are encrypted (already tool there that can unpak it) the console first was totaly disabled but at least you could exec commands via cmd or cffg files... in the recent patch its now enabled, but pretty much all usefull commands are locked down.
So far crytek did pretty much everything wrong what you can do wrong with a modern pc game, epseical when you look at the past where they did nothing of that at all...