What crysis 2 shoulda looked like

Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 7:57 pm

this is what happens when you put money on top of arts. you end up doing ****.
dispite the fact that Crysis 2 have good graphics... in compartion to Crysis 1 mod's , still looks like a **** game. almost at the same level of call of dutty BO.

now we have to wait for Brink ( for the quality of gameplay ) or Mirrors Edge 2 ( Mirrors edge 1 can can be at the same level has crysis is sometimes )
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 10:01 pm

Actually there's a lot of image improvement with DirectX 11. A. LOT. As you can see in the attached image. Tesselation, multi-threaded rendering and SM5.0 all add up. Bethesda are going to be using DirectX 11 in the upcoming ES5: Skyrim and they're multi-plat. Why not CryTek?

Bethesda is only going to add the DX11 renderpath for the sake of saying "We got DX11" they are not going to implement any specific DX11 features, see this: http://gamingbolt.com/new-elders-scroll-v-skyrim-details-directx-11-support-and-more.
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 6:25 am

Actually there's a lot of image improvement with DirectX 11. A. LOT. As you can see in the attached image. Tesselation, multi-threaded rendering and SM5.0 all add up. Bethesda are going to be using DirectX 11 in the upcoming ES5: Skyrim and they're multi-plat. Why not CryTek?

Bethesda is only going to add the DX11 renderpath for the sake of saying "We got DX11" they are not going to implement any specific DX11 features, see this: http://gamingbolt.com/new-elders-scroll-v-skyrim-details-directx-11-support-and-more.

Even this is better than simply porting it and keeping the DX9 API. Because even with just the DX11 renderpath and no Tesselation/SM5.0, then you still benefit from Multi-Threaded Rendering.

Plus "Our graphics work centers around doing things that will look the same regardless of platform, and sometimes that implementation will be different on the 360, PS3, and PC." All he's saying is, don't expect Skyrim on PC too look a generation better than what will be on show with consoles, they want to keep the game's aesthetics the same on each platform.

That does not, however, rule out the usage of Tesselation, higher quality shaders or higher resolution PC texture sets. They may well choose to use tesselation to more effectively render mountain ranges (like in HAWX 2), or include better compression ratios on the texture packs. It just means, don't expect a Morrowind->Oblivion style difference between Skyrim 360 and Skyrim PC.
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Brittany Abner
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 9:44 pm

no .. actually i think im gonna wait for Halflife Episode 3 or Half life 3... since crytek sold out to PS3 and Xbox
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Siobhan Thompson
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 6:51 am

Only better with tesselation and dx11 lighting
All I'm seeing is a forest. You wanted Crysis 2 to look like that?

There appears to be alot of complaining about Crysis 2. I understand that, because the game lacks freedom to go wherever you want, and the movement and destruction physics are not as good. But look at the system requirements, what did you expect? I think Crytek should make a game like Far cry again. Even today I find that Far cry is their best game. The graphics were amazing for 2004 but the gameplay was also like the best I had ever experienced. The atmosphere, the music, the voice of Doile telling you what to do, it made the game just so much fun to play. That's what I missed in Crysis 1 and in Crysis 2 as well, and Far cry 2 was just boring, I'm glad I didn't make the mistake to buy that one. Even though Far cry is from 2004, I would still recommend it because of the gameplay. That's what I worry about more than just graphics. Graphics are cool but not as important as gameplay, unless you only play Crytek's games to mess around and find out what the engine is maximally capable of. At least the gameplay of Crysis 2 is better than that of Crysis 1 so I would call Crysis 2 a better game. The graphics are better too, the engine is just not as advanced as that of Crysis 1, but be honest, Crysis 1 was overkill. And if you don't like Crysis 2, just play Crysis 1, no one forces you to play Crysis 2.
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Monique Cameron
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 5:41 pm

pretty sad that some crysis 1 fanboy can be wowed by nothing but a million tree leaves being rendered and some fog in the distance to make the place look atmospheric, crysis 1 graphics are a joke compared to crysis 2.

And yet another worthless console kiddie I can add to my ignore list. Go play Donkey Kong, kid. Its more at your level. Leave the Big Boys to their toys.

Big Boys to their toys? LMAO, STFU XD Stupid foreign piece of ****, JustinBiebers is actually right for the most part; I only disagree when he says Crysis 1's graphics are a joke compared to Crysis 2, but the point he makes about the Crysis 1 fanboys is valid considering the amount of fanboys i've seen and their posts.
Foreign piece of ****? Pretty weird insult. USA is not the only country in the world, even though your schools teach you that.
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Shannon Lockwood
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 9:46 am

First of all the name : Justinbiebers lol make me laugh.
Second of all SilentPhenomed please U say use your brains and u are saying : LMAO, STFU, XD, Stupid foreign piece of ****. That convinces me u have no brain.

U Sir need to follow your own advice, use your brain.
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Farrah Barry
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 10:21 pm

"LMAO, STFU XD Stupid foreign piece of ****, "
redneck rage?
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 6:19 pm

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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 7:34 am

I really dont understand how someone with real knowledge about Ego shooters would say that Crysis 2 `s gameplay is better than Crysis 1`s.
Crysis 1 gave you so much tactical options to play the game.. so you can play it 12 times and its always different if you want to.. try that with the sucessor! Okay its a matter of taste i guess.. but the point for replayability (because of the insane gameplay options) goes definitely to Crysis 1.

For all you guys who didnt like the bloomy video... here somthing else with different lighting an high res textures:

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James Hate
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 6:20 am

Yes I agree. I miss the freedom in Crysis 2 too, but it doesn't bother me that much. It's just another type of gameplay, similar to that of Call of duty which I like as well. What I mainly meant with gameplay though is that I find the handling of Crysis 2 better: easier to aim, move, use nanosuit functions etc.

I think it would have made more sense if Crytek pushed the newest hardware to the maximum again with even better effects and realism, but meh...
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Lloyd Muldowney
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 12:31 am

DX11 lighting is amazing to.....
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Isabel Ruiz
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 8:20 am

Its more similar to halo i thought
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Ashley Hill
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 6:21 am

bigboulder that crysis mod looks awesome
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Kevin S
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 8:09 pm

Actually there's a lot of image improvement with DirectX 11. A. LOT. As you can see in the attached image. Tesselation, multi-threaded rendering and SM5.0 all add up. Bethesda are going to be using DirectX 11 in the upcoming ES5: Skyrim and they're multi-plat. Why not CryTek?

Bethesda is only going to add the DX11 renderpath for the sake of saying "We got DX11" they are not going to implement any specific DX11 features, see this: http://gamingbolt.com/new-elders-scroll-v-skyrim-details-directx-11-support-and-more.

Even this is better than simply porting it and keping the DX9 API. Because even with just the DX11 renderpath and no Tesselation/SM5.0, then you still benefit from Multi-Threaded Rendering.

The only current DX11 title which uses Multi-Threaded rendering is Civilization V and thats only on Nvidia GPUs since their drivers support it and AMD's does not, so that means BFBC2, Alien Versus Predator, Dragon Age 2, Metro 2033 and other DX11 games don't benefit from the performance increases of Multi-Threaded rendering, why? because it's an optional component of DX11 and developers opt not to include it.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed, but i doubt Bethesda will implement Multi-Threaded rendering especially given the cross-platform nature of Skyrim.
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 4:15 am

BF3 will take advantage of the multi-threaded rendering I think.
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brenden casey
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 10:55 pm

I wish the photo real mod didn't change the hues and lightness of foliage.
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Farrah Barry
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 6:42 am

Anyone else notice the amount of console better, pc better, you retard, wtf you talking about etc etc going on in the user comments? :) Well Im sure that is going on here also. :P Still kind of funny
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Kill Bill
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 7:50 pm

at least, i think every PC user would like to see GOOD textures in Crysis2
i'm saying nothing about DX11, about improoving phisics and destructable enviroment...
at least good textures, not from pity x-box version...
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Matthew Barrows
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