» Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:02 am
It'd probably be better and crytek would've probably ending up making the same anyway (they'd get twice the PC sales, and digital sales make twice as much profit as retail at a bare minimum).
Well, we won't know for sure until EA\Crytek drops us some sales numbers. But if the numbers over at VGchartz is semi accurate, you're looking at 540,00 XBOX360 sales, 350,00 PS3 sales and 134,000 PC sales. There is some debate on how much Digital Download really makes up, but even if we double that 134,000 to 268,00. It's still way behind the consoles. But again, we won't know until they give us real numbers.
If it was PC Exclusive, odds are pretty good we'd had a NYC version of Crysis 1. Which would have been pretty interesting to see how they worked it out. And we would have a game that probably melted alot of PCs
1) VGChartz is NEVER to be trusted. Back in the early days of this console war they always favored Nintendo so much it was rediculous. They have their favorites and it will show.... whichever it happens to be now.
2) I wouldn't be shocked to see PC digital sales be 2-3X retail... why? Have you walked into a Gamestop and looked at the PC section vs any console? PC gamers have looked for and found better pastures because the old ones, when they found they couldn't resell used copies like they could console games, dried up.
3) You DO realize even if you took that at face value AND only doubled PC, it's catching up to the PS3 sales, right? Which means PC even UNDERESTIMATED is a contender, just like the other 2.
and 4) To the guy who claimed an 80/20 split of pirates/whiners.... wouldn't even buy it if you only counted those vocal on here. Sorry, but that is a myth. Pirates fan out to the platforms they like best just as much as everyone else these days... case in point, we have now had SEVERAL multiplatform titles (Fallout 3 to name one off the top of my head) where the first pirate version was 360.
And before you tell me pirating on PC is easier, so is getting viruses from it... so I would say the risks + natural selection / difficulty = pirates who know their tech pretty much being the majority of pirates on all platforms now.