What if Crysis 2 was a PC Exclusive?

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:17 am

Why would you hate steam?

Still mad from 2005 when it was buggy and annoying?

It's awesome now.
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Blessed DIVA
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:07 am

Can't predict the future so...
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Tai Scott
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:20 pm

Why would you hate steam?

Still mad from 2005 when it was buggy and annoying?

It's awesome now.

Its much better than when it was released, but its still lame as hell. The interface is horrible and the amount of pop-ups and **** make me sick. I dont see a point in needing to navigate through a 3rd party program and its various windows just to launch a game i own. When i decide i want to play a game i like to be able to click one icon and be at the menu screen in a matter of seconds.

obviously its my opinion, but i stick by it.
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Darlene DIllow
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 6:23 pm

Why would you hate steam?

Still mad from 2005 when it was buggy and annoying?

It's awesome now.

obviously its my opinion, but i stick by it.

I'll have to agree with Zergrush, I don't hate steam, but I don't like it either. Though I guess I'm just a crusty old fart, because I just can't get into Digital downloads. I like my boxes and when I want to re-install, a Local DVD copy always beats a re-download. On the flip side, It is handy to be able to re-download a game and not be worried about if the DVD is scratched up. I was not really happy that Fear 2 was tied into steam, Probably won't be getting Fear 3 if its also tied in. I understand why they need to do it, but if I buy a DVD, then I shouldn't need Steam to play it. I'm sure someday I'll have to change my ways as DD will be the only way to get games, until then I'll cling to my boxes
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Quick Draw
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 6:05 pm

The story would actually be based on Crysis 1, the graphics would actually be impressive, we'd have graphics options, etc. etc.

To be honest, it would have sold extremely well, too. Almost everyone who bought or "tried" Crysis liked it, and would buy Crysis 2 if it actually represented Crytek in a good way.
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JR Cash
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:56 pm

I dont re-download games on steam, you can back them up to HDD/DVD/BD for when you want to re-install.
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Roisan Sweeney
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:03 pm

We would have enemy squads with decent A.I taking tactical advantage of urban environment rather than braindead **** scattered across the roads.
We would have decent level design with destructible environments.
We would have GFX, control and gameplay options.
We would have mods.
We would have prone and lean.
We would have less than beta-stage amount of bugs.
We might even have LAN game and ability to host games...

I hope I can scratch at least some of these off in the future...1) Crysis 1 was pc exclusive and had **** AI
2)Bad Company had Destructible Environments and isn't PC exclusive.
3) We do have mods, learn to look around before speaking.
4) People still use Lean?
5)The Game is a full release for me not a beta, you must be blind dawg.
6) You're mad bro and u lost the game.
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Ludivine Dupuy
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 2:55 pm

We would have enemy squads with decent A.I taking tactical advantage of urban environment rather than braindead **** scattered across the roads.
We would have decent level design with destructible environments.
We would have GFX, control and gameplay options.
We would have mods.
We would have prone and lean.
We would have less than beta-stage amount of bugs.
We might even have LAN game and ability to host games...

I hope I can scratch at least some of these off in the future...1) Crysis 1 was pc exclusive and had **** AI
2)Bad Company had Destructible Environments and isn't PC exclusive.
3) We do have mods, learn to look around before speaking.
4) People still use Lean?
5)The Game is a full release for me not a beta, you must be blind dawg.
6) You're mad bro and u lost the game.

4.) Crysis 2 HAS lean. MAybe if he played it lol he would know.
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Ilona Neumann
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:02 am

It'd probably be better and crytek would've probably ending up making the same anyway (they'd get twice the PC sales, and digital sales make twice as much profit as retail at a bare minimum).
Well, we won't know for sure until EA\Crytek drops us some sales numbers. But if the numbers over at VGchartz is semi accurate, you're looking at 540,00 XBOX360 sales, 350,00 PS3 sales and 134,000 PC sales. There is some debate on how much Digital Download really makes up, but even if we double that 134,000 to 268,00. It's still way behind the consoles. But again, we won't know until they give us real numbers.

If it was PC Exclusive, odds are pretty good we'd had a NYC version of Crysis 1. Which would have been pretty interesting to see how they worked it out. And we would have a game that probably melted alot of PCs

1) VGChartz is NEVER to be trusted. Back in the early days of this console war they always favored Nintendo so much it was rediculous. They have their favorites and it will show.... whichever it happens to be now.

2) I wouldn't be shocked to see PC digital sales be 2-3X retail... why? Have you walked into a Gamestop and looked at the PC section vs any console? PC gamers have looked for and found better pastures because the old ones, when they found they couldn't resell used copies like they could console games, dried up.

3) You DO realize even if you took that at face value AND only doubled PC, it's catching up to the PS3 sales, right? Which means PC even UNDERESTIMATED is a contender, just like the other 2.

and 4) To the guy who claimed an 80/20 split of pirates/whiners.... wouldn't even buy it if you only counted those vocal on here. Sorry, but that is a myth. Pirates fan out to the platforms they like best just as much as everyone else these days... case in point, we have now had SEVERAL multiplatform titles (Fallout 3 to name one off the top of my head) where the first pirate version was 360.

And before you tell me pirating on PC is easier, so is getting viruses from it... so I would say the risks + natural selection / difficulty = pirates who know their tech pretty much being the majority of pirates on all platforms now.
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Nick Tyler
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:32 am

I dont re-download games on steam, you can back them up to HDD/DVD/BD for when you want to re-install.

Well, my steam folder is 31GB, so Blu-ray would be my only real option and I have zero need for a Bluray writer as of today.

Funny story about those HDD backups, they are only has good has the monkey doing the backups. I lost my backup drive and I dragged my feet about getting a new one and of course in that time I start getting read errors on my games drive, I knew that I had another copy of my games drive, and then remembered I used it for a system disk on another system. Which does go back to the part where it is handy to have the luxury of re-downloading games.

I think my unhappiness with DD (and accounts tied to on-line accounts like Bnet) is that it elimates the trading of games. I can't just hand my brother my my Fear 2 or StarCraft 2 games after I'm done with them. Since my brother has a habit of picking up viruses, I'm not sharing my account info with him.
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jason worrell
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 6:14 pm

What kind of difference would it make? If they were concentrating their efforts of the game on PC?

The difference is they would have produced a game to play in 2015 or so.
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Farrah Barry
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 7:17 pm

Here's to hope Crysis 3 is PC Exclusive or so. At least, it should be built on PC then ported to console.
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 8:48 pm

it would have sandox editor and quick saves, this is what i hated the most about the game
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Noraima Vega
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:18 pm

Why would you hate steam?

Still mad from 2005 when it was buggy and annoying?

It's awesome now.

Its much better than when it was released, but its still lame as hell. The interface is horrible and the amount of pop-ups and **** make me sick. I dont see a point in needing to navigate through a 3rd party program and its various windows just to launch a game i own. When i decide i want to play a game i like to be able to click one icon and be at the menu screen in a matter of seconds.

obviously its my opinion, but i stick by it.

i suppose thats fair enough tho i like the Steam interface easy to use and navigate, it also has a massive list of game that you can buy its awesome and having everything in one place is great.. If you want seperate icons for the games on the desktop you can do that no issues at all...

but anyway back to the thread.. i believe the game would have been a lot better if designed just for the PC.. the fact that Crysis 1 looks and plays a lot better is a good pointer to that fact.
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Kristian Perez
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 2:55 pm

Why would you hate steam?

Still mad from 2005 when it was buggy and annoying?

It's awesome now.

Its much better than when it was released, but its still lame as hell. The interface is horrible and the amount of pop-ups and **** make me sick. I dont see a point in needing to navigate through a 3rd party program and its various windows just to launch a game i own. When i decide i want to play a game i like to be able to click one icon and be at the menu screen in a matter of seconds.

obviously its my opinion, but i stick by it.

i suppose thats fair enough tho i like the Steam interface easy to use and navigate, it also has a massive list of game that you can buy its awesome and having everything in one place is great.. If you want seperate icons for the games on the desktop you can do that no issues at all...

I like to have everything in one place too, my desktop. Only good thing about steam is the fact you can buy games, but the catch is you have to use steam to play them.

Putting steam icons for games on mydesktop doesnt fix the issue with steam, because when i click the icon it will force load steam, eventually open steam with all its pop-up glory, then wait for the 'steam is launching game' to finish, then i can finally get into my game.

Its just a horribly inefficient system for anything else but buying games.
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Josee Leach
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 2:47 pm

About the lean, yeah, people still use it.
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Johanna Van Drunick
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:43 am

We would have enemy squads with decent A.I taking tactical advantage of urban environment rather than braindead **** scattered across the roads.
We would have decent level design with destructible environments.
We would have GFX, control and gameplay options.
We would have mods.
We would have prone and lean.
We would have less than beta-stage amount of bugs.
We might even have LAN game and ability to host games...

I hope I can scratch at least some of these off in the future...1) Crysis 1 was pc exclusive and had **** AI
2)Bad Company had Destructible Environments and isn't PC exclusive.
3) We do have mods, learn to look around before speaking.
4) People still use Lean?
5)The Game is a full release for me not a beta, you must be blind dawg.
6) You're mad bro and u lost the game.

4.) Crysis 2 HAS lean. MAybe if he played it lol he would know.

crysis 2 has a hilariously bad lean. Its horrible and completely inferior in every way to a traditional lean on the PC.

there are no mods for crysis 2 yet. they are just configs. config is not a mod unless your retarded.
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Kayla Keizer
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:52 am

You'd get Crysis 2 with Cryengine 3. Yes I realize that's exactly what we have, but the names don't fit. I'd say this is Crysis 1.5 on the Cryengine 1.5

To be more specific:

- Better graphics in general
- Better physics
- Better textures
- More suit modes
- etc. etc.
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Jonathan Egan
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:44 am

Who said Crysis 1 was supposed to be released multiplatform?

According to the informations i have it was supposed to be an PC exclusive game from the beginning.
The same goes for Far Cry 1. Due to what i know the Cryengine 2 was never developed for multiplatform development and so Crysis on Cryengine 2 never showed up on the ps3 or the 360.
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Dj Matty P
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 6:05 pm

There would be a lot of piracy and it would definitely eat into EA/Crytek's profits.

However, proper sales (including digital copies) would be very high (possibly even higher than the original Crysis) due to it being yet another groundbreaking game. I really doubt that they would make much less money than they're making now--as far as I can tell, it's the Xbox and PC versions that sell best. Like most publishers, they're just too short-sighted to realize that even though piracy prevents them from making the full amount of money (which svcks--consumers also don't realize that piracy is hurting interest in developing PC games), they could still earn lots and lots by making a game that's great in every way.

Since multi-platform releases are popular these days, it makes a lot of sense to develop for consoles as well. But the console versions should be PC ports--this doesn't reduce playability, considering the fact that the Xbox controller is supported on PC. For something like Crysis, the PC should ALWAYS be the MAIN focus.
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KiiSsez jdgaf Benzler
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:26 pm

They wouldn't make any money....

You really are the worst apologist on the whole forum.

I suppose you're one of these morons who think Crysis and Crysis Warhead 'never made any money'? You really will believe anything.
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 8:36 pm

Who said Crysis 1 was supposed to be released multiplatform?

According to the informations i have it was supposed to be an PC exclusive game from the beginning.
The same goes for Far Cry 1. Due to what i know the Cryengine 2 was never developed for multiplatform development and so Crysis on Cryengine 2 never showed up on the ps3 or the 360.

Well Crytek did a bit on the side with the XBOX port of far cry. Which is as it should be, horses for courses. The real Far Cry was on PC, and the xbox port was still a pretty good game, from what I hear.

Ah yes, I remember back in the day, when developers would actually release games suited to each platform. Rather than just stuffing a square peg in a round hole, and having us all play the same game on all platforms, like little sausage people.
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Lyndsey Bird
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:21 pm

More like 80% of PC gamers will pirate the game and 20% rage on forums saying they want money back.

Oh wait. isn't that how it is now?

Well I'm one pc gamer who has brought all 3 crysis games & I aint moaned on forums about crysis 1, warhead or crysis 2. Sure I ran into a few bugs while playing through the SP campaign in crysis 2 but nothing to spoil my enjoyment of the game.
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Erin S
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:13 am

For me, C1 has more interesting story, environments, and memorable scenes and battles. Even if the current C2 is exclusive get DX11, i don't really think it can surpass the C1. Heck, it would be more awesome to play C1 again in DX11!
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:19 am

We would have enemy squads with decent A.I taking tactical advantage of urban environment rather than braindead **** scattered across the roads.
We would have decent level design with destructible environments.
We would have GFX, control and gameplay options.
We would have mods.
We would have prone and lean.
We would have less than beta-stage amount of bugs.
We might even have LAN game and ability to host games...

I hope I can scratch at least some of these off in the future...1) Crysis 1 was pc exclusive and had **** AI
2)Bad Company had Destructible Environments and isn't PC exclusive.
3) We do have mods, learn to look around before speaking.
4) People still use Lean?
5)The Game is a full release for me not a beta, you must be blind dawg.
6) You're mad bro and u lost the game.

4.) Crysis 2 HAS lean. MAybe if he played it lol he would know.

1) I disagree. I can't come up with any better fps A.I. It didn't fail on me, worked as squads and so on.
2) I'm not talking about a destructible environment that looks like **** and wouldn't fit C2 either, smart ass. They wouldn't be able to cover that ugly **** even with C2's stupefying blur features.
3) Already answered in previous replies. Something about retards...
4) Yeah we do, I guess some MW2 boy wouldn't know. And iPwn's iFails: very f*ing nice lean that works here but not there and what you get stuck to, when you try to forget it to not ruin your gameplay experience any further. It's no lean, it's a bad f*ing console-style cover system.
5) You can't comprehend but at least you're smart enough to reply. I can understand if some people need attention real bad.
6) Still talking?
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