What if Crysis 2 was a PC Exclusive?

Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:07 pm

More like 80% of PC gamers will pirate the game and 20% rage on forums saying they want money back.

Oh wait. isn't that how it is now?

Funniest **** ever.
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kyle pinchen
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 6:28 pm

What kind of difference would it make? If they were concentrating their efforts of the game on PC?

Well EVERYTHING that has been said is based on pure speculation. Who knows, the game could have been identical to what has been released and even if they added some extra graphical goodies people would have complained just as much.
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Matt Fletcher
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 2:49 pm

More like 80% of PC gamers will pirate the game and 20% rage on forums saying they want money back.

Oh wait. isn't that how it is now?

so true that its sad, in a way we pc gamers digged our own grave with pirating. now game developers switch to consoles where pirating is more harder
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Chris Cross Cabaret Man
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 8:00 pm

More like 80% of PC gamers will pirate the game and 20% rage on forums saying they want money back.

Oh wait. isn't that how it is now?

so true that its sad, in a way we pc gamers digged our own grave with pirating. now game developers switch to consoles where pirating is more harder

I don't want to ruin your dramatic moment here, but you're talking ****. How? You'd know if you had any idea of what you're talking about.
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Damian Parsons
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 4:48 pm


only sold 3 million and that was after 4 years release. there arent even 5 million pc gamers total worldwide why would they release pc only.
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michael danso
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:43 am

papapak no fps is ever going to oust WoW from its subscriber base....

not only is it a different income altogether (wow is subscription so bliz gets income from it constantly)

but it is also a different genre of game and fps just can't touch the correctly made mmo.
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Ashley Clifft
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:54 am

They didnt count digital sales...

digital sales make almost 2x more then retail sales (for crytek/ea), and like 5-6x more pc players buy from digital then retail
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Manuela Ribeiro Pereira
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:49 am

I like this is exactly like my thread.
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 6:17 pm

then Crytek, you would've earned as much money as World of Warcraft made, which is like billions, but no , u chose ot go ito the wrong route.

Console gamers that i know of, they told me that they share games. Honestly this is justl ike pirating on PC

But if you look at Crysis 1, it got 5 million sales , and i bet people were expecting the same or better quality from C2, wait for reviews and then buy the game. And once ppl review the game, uh oh, its a console port with bad graphics, bugs and ****. So ppl decided not to buy it.

Dont blame PC gamers for ur sales, it is ur fault, Crytek, to move ot consoles. I hope u lose all ur money

You not smart. You make no sense. Crysis is one time buy. WoW no one time buy but monthly buy. You know not what you speak of.
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Stephani Silva
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:47 pm

I like this is exactly like my thread.

You mean you no have brains to?
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^~LIL B0NE5~^
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:08 am

then Crytek, you would've earned as much money as World of Warcraft made, which is like billions, but no , u chose ot go ito the wrong route.

Console gamers that i know of, they told me that they share games. Honestly this is justl ike pirating on PC

But if you look at Crysis 1, it got 5 million sales , and i bet people were expecting the same or better quality from C2, wait for reviews and then buy the game. And once ppl review the game, uh oh, its a console port with bad graphics, bugs and ****. So ppl decided not to buy it.

Dont blame PC gamers for ur sales, it is ur fault, Crytek, to move ot consoles. I hope u lose all ur money


The stupidity of some people can be pretty insane. Kid, Crysis 2 WOULD NOT have made as much money as WoW if it was PC exclusive. What I see in the OP is a stupid PC fanboy who can't **** let go of an exclusive. **** exclusives man. **** consoles and PC exclusives.

Also, the console sales for Crysis 2 ARE RIDICULOUSLY HIGH compared to Crysis 1 sales at launch. There are SO MANY console gamers who buy. SO MANY of them, there's just more of them. FACT

Crysis 1 to Crytek was a failure. At launch, it racked in a measily, million or so sales. Don't **** say "DERP DIDNT INCLUDE DIGITAL SALES" because it actually did (surprise, surprise). It was actually sad to see Crysis 1 fail for Crytek. That amount of effort put into the game was not worth the profit they got in return. Not to mention most profit from Crysis 1 first went to EA, THEN went to Crytek, THEN was split across the whole team. Not that good for sales man. That's why Crytek expanded to consoles and made C2 more accessible to more PC gamers. I don't blame them. Piracy though was not the main reason for Crysis 1's bad sales. It was also optimization issues, people calling it mediocre, people saying the story svcked....seriously THIS is the true and initial impression in 2007. Now you idiot hypocrits make Crysis 1 to be like gold. I thought FROM THE START that the gameplay was unique though pretty repetetive, and the story was good yet had various flaws that were unsettling, and the graphics were **** AWESOMES yet low frames was an annoyance.

The OP is just a stupid PC fanboy. Get lost kid.
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 4:28 pm

...it would still be yet one more FPS in a sea of more of the same... a good one, yes, but I think instead of a video game collapse, we are headed for an FPS collapse in the near future.
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m Gardner
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:35 am

Console gamers that i know of, they told me that they share games. Honestly this is justl ike pirating on PC

Wut ? You know, PC gamers used to trade games we well. If fact, my Brother has my Crysis 1 game, along with stack of other games I played and shelved. Don't recall there being any rules against giving my games to someone.

I really don't understand all this hate against console and console users. It's about like being mad about people who take the bus versus drive. It's a choice based on what's easiest and\or cheapest for that person.
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 5:20 pm

there arent even 5 million pc gamers total worldwide why would they release pc only.

You're a retard.
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Alexandra walker
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 6:30 pm

only sold 3 million and that was after 4 years release. there arent even 5 million pc gamers total worldwide why would they release pc only.


^ nowhere near the full PC market.
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Dewayne Quattlebaum
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:15 pm

Lawl, 5 million total! WTF Wow has what ~13 million alone?
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Cathrine Jack
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:02 am

Lawl, 5 million total! WTF Wow has what ~13 million alone?

WoW has something like 100 million people who play every month or something or 100 million users or something i heard
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Claire Jackson
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:02 am

It would be as open as Crysis 1, have better AI, more enemies, better physics (everything would be interactive), more environmental destruction, more foliage, higher res textures, more usable vehicles, more post-processing, DX11 and 64 bit support, better interface, more keybindings since there's no gamepads to limit them and no stupid "context sensitive" bindings, weather/time cycles, higher draw distance, higher polygon models, more light-sources, less scripted events, less "tactical options available" spam to handhold the console kids.

It would basically be 10x the game that it is now.
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Steve Bates
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 6:42 pm

What kind of difference would it make? If they were concentrating their efforts of the game on PC?

Haha, I'd be playing Crysis instead of posting here...
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Jack Bryan
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:31 am

It would be as open as Crysis 1, have better AI, more enemies, better physics (everything would be interactive), more environmental destruction, more foliage, higher res textures, more usable vehicles, more post-processing, DX11 and 64 bit support, better interface, more keybindings since there's no gamepads to limit them and no stupid "context sensitive" bindings, weather/time cycles, higher draw distance, higher polygon models, more light-sources, less scripted events, less "tactical options available" spam to handhold the console kids.

It would basically be 10x the game that it is now.

and I agree with this, +1
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Judy Lynch
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 7:38 pm

Lawl, 5 million total! WTF Wow has what ~13 million alone?

WoW has something like 100 million people who play every month or something or 100 million users or something i heard

And Steam has nearly 3 million people signed in at any given time.
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Amy Masters
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 7:32 pm

Lawl, 5 million total! WTF Wow has what ~13 million alone?

WoW has something like 100 million people who play every month or something or 100 million users or something i heard

And Steam has nearly 3 million people signed in at any given time.

Wow is subscription based, like most people here we don't agree with that. They got my brother but I will never buy a game like that, Steam, yes, only for cheap games like Monopoly, Plants vs. Zombies, Peggle, Risk, list goes on....
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Christine Pane
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:42 am

if Crysis was PC exclusive I'd imagine....

- Crysis 2 to be groundbreaking in terms of game settings. eg. one can play on the lowest settings on any computer, basically what Crysis 2 is right now, and yet be able to choose from an advanced settings option for extreme pc gaming like supreme physics, face melting destruction, a learning AI, post processing options, better environment interaction, high res jaw dropping graphical settings and the likes (just to add pc systems nowadays are more capable and cheaper then in 2007 so the game should sell better than crysis 1)
- all suits modes to be still available. strength, speed, stealth, cloak and armour
- Bigger maps, with real destructibility
- Drivable vehicles (all types, jets, ships, heli, you name it)
- more open-world style gameplay instead of COD linearity
- and the option to really choose how you want to play the game, you dont need to point out flanking options or resupply points or go here then go there (to make up for lack of true tactical options)
- support for user generated content
- an original multiplayer as good as crysis wars
- not dumb down the game just to make accomodations for the consoles (instead console gets a consolised version of the pc game, not the other way around)
- good anti cheat system which bans cheaters from mp PERMANENTLY

edit: also choice to play on gamepads, joysticks, driving wheels, keyboard, mouse, touchscreens, whatever you fancy. including wii, kinect and ps move!
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jessica breen
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 3:35 pm

We would probably have had free saving, it really needs free saving. + that destructible environment that's been talked about. If I wanted to blow up a skyskraqer so it collapses all the way down, I'd like to be able to do so, even if it wouldn't make any sense to do it :) Buty just to be able to totally destroy the whole level, haha.
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Kayla Oatney
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 7:02 pm

Steam, yes, only for cheap games like Monopoly, Plants vs. Zombies, Peggle, Risk, list goes on....

So is Wii. None of my steam buddies look like Wii gamers though, looking at their game libraries...
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