Oh wait. isn't that how it is now?
We wouldn't be playing it now as it wouldn't have been released till it was finished. Also, we definitely would not see a crysis 3 due to crytek not making enough profit. I'm glad it came out on 3 platforms.
Go back to your 360, most people prefer quality. If breaks a company to make a finished product then they are doing it wrong and deserve to go out of buisness.
Why would you hate steam?
Still mad from 2005 when it was buggy and annoying?
It's awesome now.
obviously its my opinion, but i stick by it.
I'll have to agree with Zergrush, I don't hate steam, but I don't like it either. Though I guess I'm just a crusty old fart, because I just can't get into Digital downloads. I like my boxes and when I want to re-install, a Local DVD copy always beats a re-download. On the flip side, It is handy to be able to re-download a game and not be worried about if the DVD is scratched up. I was not really happy that Fear 2 was tied into steam, Probably won't be getting Fear 3 if its also tied in. I understand why they need to do it, but if I buy a DVD, then I shouldn't need Steam to play it. I'm sure someday I'll have to change my ways as DD will be the only way to get games, until then I'll cling to my boxes
Yeah it has it's draw back but has some good stuff too...as an example not too long ago I got a message from a friend of mine to some links online for some funny vids on Youtube. At the time I was playing Batman AA. So I decide to pause the game, shift-tab then click on his links provided in a chat window and poof, the steam web browser pops up (no minimization of the game that can screw things up as we all know) view the vids laugh and joke with my friend for a few minutes. Then I am back to playing the game. I thought it was pretty neat. That and the amount of Indy devs they support gives me the abilty to play great games as Killing Floor and Magicka. I can understand your guys view but its not all bad

if Crysis was PC exclusive I'd imagine....
- Crysis 2 to be groundbreaking in terms of game settings. eg. one can play on the lowest settings on any computer, basically what Crysis 2 is right now, and yet be able to choose from an advanced settings option for extreme pc gaming like supreme physics, face melting destruction, a learning AI, post processing options, better environment interaction, high res jaw dropping graphical settings and the likes (just to add pc systems nowadays are more capable and cheaper then in 2007 so the game should sell better than crysis 1)
- all suits modes to be still available. strength, speed, stealth, cloak and armour
- Bigger maps, with real destructibility
- Drivable vehicles (all types, jets, ships, heli, you name it)
- more open-world style gameplay instead of COD linearity
- and the option to really choose how you want to play the game, you dont need to point out flanking options or resupply points or go here then go there (to make up for lack of true tactical options)
- support for user generated content
- an original multiplayer as good as crysis wars
- not dumb down the game just to make accomodations for the consoles (instead console gets a consolised version of the pc game, not the other way around)
- good anti cheat system which bans cheaters from mp PERMANENTLY
edit: also choice to play on gamepads, joysticks, driving wheels, keyboard, mouse, touchscreens, whatever you fancy. including wii, kinect and ps move!
And would like to add QUICK SAVE!!
That is all