2. Listen to the crysis community, this is quite a big thing because with crysis 2 you didn't listen to any of us and gave us crappy answers and ignored us for like a whole year and didn't post anything,keep us informed and updated, listen to our ideas and interpret them in the game if they are reasonable and don't change the gameplay too much.
3. Add more guns, there were not enough guns in my opinion and there were not many attachments.
4. I think you should be able to mix up your power,stealth and armour modules e.g. 2 armour 1 stealth, 3 stealth, 2 power 1 armour etc.
5. Add an objective mode where vehicles and ordnance are used, with bases control rooms vehicles bays quite like crysis and tribes ascend.
6. Kill streaks should not be map based, you should be able to choose them yourself in your loadout and they should have a higher count instead of just seven and they should be more varied and there should be more of them.
7. Armour should be a lot stronger when used and running should not take up energy and should not count towards levelling your power.
8. Sniping should be a lot smoother because it is quite difficult to get headshots when someone is running let alone walking. Also the electro-rifle thingy should be 1 hit kill but with a really slow reload time and really slow ROF (rate of fire).
9. I think a roll should be added it would really be a great addition and could be used very tactically e.g. rolling out from a corner and opening fire or rolling out of the way of an air stomp or avoiding a car kick.
10. Assassination should be quicker and smoother, also you shouldn't have to stealth to assassinate, maybe if you assassinate someone without stealthing they make a noise and alert their teammates and the take down is more brutal but if you are cloaked and you assassinate it is more efficient and silent. Also there should be more assassinations, some should depend on if you are using armour stealth or power. for armour maybe you turn them around crush there neck and snap their spine, with power a few punches then a knife.
11. Add more equipment throwing knives, claymores etc
12. Improve the kill cams make them more smooth and actually show you what happened.
13. When matchmaking actually find a match that has people in it
14. FIX THE MUSIC!!!!!!
Leave comments below whether you agree with me or not leave your own suggestions or ideas whether campaign or multiplayer or just in general, hope you are looking forward to crysis 3 and I hope it is a success and is better than crysis 2. Peace