lol - don't be such a sourpuss, attributing influences is fun for some people - ah - I see you have your own favorite there too

I would like to add Scottish to the Dunmer mix and not just because of their generally 'dour brogue' - I feel that the Morrowind main theme takes on qualities that are Scottish, Irish, English (and probs the Welsh are in there somewheres too!) in a kind of late Victorian / 1950s mix like a military slow dance - anyone ever hear the theme for the Archers?. Heh, too bad there is no dancing in Morrowind because a military or royal ball would be absolutely splendid with that tune and arrangement. Truly romantic. Add in the tones of the Landscape and you have that Highland feel again - but there are other parts of Britain where the same thing exists - the Lake District, Snowdonia etc. And On top of some of the higher Peaks in Snowdonia you will find barren waste. There should be vege everywhere in Snowdonia - but it just gets blown and rained off!
Those wonderful little Islands in Azura's sea - ever the Giant's Causeway? - and never forget the Burren for flowers and other small plants!
Name your Volcano.
Imperials have very Brit accents and intentionally so. It's an excellent way to say posh and cultured in an Imperial setting.
I fully agree about the French/Breton thing, :shrug: but add in British Alchemy (there are some very famous Brit Alchemists - one might say notorious) - the French were really more 'catholic' regarding that - and maybe 'colonial' French/Brit housing in Daggerfall but with a more modern plainness.
Give Dwemer a mix of Anglo-French-Italian for their contraptions. The Sun King was famous for his love of such extravagances if more outgoing and extravagant in nature.
Back to the Dunmer. The Ascadian Isles landscape especially is very Itallianate - maybe Renaissance and all artists that follow that feathery leaf type the trees have - but the Hlaalu houses have much Brit/US frontier in details and materials of the interiors = homely and yet again have that Fragonard/Boucher touch though infinitely less sumptuously so. Exteriors are blockier and plainer though so that's more Arab again with a European interpretation. hoooo - what a mix

Heh - the Balmora Mages Guild? see last para ...
I have been trying to picture the Bosmer thing - but it gets tangled into that Green Pact / Woodland thing. We are still looking for a true style that is not LotR there - though I have come accross one most excellent example in concept form - in mods generally people reach for Wooden Tree Houses first and realise later that is not really a Bosmer thing - imported Wood or no.
This could take a long time ... there is soo much that it's not possible to get near without mixing influences - an dthere is more architecture in there than meets the eye. The vast span of Morrowind landscape and culture was visually and architecturally far richer than the bits I have seen of Oblivion - but maybe peole who have seen more of Cyrodiil than I would disagree ... :shrug: