This is what wrought ruined upon Oblivion >
You mean the deadlands 1. Lack of interactive stories for most of the 60 Oblivions gates once inside.
True2. Same scenery that is only randomised with seven or eight different maps.
True3. Lots of lava but no volcano(s) in the background.
So What?4. Lack of background scenery, it always seems as if you're on an island type place.
True5. Being forced to close ten or so Oblivion gates which for some was an irritating factor to the realms of Oblivion.
True6. Why call them the realm's' of Oblivion? Practically it felt like the same realm of Oblivion spammed over and over except with a rock in a different place there and towers place differently then last time but still the same...
Well, first part is true, last part is just another complaim from you... about the first one... that they called itthat one lets most people think that the deadlands are Oblivion, but they are tottaly wrong, wich wasn't smart from Beth.. Nobody thinks about the fact that the Isles are also Oblivion.7. Why no more then one live prisoner? Why couldn't we save a group of prisoners here and there and then cross into a town one day and find to our satisfaction that one of the groups you spared a gruesome fate has now set up shop and they would like to repay you a debt for saving their lives with a handsome and bountiful land grant for you to build your own house with a farm alas (a farm for those alchemy lovers out there) your own stable for a horse.
I thought it was rather stupid that they had a prisoner in the first place.....But if you want to complain about the deadlands mayby start another topic since this is going about the realms for V