What governs player speed?
What determines melee damage?
What determines carry weight?
What determines jump height?
What determines magical resistance?
What determines your initial health, fatigue and magicka?
What determines your damage by ranged weapons?
What determines your dodge and hit rate?
What determines the percentage chance you will be knocked down in combat?
Did they explain this yet?
Ok I will explain better I think then most..
Take your entire character... you see 5 boxes. perks race stats and skill and the stones...
The biggest box by far is perks... likely bigger then all 4 other boxes combined.
The next box is LIKELY stats.. health magica and stamina... and we know race effects starting values in these.... and that you get health every level and EITHER more health some magicka or some stamina..
The next box down is race... we dont know how big it is we do THINK its bigger then last time...
The next box is LIKELY the stones... these do stuff we dont realy know yet likely what doomstones did and then some...
Then we have skill.. we know its MUCH smaller then the skill box of ob but we dont know how much smaller it might be bigger then doomstones in effect but im not betting on it..
Now all that stuff you askes is somehow somewhere in those boxes... BUT m,ight not be anything like they used to be...
Example.. runspeed. We might not have any runspeed changes.. instead to run faster more of the time you MIGHT simply need alot of stamina to sprint more often.. IF however there are more then one runspeed... the trigger is obviously in the perk or race box.
Example What determines the percentage chance you will be knocked down in combat?... thats the block skill and likely block perks quite possibly on the left most perk line in block which seems to deal in defensive use of shields...
Example What determines magical resistance? We know a block perk offers some ... we have yet to see destruction perks so we cant tell if they have a defnesive perkline.. not to mention alteration perklines... it might also be gobbled up by race now.. we dont know yet. It might not exist anymore even.
Example What determines carry weight? They have already said we can carry ALOT more then before and we now know some stuff is in fact weightless like in fallout.... We also know the character they play can carry 300 lb of stuff... We dont know if it started at 300 or not but based on fallout I would expect it started fairly high. They have not gone into detaqil on this yet which is MIGHTY annoying.
In fact we dont KNOW any of the mechanics all that much anymore and have to hope the overly secretive buggers open thier bloody freaking traps well before the game goes gold so we can scream bloody murder at everything they bleep up.... But they prolly wont. Mind you alot of that can be that its not CODED YET. Its only june after all and they tend to code alot of these bits final details in beta.. whioch we are about as likely to be near as alpha centauri...