What governs player speed?
What determines melee damage?
What determines carry weight?
What determines jump height?
What determines magical resistance?
What determines your initial health, fatigue and magicka?
What determines your damage by ranged weapons?
What determines your dodge and hit rate?
What determines the percentage chance you will be knocked down in combat?
Did they explain this yet?
Race and Base Speed constant, and general perks
Weapon skill
Race, Perks, Base Encumbrance constant
Race, jump height constant, and general perks
Race and gear, just like Oblivion.
Race, level, and choices on level-up
Archery Skill
Your ability to point+click, and ability to get the hell out of the way of incoming blows... Same as Oblivion, but improved.
Weapon Weight, race, and possibly stamina
Most of these are obvious.