We :flamethrower: the :brokencomputer: so the

bliviongate: took the :run::s :spotted owl: ..And then we were like :banghead: and :facepalm: while the guards were completely :verymad: at us. Which leads to our :violin: :angel:
haha nice
so we used a fire spell to heat up some steel then we managed to make them look like computer screens which we did not like so we started smashing them into little bits with our magic hammer the had the itching of "Dwemer tool DON'T USE", unfortunately the steel lump was cursed and contained traces of dragon blood and upon being struck by the enchanted hammer an oblivion gate opened up and took some poor guy from the street into the infernal plane, unfortunately also that person was the king,
and in his stead the deadra gave us the undead Micheal Jackson (R.I.P) who started dancing the thriller dance on the streets, the words of the song happened to be the exact words in Dragonic that can summon the rare spotted owl of doom, which might look cute and small, but in fact is the the most powerful deadra in existence the owl then starts shooting lasers out of its eyes and destroying everything, after seeing all the mayhem we caused in such a short amount of time we start to bang our head against the wall.
after witnessing the whole thing in awe the guards were quite crossed with us and they dragged us to jail as the owl burned and killed as it pleased right behind us, when it was time for our untimely demise there was an annoying Bosmer violinist among the crowd that kept playing a very annoying tune that we thought was quite heavenly and it reminded us of angels and stuff.