As a relative newbie to the series, I have only played Oblivion (sad, I know). Therefore I know nothing about the lore, except for the broad strokes told in Oblivion and what I've learned from reading on the UESP and the Imperial Library. Information on the Elder Scrolls, that is the scrolls themselves, have been scarce. At least what I have been able to dig up from those two sites, and also by Googling.
I have heard members on this forum (mainly a certain thread in the Skyrim section) talk about five prophecies written on a wall and that there are multiple prophecies on several other scrolls (it might have been the otehr way around, I don't quite remember), which led to the discussion if Skyrim was to be the last in the series.
Now to the problem: What exactly did the Elder Scrolls foretell (if that is a known fact, I'm not quite sure), and how did the information about there being so and so many prophecies rise? Just the broad strokes, if you don't care to write an essay about it.

Many thanks in advance,