What did you do in Daggerfall today

Post » Wed Sep 08, 2010 1:38 am

Today my dark elf (custom class build) just deposited over 10,000 gold into the bank of Alik'r Desert. Someday he's gonna buy a small, comfortable home there. In the mean time he's going to continue the main quest, and do some Fighter's Guild quests so he can advance in rank in the guild and get some more gold for that house.
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Len swann
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Post » Tue Sep 07, 2010 11:57 pm

My new Altmer joined the fighters guild today after escaping the first dungeon. Got a quest to kill some rats in a store, Dident get any money for that. And then she got the mission to kill a were beast in some ruins, I was a bit nervous as I was only lvl 2 but I went ahead with it hoping my Elven Claymore I got in the starter dungeon would help and then I found the dungeon and after getting totally lost for a few hours I desided to give up, Trying to find my way out and stumbled upon what seemed o be the only door I hadent opend, And I heard something big behind it.. Turned out that the horribly were beast was just a normal grizzly bear

Then I had to save and reload and hit alt+F11 to find the exit.. I really need the recall spell..
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Charlotte Buckley
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Post » Tue Sep 07, 2010 10:07 pm

Kata - you really do! I don;t even START a character unless they have enough spell points for a recall spell!!! :)
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Claudia Cook
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Post » Wed Sep 08, 2010 1:50 am

My caracter caught Lycanthropy a few months ago (game time) and she loves it. At first she was unsure, but she tried it out. She figured she can try to get a hold on Hircine's ring too. The fur is psychologically traumatizing at first for a female, but it keeps her warm at night, so... Today she wanted to see Daggerfall's Queen who asked for her, but when she arrived, she had transformed. She thought that she shouldn't visit a noble in that shape so she roamed around for a few days, attacking guards at will here and now.
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Kate Murrell
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Post » Wed Sep 08, 2010 8:32 am

Wish I hadn't seen this thread!! :unsure:

My day has been spent, like yesterday, trying to get out of the first cave. The screen is about 1/4 size of my 1024x768, the weapon movements are incredibly clumsy (when they condescend to move at all), and often enough I can't even hit the first or second beastie.

Can't get worse, so I keep trying. If I don't get out of there by Xmas I might consider giving up. :foodndrink:
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Michelle Smith
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Post » Wed Sep 08, 2010 7:15 am

Got lost in a dungeon. I don't remember which one.
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kelly thomson
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Post » Wed Sep 08, 2010 12:03 pm

Got out of the beginning dungeon after several deaths, fast traveled to Daggerfall city, got tossed in jail for stealing a lantern. Not bad for the first day playing, I guess. Tomorrow, I'll take the advice found on this forum and play the game full screen.
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Post » Wed Sep 08, 2010 11:59 am

After escaping "Privateers' Hold", I walked a long, pittiful walk South East. By chance, I arrived in Gothway Gardens, where I am currently "living".
I feel a bit pressured, the Emperor's words echoing in my mind. Still, I'm proud to say I'm in the region Daggerfall.
I forgot to mention how delicious the mead in Gothway Gardens is. Quite, quite tasty.
I made a small fortune selling items I stole from past enemies' corpses -_-
With about 1500 pieces of the Daggerfall currency (I'm unsure if the same is applied everywhere), I made a deposition of 1k, something which I plan on doing weekly. Going from the thought gold in Daggerfall is worth the same as it is in Cyrodiil, by next month, I should have acquired enough money to buy a house.
Let us hope the houses in the city Daggerfall aren't too expensive.

With that said, I'm having an unholy hard time memorizing Gothway Gardens' layout, always recquiring use of my notes.
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Post » Wed Sep 08, 2010 4:30 am

You know: M brings up the local map, and W brings up the fast-travel map--you don't have to walk from town to town manually!

And houses, well, they cost millions and sometimes billions of gold :) But I like buying a ship more than a house.
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Yama Pi
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Post » Wed Sep 08, 2010 11:56 am

After walking the distance, I can confirm that I wouldn't cheat myself by fast-travelling.
However, it makes me feel a bit strange, requiring use of the map every 10 seconds, just to get from points A to B to C, all of which located close to eachother.
I suppose the blasted snow doesn't help either.
As for the house, I guess I'll have to sleep in Inns....
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Post » Tue Sep 07, 2010 10:22 pm

traveled to the Dibella heavy region of Koegria and did some quests for that temple (my char is an apprentice for them and a warrior of Fighters Guild), did some dungeons, cementaries and had to get out of Fontbeth since one of those "unguilty pinned to some burglary" quest bugged out and i could never find the last person since she had fled to my house which i didnt even own yet so i couldnt get that criminal stamp off me.

so i took the boat over to Balfiera, looted some tombs and found a map to a old ruined tower, cleared that, and finally left my armor and dai-katana to the local smith in Warwych, and is currently strolling around town trying to remember where the thiefs guild is hidden.
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Cat Haines
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Post » Wed Sep 08, 2010 2:53 am

You'll probably be wanting to fast-travel to get to other towns and dungeons in the bay. While I do sometimes enjoy walking from Privateer to Gothway, or need to go by foot to the nearest temple from a dungeon to cure a disease (tip: carry a few cure disease potions/spells). Walking from the starting dungeon to a city like Daggerfall would take hours/days of real life time.
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Post » Wed Sep 08, 2010 6:12 am

uh...not sure if you meant me, cuz im been playing Daggerfall since it was new in stores...

but...eh...thanks...for the info.
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Kortniie Dumont
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Post » Tue Sep 07, 2010 9:21 pm

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Benito Martinez
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Post » Wed Sep 08, 2010 7:06 am

thats a nasty cough you got there. swine flu?
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James Hate
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Post » Wed Sep 08, 2010 7:50 am

Did some Fighter's Guild quests today, expect I didn't make it through the first one. When I was hunting for a gargoyle and reached the top floor of the dungeon I was in, I accidentally stepped and fell through a trap door and landed on some raised walkway. Not really knowing what just happened, I took a small step backwards and I fell to my death. That was actually pretty cool.

Also, I was doing another quest and ended up in a small room with lots of treasure surrounded by doors, and got ambushed by like 14 orc sergeants. It was an epic fight and I managed to leave the dungeon with a ton of gold.
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Jason Wolf
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Post » Tue Sep 07, 2010 8:57 pm

It's been a while since I've posted in this thread.. My laptop's hard drive died =[.

So I make a new character, a Warlock. Pretty much an alternative name to Battlemage.

So I've been questing for the Mages guild, but decided to take a break, and got a quest from an alchemist. He wanted help finding out the answer to a riddle, given to him by some mage or something, so that a girl will love him back or something like that.

So I trudge across Gavaudon, and end up in a small town, where I get directions to the dungeon this mage is staying in. So I head to the dungeon, go inside, and search it, I went quite deep and spent a lot of time. In the end, I decided to recall back to the start and fill up my wagon, and go a different way. So I levitate up onto this ledge, and lo and behold, the guy is on the ledge. I was glad I found him though, even though I searched a heap of the massive dungeon.

Got my pay of 400 odd septims. I think it's time for a vacation.
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Nuno Castro
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Post » Wed Sep 08, 2010 1:30 pm

Did some Fighters Guild quests.

Oh, and I have a question. I'm getting quests from the Fighters Guild to kill an animal inside someone's house. But when I go to the person's house, it's locked and I can't get inside. The only way I can get inside is to pick the doors lock but then the guards will come after me.

Anybody know what to do?
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Scott Clemmons
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Post » Wed Sep 08, 2010 4:53 am

Get the weakest, crappiest possible Open spell from the mages guild. It will pop open any town lock in one go and the guards don't seem to care.
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michael flanigan
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Post » Wed Sep 08, 2010 10:16 am

Get the weakest, crappiest possible Open spell from the mages guild. It will pop open any town lock in one go and the guards don't seem to care.

All right then, thanks.
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Katharine Newton
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Post » Wed Sep 08, 2010 10:15 am

Fought my way through 35 Ancient Liches to kill an Atronach. You know how it goes. Just another day in Daggerfall.
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Russell Davies
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Post » Wed Sep 08, 2010 10:36 am

I wandered around some more and managed to, once again, get completely lost. :P
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Leticia Hernandez
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Post » Wed Sep 08, 2010 8:42 am

Almost finished with the MQ. Just have a few more quests to go and then I can focus on getting a higher rank in the Fighter's Guild.
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Post » Wed Sep 08, 2010 10:17 am

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Sheila Reyes
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Post » Wed Sep 08, 2010 12:40 pm

I'm really getting into this wonderful game.
My level 3 Redguard Warrior Ahmad, joined The Order of The Candle in Sentinel City and is aspiring through the ranks.
Yesterday he's master gave him order to kill a Nightblade traitor to the order, Ahmad went to his hideout only to find him hidden behind a magically locked door, unable to open it, Ahmad made haste to the exit. On his way, a evil laughter suddenly sounded, he turned around and found a Daedra Lord walking slowly towards him, Ahmad swung his sword and dealt one critical blow towards the Daedra, and he died! Ahmad, shamefully delivered a rapport of his failiure to his master.
Today he got his most daring assignment yet, to stop an army of Orc Warriors and Rogue Mages, who are plotting to destroy Sentinel.
He went to their hideout, Castle Shoj, (Which isn't a castle, just a pit?) and is now cautiously preparing for the entry, to fight vicious Orc's and evil Mages!
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