Have you encountered one of the teleport dungeons yet? They'll really bake yer noodle.
You mean where every third room has a red brick wall door? Yes I have!

I was on a dungeon quest where I found the first person in dungeon one, who could tell me where the item was in dungeon two. He then said he could teleport me to the info in the new dungeon, which of course I said 'yes!' to. The problem was, the room with the quest item had no exit! I thought it was a bug, so I loaded an earlier save, went through dungeon one, found the guy and said 'no' to being teleported. I then searched dungeon two 'manually'. I searched and searched and searched and couldn't find the item. Eventually I decided to use [, my 'Spell of Treasure Finding' (cheat!) and the very first room I found was the same room with the item I needed, and again, with no way out! Without using [ I could not have completed that quest! I have enough quests that I can't finish because the enemies are way too tough for me, or a door that is supposed to open doesn't, or some other bug and I have to live with the lowering reputation, and the people not liking me, and talking about the poor lady or man or whatever who got killed - even though it wasn't my fault! So using my Spell of Treasure Finding' seems perfectly acceptable to me!
@saimon.While I am a Battlemage, I always build up my sneak by sneaking everywhere, even in town! This allows for backstabbing, which raises that stat too. This allowed me to kill a Lich at level 4 by getting a 'critical hit' and 'back stab', on it!