After slaying some panzie woosie bears, spiders & tigers, Chareos The Nord finally accepts a quest to hunt down 6 humongous Giants in their castle.
He sets of on his journey with full iron/steel plate armor, a tower shield & a silver longsword.
After entering the horrible dark & gloomy castle he embarks on his quest, slaying a couple of rogue mages & imps, hereby finding a Dwarven Longsword (oooo shiney

). Killing the first 4 giants wasn't an easy task, (but the Nordish Warrior found great loot,
Elven Gauntlets and lotz o' gold). Then deciding he needed a rest he searched for a dark corner to fall asleep thus letting himself be ambushed by more giants.
to be continued (still trying to kill teh buggers :flamethrower: )
Well I still got em all yesterday, was quiet an adventure and very nice loot!
Got back to the Figher's Guild & claimed my reward, then after selling the spare elven gauntlets & cuirass & other goodies, I went to the Daggerfall bank to deposit my gold.
After that I accepted a quest to kill a Daedroth, this would be my demise. After travelling around for 2 days (Ruins of Ashsmith Farmstead is NOT THE SAME as The Ashsmith Farmstead -.- ),
I finally found the dungeon. Upon entering I ventured quiet deep but after my first encounter with a ghost, Chareos The Nord got paralyzed and bit the dust.
After a magic reloading sequence (ESC > LOAD GAME > SAVE GAME from before my dead) I tried again, avoiding the ghost. Another or the same one ambushed me 3 times again. Frustrated I still tried one more time. This time I encountered the fierce Daedroth and yet again I bit the dust, this time because Dwarven can't hit a Daedroth :banghead: . So after reloading I simply exited and ran with my tail between my legs ^^.
Chareos Rantras