Please remember the rule. No comments without explanations. For example Fast travel svcks or Oblivions combat is better. If Fast travel svcks please explain why. Once someone responsds to your comment please respect their opnions may differ from yours. If you need to say why Oblivion's combat is better, please have an explanation. What I am hoping is, someone may make a comment and someone may have a suggestion how to overcome it. For example fast travels svcks. Well if it svcks, don't use it. If you feel the need to use it, have a rubber band around your wrist and pull very hard on it. This way you may not use it so much then.

There maybe be no solution, like how I wish we could travel to other provinces. Only arean and mods let us do this and if we are on the console there is nothing we can do about it. We can all be civil about it and have a very good discusion about what we like or do not like in any TES game.
For me, I love fast travel. I know many don't like it, so don't use it. For me, it's was great that it was in Daggerfall and Oblivion, because my gaming time was limited and I did not have the time to just walk or run to my destination. Once I completed the quest, I wanted to get back to the quest giver so I can play more instead of just walking. sometimes I would walk back but other times when I didn't have much time, I would just fast travel.
I did not like the lock picking or the other mini game in Oblvion. For me that depended too much on real life human skill and not game skill. I could be level 5 lock pick, but if a person is good enough they could pick the lock and be successfull then. I prefer the more Morrowind type success based on game skill. Just because I hit somone like in Oblivion dosn't mean you do damage. Some people say you keep hitting people in Morrowind and you still do no damage. What people forget is that Morrowind goes by skills. If you are a low skill of course you will not be able to use the weapon properly. If anyone wieled a claymore in real life, yes they could pick it up, but would have difficulty swining it and hitting an expert with it. You could even hit an expert and I bet you would do no damage because the expert which would have a high skill would be hit but be able to deflect the claymore so damage would be done. Right now in even todays technology, nobody can show the game mechanics to do this. (well maybe the can, but so far I havn't see one that does it)
I do like Oblivions style of sneaking. I have so much fun with it, which I never had with Daggerfall or Morrowind. Is it the best? No, but it was fun. Why do I find it more fun? I am not shure. I like going in 3rd person view and seeing it that way. Also I find I can hide in shadows better in Oblivion. How can I make sneaking more fun in Morrowind? (See? I am asking a question how I can make something wich I feel is worse better off that I may not have noticed before.)
For me, it's hard to debate about the hand helding compass in Oblivion. Yes I found Morrowind frustrating sometimes, but I think this is a complete hard to easy with no inbetween. I wish it was a toggle because sometimes I hate where I know where I have to go. Other times like before, I do not have much time to play, so I just want to do what I need to do so I like that I can just go there and play. I would always roll play that knowing where the Green or Red indicator is people telling me where it is, or where to go to get more information. I could only do this for so long and it gets boring after a while. By switching to another quest does help, but seeing the green or red indicator just reminds me on how annoying it is.
There is more to comment on, but I would like to hear others opnions.