Last Seed 16.
Today, I, Paroo Makka, finally got released! That sure took a while! But there's a twist: they sent me on Morrowind! Meh.
So the guard escorts me off the boat. Dawn it is, great! Brings me to this shack and asks me what race I am from (I'M A FRIGGIN BRETON ARE YOU BLIND???). And then the guy inside tells me what I plan to do when I'm released. Make money I guess? Always loved wealth. Speaking of which, he gave me 50 gold pieces to start with. I like this guy! I Could probably use my alchemic or bowman talents to get some cash at first, then see how it goes.
So he sends me to this guard in golden armor next door. Wow, must be some really important guy. Gives me some papers and tells me to go see some gy I forgot the name in "Balmora" and gives me a small map. That should be useful.
So I get outside. Turns out this looks like a poor and problematic village. Probably a bunch of ex-prisoners. I mean, why else wound they have half as much as guards as normal people? Anyway, I saw a lighthouse surrounded by a swamp, figured I could get some useful flowers there. Well you know what? Turns out the flora in Morrowind is majorly messed up! Trees have those huge shelf-like mushrooms hanging off them and the place is full of small fat mushrooms and tall slim mushrooms. Since noone seemed to mind, I made sure to get a whole bunch of them. So I go into the lighthouse. Damn, someone's in there, won't be able to steal anythng. Well I check upstairs anyway and turns out I can steal stuff there. Don't think the lady will suspect me if I "misplace" her cool-looking book. I go see on the top for more stuff. Great view! But nothing to steal

So I checked the small map and the directions the gold soldier gave me. Balmora's to the north, past Pelagiad. North it is! But first, I should get something in case I get attack by...whatever lives here. When I went at the top of the lighthouse I saw giant turtles with claws! So I got pointed towards that big house, tradehouse apparently. Front door locked, musn't be home. But no, the locals tell me to use the back door, it's open and the guy really is keeping his shop right now. WHO THE /$%& KEEPS THE FRONT DOOR OF HIS SHOP CLOSED? Anyway, This greeny-skinned guy has a lot of cheap stuff for sale. I figure with some boots, gauntlets, a steel sword and a shield I should be able to survive. Chitin he called the material. No potions though, and his magic scrolls are WAY overpriced. I'll have to play it safe. The bad thing is I'm almost out of money now.
Well, I'm ready to go to Balmora!¤t=ScreenShot0.jpg
(I don't have much experience with images son this board)
So I start following the road but... so many mushrooms! And I found a swamp with some weird tall "flowers" too. Oh, and a cave. The cave. I went in. "YOU WILL DIE!!" screams the histeric lady, brandishing a club. Woops. Time to leave!
So after running for some distance, I look back and don't see the psycho. Whew I can breathe! After a minute of rest, I continue on my way to Balmora while collecting the nearby mushrooms. Suddently I find myself more inland and in higher altitude and the mushrooms are now flowers. Purple roses, black roses, huge graqe-like plants, gold flowers and some kind of thick purple grass-like plant. And at the end a few blue bell-like flowers. I also see some weird creatures, one like a worm-caterpillar and one like a dog-cow-dinosaur! I finally start to see some buildings afar! According to a signpost, that's Pelagiad. I see a guard and ask how far is Balmora but he isn't sure. I risk it and decide to make it there today.
So I'm on my way again! By now I have tens of flowers and mushrooms stored in my bag. I had to go through a dark greyish ravine-like place for a while, that wasn't very pleasant. And when I left that place, there was a HUGE rat standing in the middle of the road. It didn't like my presence much and decided to run to me. Not taking and chances, I managed to cut off its front leg before it reached me. It went frenzy and tried to jump on me, but failed and I finally managed to slice through it. Soon after I reached a castle! I thought that was Balmora, but noooo it had to be just the nearby fort. It's getting a bit dark too. Well no matter, I run a bit but I finally see the city! I ask the first person I see where I can get a room and WHOA THAT'S NOT A PERSON ITS A HUGE LIZARD! AND IT TALKS! Told me it's to my right. Okay... This place definately is weird. Anyway once inside the inn I quickly get a room for 10 gold. That leaves me with... 4. Meh. But since it's only 8PM I figure I have time to explore the city. To hell with my orders, I'll check that tomorrow.
So according to THE LIZARD FREAK there's a "Mage Guild" near the inn. Sure, I check it out and they offer me to join. Tells me they're about Offering mage services to others and stuff like that. Sure, why not? "Oh and you can use the stuff in that chest, it's for you". You don't have to tell me that twice! Hop, empty chest! When I ask that lady (nice robe by the way!) what I should do to start, she sends me to Ajira downstairs. So downstairs I meet these people who don't seem to be bothered by me and they point me toward HEY IS THAT A FRIGGIN CATGIRL? Well, Khajiit actually, but the worse is I'm right. Anyway, she sends me to get a few flowers. Turns out she's also an alchemist and tells me what the stuff I got are called. And I had picked up all the flowers she needed! So go back to see Ranis (the nice-robe lady who enrolled me) and I tell her I did Ajira's job and lets me be an "Apprentice". Cool. She tells me Ajira has more stuff for me to do. Might as well do that.
Turns out Ajira had A LOT of stuff for me to do. First get mushrooms. *ahem* that was easy

Next is sneaking up and placing a fake gem in another mage's desk. WHAT? Well she knows the mage won't see me so what do I risk? And it's true, that mage was downstairs tooo but the desk was upstairs. So I go up to chat with Ranis to waste some time. Not to be suspect. She tells me some guy at the fort is loooking for me. Really? What did I do wrong??? Anyway, I go place the gem and go back to Ajira. Tells me to go buy a bowl. Sure, doesn't sound hard, even gives me the money to buy it. Well there's a general store just next to the Mages' place and sells it for a single gold! Easiest mission ever! And now Ajira got her reports stolen while I was gone. By that mage again, Galbedir. I demand an explanation! So I go ask Galby what's the matter and she tells me where she put the report, but doesn't give a reason. Oh well, another easy mission. Ajira's like in awe with me now. I speak about it with Ranis and she agrees to give me extra rank. I'm an "Evoker" now. Yay? But fancy titles aint gona cut it with HUGE FRIGGIN RATS WHAT THE HELL DID IT EAT TO GET THAT BIG so I figure I'll ask one of the mage to teach me some healing spell. Cheapest one was barely in my prices (I'm now hanging dearly onto 2 precious gold pieces) and it's a very very minor spell, so much it can only be used to recover from battles. Well, it'll have to do for now.
Well, I'm getting tired. HOLY TABLE IN A BEAR SUIT it's already midnight!!! Time to call it a day at the inn!