I raided all the ebony, glass, and diamond mines today. With the aid of some serious Feather potions (let's hear it for Heather and Scuttle, aye?), I managed to haul 358, 415, and 64 portions of raw ebony, raw glass, and diamonds, respectively, along with a lot of other ingredients. My character was toting somewhere between 4,200 and 4,400 weight units of stuff before I was through, poor chap.
Working on the Tribunal Temple quests now. I've done the low-level quests in Vivec and Ald'Ruhn, but haven't gotten to finish those from Molag Mar or Ghostgate yet. I swear, I'm good enough to be a Curate. Promise.

I leveled my mage till 4, and completed some fighters guild quests. Funny making a mage, my first time on Morrowind.
Mage in the Fighter's Guild at level 4?