There's a mod to do that on planet elder scrolls- I think he's referring to that.

I was (still am, actually...) playing a Khajiit named RaJhirr (no relation to RaZhirr, I swear!!). This time, I'm roleplaying a hunter, for which I need tent- which costs 1275 gold.

So, I'm off making money with delivery quests (exquisite shirts from Rasha, the Ienas Serandus problem...) and a single rather unpleasant encounter with Wine-Sot the angry naked Nord (who I helped because, honestly, my level 1 Khajiit was not interested in facing an angry Nord, no matter how morally wrong helping him had been). After that, I decided to refuse Red (the other Nord nearby Sosia). After all, he can't chase me rooted to the ground.

So after a long, wandering journey filled with more Cliffracers than I ever want to see again, I hit my second ashstorm. Deciding I needed shelter, I entered Thalas Ancestral Tomb, fearing the worse for my level 2 hunter (as all I had were claws for ghosts...). I carefully made my way down the first set of stairs and picked the door, expecting the worse. It opened, and, still sneaking, I saw a skeleton to my right. I stared at its back for a moment, relieved to have something I could kill without too much trouble here, at least, when it turned around and brandished a bow. "Oh s-", I stumbled back to the entrance to dodge his first few shots, pulled out my iron tanto, and charged him, moving side to side to throw off his enchanted arrows. After I finally stabbed the monstrosity to death, I picked at his corpse and cackled.
44 Flame steel arrows (around 4pts worth of fire damage, the low kind) were officially mine, alongside a longbow to replace my worn chitin shortbow. I glanced to my right again and saw an Ancestral ghost who had not noticed me yet. Grinning, I equipped the arrows and my new bow and shot at it- and kiled him in one shot. Immensely pleased with myself, I proceeded to (nervously) loot the tomb, hoping that the ancestors wouldn't haunt me (or that I had killed their ghosts off) as I'm just trying to get money for my livelihood. I nabbed a common red robe, a dreugh shield, and some ingredients (even if they were old) as my prize. I saw two doors- one to my left, and one to my right. I heard sounds over to my left, and cautiously sneaked over... and stumbled on a skeletal corpse. I looked up in time to see a fleshy, misshapen part of a bonewalker poke through the door (let's pretend there was a gap at the bottom I could see it through, mmmkay?). Swallowing, I carefully took up a netch helmet and fur boots (to sell, I guess) from the corpse, and backed slowly away from the door. Instead, I cautiously headed for the right door, expecting a fight.
It was, miraculously, empty. Grinning at my good fortune, I picked a corner, still praying no ghosts would haunt me, and rested for seven hours. When I woke up, I felt refreshed and more alive than before, having seen no ghosts coming to haunt me. I deliberated trying to take out the flesh-bound dead by enchanted arrow along the corridor, but I instead found a nasty surprise when I opened the door of my sleeping chamber:
The bonewalker was standing in the middle of the room.
"Oh -; how the - did he get out!?" I muttered softly, not wishing to attract it's attention. (I promptly saved, titling it "Fuuuuuu-") I considered my options and found that I had only two.
1: I could try to sneak past him, though my sneak skills were likely not up to task in a brightly-lit tomb with a somewhat narrow room, or 2: I could try and fight a big, nasty bonewalker.
Obviously, I had to fight. Muttering another prayer to Ahnurr and Fadomai, the first great cats, I nocked my fire arrow and fired.
He was not amused. He whirled around, firing spells at me until I retreated to the doorway, dodging behind it for cover. Aware that my 35 points of health were rather meagre in battle, I popped out to fire shots at the bonewalker tried to close the distance, warding him off and encouraging him to cast more spells. More than once, I felt my endurance drain away, drinking away at my energy with milk, but I knew I had fire and that he could not last too much longer, so I rallied and continued my barrage. Several shots later (as I am fairly new at the bow), the hideous thing lay dead before me. Flinching at a close up inspection of his face, horrifically misshapen with a too-large jaw and shriveled lips, I picked the corpse to collect a lesser soul gem. Content to leave the ghoulish figure behind me (and desperately wishing there was water in these barren wastes to wash my paws with), I picked up raw glass and, upon entering the room where the bonewalker SHOULD have been, collected a ring of damage health 1-10pts on target. Though it was only 6 gold, I smiled at the enchantment and made my merry way back to my laptop to play some Morrowind.
/end story
Not a bad haul for my first dungeon dive, right? Thanks to the shield and glass, I should have enough to buy that tent and maybe a new pair of pants (since I had an "accident" after encountering a bonewalker at level 2). :hehe: