» Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:51 am
My Imperial's name is Lysander Joe, a descendant of the Champion of Cyrodiil, Herburger Joe (this interesting name has a LONG history that I won't go into)
I haven't enchanted any items with him, but I will also describe my sister's character because she is far more interesting.
She's a Nord named Adrianna Darkshade, and she came across an enchant fire spell, and its our TES tradition to enchant a sword with fire and name it Brisingr after Eragon's sword from the Inheritance series. So that's a cool enchanted. Also, a piece of pretty epic role-playing luck; she randomly encountered a cave called "Darkshade", and we were really surprised to see this cave bearing her exact namesake. She eagerly explored it and I watched with as much interest. It was a pretty cave, except that it was littered with corpses, deprecated furniture, and trolls. It was just pretty awesome, and she decided that this cave bearing her namesake would be her long lost home, where she was raised in the wild in Skyrim. She's not much of a hardcoe RPer by any means, but its just cool to see all the different things in this world that can encourage creativity.