Adding rushing water, pycho and you will make those big lizards becomes your home kitty

Still, watching 3 deathclaws running towards is one of the most exciting moment, especially when you least expect. When I though I clear the road to North, just wander around whitley farm (I think) and suddenly see few red dot on my compass, over the hill. Curious enough, I ran to see what it is and find out 3 blind but perceptive deathclaws, well, nice surprise

For Quarry, take sniper, hunting, laser rifle to lure those deathclaw out one by one. After that, it is quite easy to handle.
For deadwind cavern, melee/unarmed with chems is my best bet. Other than that, combo shotgun with 2 shotgun perk.
For deathclaw promontory, explosives is the champion. Annabelle with splash damage and HE missiles will cripple all of them, and Mercy will finish the job like magic. Expensive, I know.
OR, ratslayer if you like using trick stay on high rock (which is useless in deadwind cavern, though)
The simplest way to handle a deathclaw is any melee weapons with mauler or knock down, good VATS timing will helps you win every time. I often know them down and stomp to death. Still, not good when you got more to come. Never try them with a shovel, seem like shovel got knock down move, too.
The most flashy, loudest to handle it: Annabelle. Aim to the feet, then aim to their face. Simple and expensive

Pumping some steady is nice to have.
The stupidest thing I did is trying Scribe's counter on a deathclaw, thinking that is baby deathclaw. One swipe and I will have headache tomorrow (if I live that long
