Those pictures of Morte, just awesome.
And now for the second part of the Mazoga story

Tetsu awoke excited. "Great! Today, the count will tell us what we can do to become Knight Errants! Mazoga, wake up darling, wake up!"
"Huh Darling? What's that supposed to mean, eh?" Mazoga questioned in a sarcastic manner.
"Oh nothing, just messing around, my friend." Tetsu hastily replied, blushing. "The count is waiting, let us go see what our next quest is!"
So the two journey across Leyawiin, talking with some of the locals, and sharing a loaf of bread. They arrive at the castle, Mazoga waits where the two first met, she is quite nervous to meet the count, she's never heard of an Orc talking to a man of such power, so she relaxes and converses with the guards. "Ahh Tetsu, my friend! You and Mazgoa ready to become Knights of the White Stallion? Well, before I can grant you the title, you and Mazoga must defeat Black Brugo, a terrifying Bandit. His death would surely ease the dangers for the travelers of our roads. Mazoga might of dealt with him, or his peons in her shadowy past." Tetsu acknowledged the Count's words, and proceeded to ask Mazoga in a manner that wouldn't upset her.
"That moron Brugo? He is in a ruin north west of where we stand! But be warned, He is no pushover, and we might fall to him." Mazoga told Tetsu.
"Well, then I think it is better if I go alone, i wouldn't want to see anything bad happen to you, and you would still deserve your title, Your information singlehandedly spelled his death warrant, did it not?" Mazoga nodded, and proceeded to the Inn, to discuss Mudcrabs, Words of other provinces, and other matters.
Good, she will be safe in town.. I care too much to see her cut down by this bandit scum. This map she made is great, I should be there in a matter of minutes. Tetsu proceeded, careful not to alert a pack of Wolves near by.He needed every ounce of power he had to secure this title for Mazoga and himself. He slowly edged until he saw the ruins in question.
Telepe, and Brugo.. What am I waiting for, best to end this now. Tetsu leaped out of the bushes, ambushing two bandit who stood guard. Luckily, he dealt with those two before they could call for reinforcements. Tetsu took the peculiar bow one of them possessed, and snuck into the ruin.
Tetsu was careful not to alert the many Bandits inside, but it couldn't be helped, one by one they charged out, firing arrows at Tetsu, dodging them by mere inches, Tetsu and his trusty Claymore made short work of these bandits. He noticed Brugo was not there, so he took an hour to get into fighting shape. That hour became 3, then 5. Tetsu stepped out, to see a terrifying bandit charge at him. He drew his claymore, as he saw the bandit fall to his knees. It appears a Will o the wisp had taken advantage of the fact Brugo had no weapon capable of slaying it. Tetsu brought the will o the wisp to it's death, and grabbed the ring that lies on Brugo's hand.
Good, I didn't have to face him. But I am sure I would of kille dhim if that Will o the wisp hadn't. Tetsu marched back to Leyawiin proud. He popped into the Inn where Mazoga was spending her time.
"Bout damn time, I might of had a bit much to drink, and that could of turned ugly, real fast.." Tetsu smilied and replied "Haha, It's all right, my friend, or should I say, Sir Mazoga,Knight Errant of the White Stallion!"
Mazoga had a large smile on her face. "Really? You did it? Oh tell me everything!" Tetsu smilied, "While I killed his goons, a Will o the wisp got the honor of the kill, but the Count doesn't need to know, does he?"
Mazoga embraced Tetsu, the two became Knight Errants, in service to Leyawiin. "Well, Mazoga, we need our rest. We have to meet the count tomorrow." In her cheery mood, she had neglected to realize it was nearly midnight. The Count was sleeping. "Heh, I suppose we should get some rest.. But they only have a room with a double bed."
"I think two Knights like us can make that work, my friend." Tetsu smiled at her, as the two went up to sleep.
(Oooo, they like each other)
Through the window of the room, the sun blazed in Tetsu's face. "Morning already? Well I didn't fall asleep until 1 am. Mazoga, wake up, we gotta meet the count, and get Knighted!" Tetsu looked around, Mazoga was nowhere to be seen.
Probably walking off some back pain, I can't picture sleeping in a curiass all that comfortable. Tetsu went down stairs to see Mazoga eating her breakfast.
"Tetsu, you finally awoke! Here, get some food in that stomach, we have an important meeting in 10 minutes!" Tetsu hastily ate the Venison laid on his plate.
"Well, That is most good to hear that Brugo lies dead, you two. And true to my word, I knight thee, Sir Mazoga, and Sir Tetsu. Knigth Errants of the White Stallion." Tetsu and Mazoga thanked the count, and proceeded off to a Lodge for the prestigious order. "Tetsu, I will eb there as soon a si can, I must get a few things together first." Tetsu nodded, and rode his Paint horse to the Lodge.
"Well, this is a nice home, I might just have to display my gem collection here!" So for a good par tof an hour, Tetsu carefully laid out many gems he came across in his travels. He placed two Perfect Sapphires, his most prized possessions, on the bedposts of his and Mazoga's beds. "There we go, all shiny, and tip top! Now to wait for Mazoga to arrive." Minutes became hours, until before Tetsu knew it, it was 10 pm. Tetsu, growing worried, Bursts otu of the Lodge, Claymore ready to go, and As he proceeded to his horse he saw Mazoga, in a beautiful Blue velvet outfit petting the Horse. "Oh hello Tetsu. Oh yeah, this outfit was a gift from a seamstress for our deeds, but I dunno, I dont really like the feel of it.." Mazoga took the gown off, and to Tetsu's suprise, her Armor was on, underneath.
"What, you didn't expect a show, did ya?"
"Oh, no its not that.. its just, how you concealed your Iron armor underneath that dress with ease." Tetu said, while blushing.
"Whatever, let us get some sleep. I'll be right in, I ant to feed your horse some more grain before it goes to sleep."
Morning came again, and Tetsu awoke, a sweet smell of meat filel dthe air, and as Tetsu looked around, he saw Mazoga, Without her Curiass on. "Woah Mazoga, I didn't mean to-"
"Stop with the yelling I'm sleeping here... Well don't stare, hand me my Curiass, you pervert!" Tetsu handed her the Curiass swiftly, apologizing to her for seeing her in the open like that.
"It's ok, you enjoyed what you saw, but forget any chance of seeing that sight again." Mazoga said, in her usual Sarcastic mood. "It's partially my fault too, I forgot I had someone living here too."
The two then laughed about the situation, over breakfast.
I should tell her how I feel... Who knows maybe the feeling is mutual.. But one thing for sure, probably not the best time right now... Tetsu thought to himself as he ate the Ham on his plate.
And The tale of Mazoga's Quests done!
And oooh, there most definitely is something going on between them, or he probably wouldn't be living to recall this tale, haha.