» Mon Aug 23, 2010 10:47 am
Teskinah was heading down the road with another party of travelers, when a few bandits decide to attack her and her friends along the route of SKingrad to Anvil. The party defeat these bandits with ease. Teskinah unfortunatley had blood sprayed onto her skirt, so she stole the Pants off a bandit so she didn thave to be seen in the bloodstained clothing, and her reputation tarnished. After that, Teskinah tells them all to run towards Anvil. She slows down and harvests the plant life along the road. It was a fairly quiet walk along, until a tribe of traveling Conjurers decide to break out into a fight in the road. She could see her companions slain on the side, but even weirder, one of the conjurers seems to have gone insane, slaying his allies. Teskinah attempted to sneak by, when the aggressive Conjurer had his scamp focus all attacks on her. She tried to cut the Conjurer down, but the combined attack of the Conjured Daedric Dagger and Scamp almost proved fatal to our heroine to be. She calls upon her birthsign, the Steed, to ensure escape to an Inn, where she met J'Jynx, a Khajiit Bowman. The two journeyed to Anvil without much fo a fuss, and spent the night at the Count's Arms. Raising a toast to the fallen travelers.
The Next day the two head off to find a fort, in search of great Treasure, to buy a manor they heard about in the Tavern. 5000 septims for a manor? That would sell fast. The two journey on a road less taken, leading to a magnificent estate, where they say the door had a notice requesting not to be bothered. Passing along, they found Fort Sutch, J'Jynx remarked, as long as we go stealthily, there will be no problem. That worked for all of about 3 minutes. The Mercenaries in the Fort swarm around our adventurers, whom swiftly seek to retreat. J'Jynx fires arrows back into the crowd, only wounding one of the Mercenaries. And angering the other 3. THe two decide to focus on the retreat. Luckily, the two return safely. The day was already getting close to done, so the two went to the church of Anvil, where they were told not to enter, unless they have a strong stomach, the two avoid entering, when Teskinah hears the prophet.
He tells her that those seeking the relics should take a pilgrimage, she thinks about this, but decides the gods wouldnt chhose her. The prophet reassuring her they just might. So Teskinah decides, Only if I naturally run into the 9 wayshrines, will I follow onwards as the Knight you seek. Then they decide, why not sleep in the great outdoors tonight, instead of in an Inn?