Days, are fictional, I played a lot today

Argonian Battlemage
Occupation: Farmer, Busboy, Assassin
Staff: Staff of Hoarfrost
Day 1.
Beginnings: After my escape from prison, I had no place to go. Down Lake Rumare I let myself float, hoping to turn up near friendly civilization. At least I might find lodging in which to get some rest. I stumbled upon The Roxey Inn, an unkept shack run by a comely Nord lass. There seemed something shady about the visitors, so I bargained for a cheap bed, and slept the night. In the morning I grabbed some apples and a sweetroll for breakfast, having forgotten my money was run out. I couldn't help but smile, however, as this could be an opportunity for employment. The Nord woman declined my offer of working off my debt at her inn, and promptly kicked me out.
Day 3.
It was a long, arduous journey before I stumbled on a beautiful garden surrounded by large cottages, and a sheep corral. I was amazed to find such a heavenly village. During my travels I had lived off mudcrab meat I had harvested with my bare hands, cleaning the meat with a makeshift wooden knife, and roasting over bandit fires. This village was nothing like Argonia. But surely, it was the next best thing. Evidently, the citizens had been struck by a young mage's invisibility spell. I made a deal with the innkeeper, who seemed to run the show. If I turn the citizens of his town visible again, I receive a paying job. I am not proud of the measures I took to negotiate with the invisibility-casting mage, but they were necessary steps, and I will only look forward. Having turned Aleswell to normal, I was rewarded a bedroll and the paying job I have been looking for all this time. I may only be a humble busboy, but I will carry out my tasks with a newfound and overwhelming vigor, for it is but my first stepping stone in the Imperial Dream.
Day 7.
The job keeps me very busy. The village consists of a pleasant Orc farmer, a fellow Argonian shepherd, and a Dunmer family, the innkeepers. I am not working under the Dunmer. No, my father taught me dignity. For I would be a slave in a free land. Rather, I work for the town itself. The five inhabitants chip in daily for my pay. I work odd jobs that vary day by day. But my real role is to keep the the town of Aleswell' business running smoothly. Attracting customers along the Red Ring Road, stocking up on supplies during trips to the Imperial City, and then some. On all days I am required to wake up at 6 and sweep the inn. Next I will check with all the villagers for any necessary supplies, and if something is needed, I will travel to the Market District to fetch it. If not, I will check the Corral and crops for any oversights, and head out by 11:00 to attract business our way. If I catch a break I'll be sure to continue my studies of the Daedra. Although my only breaks take way from my sleeping hours.
Day 18.
The job pays just fine. And I'm glad to have shelter. I've even grown to put my racial hatred aside. These Dunmer don't mind me and I don't mind them. But I still get little time to continue my studies. All my surplus gold spent on Daedric books, and no time to read them. I'm itching for a break. But I must keep working.
Day 30.
I've been getting nightmares. Seeing things. Flashbacks to my clan in Argonia. Flashbacks to that dreadful morning when the Dunmer came. They carry on throughout the whole night, as far as I can tell. I've been missing early hours because of it. To make things worse, I still can't continue my studies. I'm pent up in here. But I can get through it. If I don't all I will be left with is the clothes on my back and a stale loaf of bread.