What did your character do today? #3

Post » Tue Sep 28, 2010 7:47 am

My Breton Crusader Alain mastered H2H fighting, and made a great improvement on his Blade skill. Crafted three powerful restoration spells: cure both disease and poison, restore 300 pts fatigue and restore 150pts of health. Found an ebony warhammer I'm going to use for enchantment. An effective day to say the least :celebration:
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bonita mathews
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Post » Tue Sep 28, 2010 1:13 am

Buffy's still in Leyawiin for a couple more days. Here's a snip from Episode 71 of her Journal:

* * *
White magic flashed into Slayer as I raised it to block the slashing blade. Nevertheless, the painful impact jarred me to the core and my backside quickly met on the ground.

"No, Buff!" Mazoga lowered the wooden sword and shook her head as she towered over me outside the 'Black Mare' Lodge.

I glanced at Superian as she quietly grazed near the bank of the Niben. Getting no sympathy from the unconcerned mare, I shifted my gaze up to Mazoga.

The orc continued her lesson. "Maybe you can keep your arm stiff and try to absorb a dagger hit from one of your squishy mages, but if you try that with a real warrior, you'll get your arm broken. That's a neat spell you got for your bow and it works real good, but you need to sweep or deflect incoming blows. Here." The orc reached down with a massive hand, encircled my forearm and effortlessly pulled me to my feet. "Try again." She stepped back and commenced a level slash.

This time, I not only magically reinforced my bow, but I angled it somewhat and was able to deflect the blow up and away. I immediately followed with a weak charm spell into Mazoga's chest to simulate immobilizing her, and nocked an arrow as I backed up. "How's that, 'Zoga?"

"Much better. That's the way to keep your arm flexed. You'll never be able to trade steel with a fighter, but you might be able to survive a hit or two and buy yourself a few seconds to cast one o' them spells. Then you can step back, draw your bow and do what you're good at."

* * *
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Post » Tue Sep 28, 2010 6:29 am

My Entries may contain slight spoilers. Ihave no idea how to use spoiler tags, so I'm warning you folks here. Although I doubt there is anything to spoil anymore.

Last Seed 27, 3-433
I finally got back from Hammerfell by ship to the port of Anvil tonight. I had expected to arrive in the morning, but a storm arose and blew us off course. At least we didn't lose too much time. However, I am going to have to stay the night in Anvil. Since I don't want to bother the Countess at this late hour, I'll just rent a room at the Count's Arms for the Night. In the morning, I'll head home to Kvatch.
While making arrangements with Wilbur, the Ra'gada proprietor, he informed me that the Emperor and his heirs have been assassinated. I wonder if Caula Voria will assume the Throne in the absence of her husband and sons. I'll read the broadsheet about it in the morning with breakfast.

Last Seed 28, 3-433
It seems that no one is to assume the regency, and we will be ruled by council for now. I'm not surprised, to be honest.
I'll stop at the shops before heading out. I'll need a meal for the road, and I'll have my armor looked at and my horse reshod before I set out. I think I'll pay my respects to the Countess as well.
Storm be damned! I've been away from home for far too long! I'll push on as far as I can today. Although I do hope it lightens up soon.
I was ambushed by a Highwayman, and was hurt, but I managed to heal myself a little, and made it to the Brina Cross inn. I left Zephyr to graze in their yard while I eat. After a good meal I can focus what little I know of Restoration on fully closing the wound.
What luck. A lady there was from the Anvil mages guild, who specializes in restoration. I gave her a generous tip, and Zephyr and I will hit the road. She also told me I should invest in a detect life enchantment to help avoid being ambushed in the future. I'll look into having one of Father's mages take care of that when I get home.

I ran into Hirtel on the road, from the Kvatch mages guild, I think. He was in a panic. Apparently Kvatch was besieged late last night, and most of the city is dead. The captain of the Guard has been holding his road. I can see the fires at the top of the hill. I've asked around camp, and no one has seen father. I'm going to find the Captain, and we are going to go in and find him. Talking with the survivors, they seem to be pretty optimistic about rebuilding once the Deadra are driven out. It's good to hear that.

It seems my Father and the Castle guard are still inside. That is good. The Keep is especially well fortified. However, we can’t get to them, not yet. The Captain asked me to go into the Oblivion Gate, hook up with his men in there and close it. If we can do that, we can try to life the siege on the city, and rescue my father.
Ilend Vonius and one other are the only survivors. The rest were decimated at the gate to the tower. I managed to heal Vonius, and convinced him to join me. Together we will try and rescue the other survivor, and then the three of us will take the tower, or die trying.

Vorius and I had to stop and heal outselves. This place is a Nightmare full of demons, where even the plants rise up against us! The Lava Seas are slowly cooking us in our armor, and the ash falling from the skies fill our every breath. We must push on. For our people. For Glory, For Kvatch!

We finally made it to the Tower. It is the only building on the whole damn island, and its satellites, connected only by bridges hundreds of feet off the ground. Again, we healed, and Vonius, being a blacksmiths son, repaired our armor. I will not write again until the day is ours.
I was wrong. Vonius and I found the missing man, but he could not be released. He was dying, kept only alive by foul magics, but he was able to tell us how to close the gate. With a heavy heart, I dispelled the magicks keeping him alive, and put him out of his misery. His sacrifice will forever be remembered in the halls of legend.

I took the Sigil Stone from the Pillar of fire at the top of the tower, as instructed. It unleashed a hellish blaze, as the world seemed to come apart and burn away around me. I thought I was dying...but in a moment, or an eternity, I found myself standing in the ruins of the gate, buffeted by cold wind and rain, with Vonius standing beside me. I knew we were victorious, and the storm is like heaven on our baked and wounded bodies. However, the day is not yet won. I will heal what is left of the guards, Vonius and myself, and then we WILL TAKE BACK KVATCH!
We managed to make it safe for the civilians holed up in the Chapel to escape down to the encampment. We all stopped and prayed to Father Akatosh and Mighty Talos to give us the strength to see us through our endeavor before moving on.
Matius asked me to get Inian and make our way to the North Guardhouse, and from there, to the Gatehouse so we can enter. It seems the Daedra have fortified my Father's Castle against us! Luckily, a Legion patrol saw the fires from the city, and came up to assist us.
I lost Inian in the battle. The fool was too eager to fight, and would not stop to be healed of his wounds. His sacrifice will be remembered, but so will his foolishness. The Imperial Soldiers accompanying me have assured me they will follow orders, especially seeing the fate of the man who did not.
The Throne room is in ruins. Salvian and his men will hold the hall. I and the Imperial soldiers are going to fight our way through the castle, and try to find my Father.
I have found my Father, dead. I have taken the Signet ring, and will return to Matius with the news. I will also turn over my Fathers ring to him for safekeeping until I am named Count by the Elder Council. I have fought for a Day and a Night, without food, nor rest. It is with a heavy hand, and heavy heart I write these words.

Today is Last Seed 29, 3-433. On this day I declare my Father dead. His town still burns. The people wish to rebuild. I will honor them and my father by going forth and questing, to earn the supplies, support and respect for my city to be rebuilt. Captain Salvian Matius appears to wish to retire. I told him that I would give him his wishes, if he could but wait out the rebuilding. I will need a strong, experienced captain to lead what is left of the guard to protect my people.

Last Seed 29, 3-433
As I exited the Castle Gates, the storm that has raged all night abated, and the sun broke through the clouds with its rising. A new dawn for Kvatch has begun.

The people have broken camp, and have returned to the ruins of their city. The rebuilding has begun. I shall collect Zephyr, and make my way to Gottshaw Inn to rest. Then I will head to Skingrad and seek audience with the Count. The first step on the long road to recovery.
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Ria dell
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Post » Tue Sep 28, 2010 4:17 am

My Entries may contain slight spoilers. Ihave no idea how to use spoiler tags, so I'm warning you folks here. Although I doubt there is anything to spoil anymore.

This is how you put spoiler tags... Except remove the stars/ *s

[*spoiler] [*/spoiler]
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Emma Parkinson
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Post » Tue Sep 28, 2010 12:21 am

Totally overslept, so had a late start getting out the door. I made my way to some excavation project going on at the request of the guild. Not alot of excavation evidence around, but I did locate the few people that were there. Something something about a pillar, all I could think was - you guys cereal? So I mediated the situation and found out they have a book that potentially could resolve this pillar situation. Though the chick that had it...the whole time she wasn't confident it would help at all and no one had even tried to use the book. (Note to self: revoke her guild membership.)

So I made my down and started unlocking this pillar. I realized I was ill equipped to complete the process and had to run out to get properly equipped. It was a long trek home, so when I got there I had to lay down........
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Post » Tue Sep 28, 2010 8:41 am

Thanks Tob for the how to on spoilers.

Last Seed 30, 3-433
I swear, the West Weald is crawling with bandits. I've only seen one or two Legion patrols, but still. The road between Kvatch and Skingrad is Dangerous. One of my first acts will be to deploy patrols of my own.
Around Noon, I arrived at Skingrad. The first order of business will be to repair my equipment, and sell off what I picked up during the battle. After lunch, I'm going to speak with the Count.
It seems the Count is not holding court at this time. So I will head to the Mages guild. Perhaps they can tell me more about this Sigil stone. It might be worthwhile to pick up a few new spells while I am here too.
We spent hours pouring over old tomes and examining every inch, nook, and cranny of the glowing, humming Orb. Eventually, we learned that it's magic could be drawn out, much like that of a Welkynd Stone. However, a Sigil Stone requires a vessel for its power. By carefully channeling the energies from the stone into, say, a piece of clothing, armor, or a weapon, the Magic Properties of the stone will be transfered as well. In this Stone's Case, it Imbued my Longsword to unleash flames upon biting into my foes.
I took the Mages guild guide to the Imperial City, and spoke with the Watch Captain. He said I would clear out a Vampire Nest beneath the City, he would get me an Appointment with Chancellor Ocato.
I managed to clear the nest out, but was only able to stabilize myself from dying. I'll be spending a few nights down here. At least I have plenty of clean water with me. I'm so tired...

Heartfire 2 3-433
My days were spent in lethargy...I fear my blood had been drained. I feared that I would die. My frequent need to sleep was no sanctuary, as my dreams were plauged with bloody Nightmares. Today I awoke from a dream...and I had a craving that I have never felt before. It seemed as if I could smell everything, and see in the dark. I feel strong again. Stronger than before, even.
Knowing something was wrong, and fearing the worst, I went to the Temple of the One, and spoke with a priest of Arkay. He politely listned to my tale. He said they could not cure me. My curse wa beyond their ability. He did refer me to the Arcane University. I hope they can help me.
After Speaking with the Consul at the University, I discovered that the very man I spent a day trying to seek, would be willing to see me. Perhaps I have discovered a means of aiding him after all. I wasted no time in taking the guide back to Skingrad.

Heartfire 3, 3-433
I spent the rest of the Night at the Mages guild. As an associate, I am allotted a bed. Ensuring I was dressed in my best, I went to the Castle in the Morning.
I will not write here why the Count wants my help seking this cure, only that he does. If I aid him in this, He has granted us permission to Quarry stone from Skingrad County.
Needless to say I began to seek out the witch Immediately. I made arrangements with the Mages guild to teleport myself, and my horse to Cheydinal, at signifigant expense. The Cross country trip to Drakelowe was mercifully uneventful. Not even a bandit or wolf to slow me down.
Melissande, the Witch, offered to help me, at the cost of 5 empty Grand Soul gems. I haven't even seen on since leaving Hammerfell. I hope I can find all I need.

Heartfire 4, 3-433
I was able to collect all the Soul gems I needed without having to set foot outside of the Mages guild halls, via teleportation. Chorral I should have gone to first, as they had three free to any associate.
I spoke to Melissande, and got a shopping list. Most of it will be easy enough. I don't look forward to stabbing some poor argonian sot. I also have the location of a particularly powerful Vampire I need to slay and take the Ashes of. The next couple of days will be very busy.
Heartfire 4, 3-433
While Trekking south to the tomb of Hindarel, I ran across a shrine out in the wilderness. All the worshippers there seemed rather...well, comatose, but upright. Spooky. I kept moving.

I make this entry before I go to engage the Vampire Hindarel in Mortal Combat, so my Fate will be known, should I perish. May Arkay and Talos guide my blade.

The fools cronies were more challenging than the aincent himself. To absorbed in his own power, he fought me unarmed. I smashed him with my shield to stagger him, then ran him through with my sword, letting the Daedric fire infused in my blade consume him. Now, to find an Argonian, and then go shopping.
Excellent. I have only to wait, and the cure will be ready for me to deliver to Count Hassildor.
Heartfire 6, 3-433
I recived the Cure this morning, and made hastily back to Skingrad. As I was stabling my horse, a messenger from Captain Matius arrived. I tipped him and sent him with a message to inform Matius to expect me in Kvatch in the next day or two. I will read his message after my business with the Count is completed.
Hai-Lurz, the castle Steward led me back out to the courtyard, and opened a secret passageway. I was instructed to go down the steps and meet the Count Hassildor within.
The passageway let into a tunnel, deep in the heart of the Mountain Castle Skingrad sits upon. Within is a small chamber with a bed, where a woman lies as if the object of a funeral wake. Beside her sat the Janus Hassildor himself. As promised. Suprisingly, Melissande was there as well.
I was asked to stand back and be quiet. The Countess was awoken, and was not happy to be so. Janus had her drink the potion, and she promptly died the pain and hunger in her features no more.
I was turned out and told to come back in the morning. Count Hassildor needed time to mourn, and make arrangements. I am to speak to Hai-Lurz in the morning. I suppose I will rent a room in the West Weald Inn again, and suffer my own curse one more night.

Heartfire 8, 3-433
The Count was very thankful that I was able to help him end the suffering of his wife. He gave me the remaining dose of the cure, as well as paying me 10,000 septims, to be used towards the reconstruction of Kvatch. I spoke to him about the Bandit problem, but there is little he can do at this time. However, I have fostered a friendship, that can become a measure of diplomatic support, should I ver need the assistance of Count Hassildor, or Skingrad. I shall collect my horse, and make for Kvatch, as promised.
Interestingly enough, Captain Matius needed me to return to Skingrad, and ask the Count for help from his Masons and Architechts. Or course, I will be paying them with the money I have already recieved from him to assisst us in rebuilding. However, I go there now in my official capacity, and not just as an adventurer with a cause.
Due to the late hour of my arrival back in Skingrad, the Count was unwilling to see me. The steward did bring back a note requesting I dine with the Count tommorrow. I shall be renting what has become my usual room at the West Weald Inn for the night, and take care of a few minor errands in the afternoon.

Heartfire 11, 3-433
I spent the last couple days making arrangements with the Mason's guild, and we finally settled on a price. They will arrive shortly after I do in Kvatch. For now, I only want a strong drink and plenty of sleep.

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Claire Lynham
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Post » Tue Sep 28, 2010 1:46 am

@ Ashwanderer

Youre welcome.

Interesting tale btw. Though im surprised your character didn't once need to drink blood... or did he just decide not to write that part down?
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Post » Tue Sep 28, 2010 10:18 am

He felt to guilty to admit to it, and didn't bother to record it. He was fortunate in that he wasn't a vampire for more than a week before receiving the cure.
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Post » Tue Sep 28, 2010 6:41 am

19th Heartfire, 3E 433 (Caution, spoilers)

-Today dawned bright and cold, but since I'm in Feldscar, a Nord village on the Cyrodiil-Skyrim border, what morning isn't? Quick breakfast before continuing on...

-Trip back to Bruma was uneventful, the clear skies held out all the way. I'm here today to pay a quick visit to the Fighters Guild and put a few newly acquired valuables into my handy magic storage chest, including Obsidian armor and a rather powerful defensive staff, as well as retrieve some glow dust for Azura. I just hope I have enough.

-Met a nasty bandit in the woods on my way back to Feldscar named Vyka Helrst. She put up a terrible fight and the snow was stained red with our blood by the time it was finished. Fortunately I was the victor, and she was carrying some pretty valuable stuff, including Mithril armor and a heavy cape emblazoned with great black dragon that was capable of placing a strong magical barrier around me. She seemed to be some kind of bandit leader. No doubt her clan will not take kindly to my killing her, but hey, she started it!

-Offered the glow dust to Azura as the sun began to dip and the ground turned pink. She gave me a simple task to earn her favor: Travel to the Gutted Mine and slay five of her followers, who had been afflicted with vampirism after slaying the lord Drakken in her name.

-It was a harrowing adventure through that mine, two of her followers were Orsimer, and I'm nowhere near strong enough to fight them head-on. Thankfully, the cover of shadow gave me advantage enough, as I am well adapted to striking unseen with my bow. Unfortunately, the biggest orc noticed me, and led to a frantic race through the caves, me trying to keep enough distance from his axe to keep the stream of arrows going, and him just not seeming to even notice me hitting him. Maybe it was the armor? Or maybe it was just him being a natural berserker? Either way, it was close, and he nearly crushed me as his body fell before he dissolved in a cloud of dust. I hope I can carry all this loot out! Good thing I packed a few feather potions.

-Azura thanked me for freeing the souls of her followers, and rewarded me with her legendary Star. It's getting too cold and dark to travel now, so I might as well pull up next to the fire and rough it. There's a reason I carry this heavy bedroll around, you know.

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Post » Tue Sep 28, 2010 5:00 am

My Bosmer Alchemist Fenella finally got around to visiting Weynon Priory and was asked to go fetch the priest who'd been so nice to her after she closed the Oblivion Gate there. She was able to do so with very little problem as she'd already killed just about everything not wearing Legion Armor on the road from Kvatch to Chorrol.

However, despite her futile attempts to point out that she was vulnerable to creature attacks, unlike either Martin ar Jauffrey, she wound up taking point for them the entire trip from the Priory to Cloud Ruler Temple. However, she tricked them into leaving their horses behind in Chorrol and let them do the actual fighting whenever something attacked. Since they weren't interested she did take all the loot from the bodies.

Afterward, still pissed at Jauffrey over the whole thing, she grabbed everything in Cloud Ruler Temple that wasn't nailed down and sold it.
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Post » Tue Sep 28, 2010 10:58 am

He found out that he is a Nord named Harald and not at Breton named Eidolon. He also found out that he is a crusader and not a spellsword.... oh confusion :)
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Post » Tue Sep 28, 2010 5:22 am

@ [skyrim sig]

I'll buy Skyrim.. and I dont care how many beggars, virtual and real, I have to sacrifice in perverse rituals to the gods of madness to get it!!
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oliver klosoff
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Post » Tue Sep 28, 2010 10:31 am

training his butt of at the shore mastering the art of conjuration. thats was 2 nights ago however lol
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john palmer
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Post » Tue Sep 28, 2010 7:10 am

Aldaril Camoran went searching for Orcish armour today. He scrounged forts, ruins, and everything else interesting in the horizon to find that armour. He already had most parts needed for a full Dwarven set, which he was aiming for, but after learning that the bandits out there had got a new supply of armour he went to look for it. However, after acquiring an Orcish cuirass, boots, and greaves, he found the much needed Dwarven helm and gauntlets he needed. How he wanders Cyrodiil in search of the remaining Orcish parts in a mix of Orcish and Dwarven armour, looking BA!
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Beulah Bell
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Post » Tue Sep 28, 2010 1:02 am

I wasn't feeling particularly productive today so I went into the Market District and frenzied a few citizens, waited until they were all killed and looted their bodies. Then I went to the Area, completed all the missions, told Argonak he was vampire spawn, insulted him for it then kicked the living crap out of him to become the champion.

It's good to be a jerk character every once in a while. I've been playing nice guys/girls too often.
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Post » Tue Sep 28, 2010 6:14 am

A small snip from Episode 73 of Buffy's Journal:

* * *
After carefully noting where my prey had fallen, I shouldered Slayer. Grasping the small pouch containing a lock of my mare's mane, I stared at Superian's pink glow located behind a group of large boulders. "I need you." It took her only a few moments to make her way to my side. Once I was in the saddle, we threaded our way between snow-covered pines until drawing to a stop next to the deer.

"Buffy," instructed Daenlin, "always honor a deer's spirit. For without their sacrifice, we would perish. Wish them a safe journey that they may return to nourish us again." As was often his habit, he then tapped a gentle finger to the tip of my nose. "Do you understand?"

"Yes, Master," I said looking up into the eyes of the elf who taught me to hunt. "Even though it was you who killed this doe, can I still thank her?"

Daenlin lowered his hand to my small shoulder and said gently, "Of course, my Apprentice."

As the memory of Daenlin's words faded, I slipped to the ground and knelt by the warm carcass. "Thank you, young buck. I will wisely use the bounty of your flesh and magic. May your spirit have a safe journey."

I could see my breath in the cold air as I cut the arrow free and wiped it down. Satisfied that it was undamaged, I returned it to my quiver. I then transferred the animal's magic energy from Azura's Star to Slayer. After field dressing the deer, I raised one fist above my head and released a burst of white magic which quickly settled over me. Assisted by the brief enhancement to my strength, I was able to lift the buck up behind Superian's saddle and lash it down. After checking my map, I remounted the mare. We continued north to the sound of hooves crunching snow.

* * *
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Post » Tue Sep 28, 2010 11:47 am

She battled her way right to the last level of Nenalata, without starting the relevent quest. She got pretty angry, so she decided to complete her pilgrimage, thinking some time with the Gods would soothe her soul, then she levelled up twice just from making potions. She's very fond of alchemy.
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Latisha Fry
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Post » Tue Sep 28, 2010 3:05 pm

Harald have started to focus on his blade skill after I mastered blunt. I also made a spell that restore about 100-120 health to keep myself alive.
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Post » Tue Sep 28, 2010 5:15 am

Buffy's been busy doing what she does best. Here's a snip, from Episode 75 of her Journal, of the mystic archer bowgirl in action:

* * *
Waves of dry heat welcomed me to Peryite's realm. Within seconds, I was reaching for an arrow as a clannfear - straight from my nightmares - charged. My Slayer-propelled arrow jerked the Daedra to a stop momentarily as a pair of his brethren quickly caught up to him. An emerald burst of illusion magic swirled from my fingertips into the massive shield-like head of clannfear number two. Almost instantly I tossed a sphere of magic into the air which erupted above my head. As the glow descended over me, I disappeared from sight and the bones of a skeleton appeared to take my place.

The clannfear under my command, along with the skeleton I had summoned, occupied the other two Daedra for the moment. I poisoned an arrow and nocked it. As I drew tension, my bow and hands reappeared in front of me. One clannfear had survived the melee and immediately turned his attention toward me.

Slayer stunned the Daedra as my hand shot over my shoulder for the tail of another arrow. The badly wounded and poisoned clannfear shook off the sparks that arced around his armored head and resumed the charge. With a calmness that surprised me, I stood my ground, pulled silk to cheek and loosed again. Before I could chase the arrow with a spell that would briefly immobilize my foe, the song of Azura's Star announced the fight was over.

* * *
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Nichola Haynes
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Post » Tue Sep 28, 2010 12:55 pm

I TCL'd to the top of the jeral mountains then when out of the map in skyrim where i modded in a small villlage with tavern and occasional skeleton attacks.
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chloe hampson
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Post » Tue Sep 28, 2010 10:32 am

Today Glaudius Arcadia discovered the massacre at the Anvil Chapel and vows to deal with those responsible.
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Kaylee Campbell
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Post » Tue Sep 28, 2010 12:16 pm

Rasha learned the art of Geomancy. He is really interested in learning more and practicing this art because he thinks it may be a way to overcome his natural limitations with magic (born under the Atronach). He is currently harvesting for magicka potions so that he can safely venture into a couple mines he has passed by recently.
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Romy Welsch
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Post » Tue Sep 28, 2010 7:03 am

Well last night. Closed this strange gate outside of a city gate which is top of a hill. Clear out the badies in that city. Now I have this priest following me what other say that he is the next king.
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Post » Tue Sep 28, 2010 8:57 am

Destroyed a nasty fellow names Umaril and get some cool enchanted swords :obliviongate:
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Post » Tue Sep 28, 2010 6:59 am

...finally got all the games achievements...including SI...now it's back to HQ to rummage through all the spoils and apparel... think I'll see what new potions and poisons I can come up with for a while, then head out and research their effects on various enemies...slip in on Ardaline from time to time...the usual.
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