"All screenshots we've released are 100% in game showing stuff we've already got implemented. We haven't done any special poses or anything like that, with the exception of magazine covers."------ http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_rn-IWIiuLOU/R_l-iZ0aEvI/AAAAAAAAAHc/tXNTp1TyxCs/s320/oblivion-horseback2.jpg the Skyrim trailer I believe is far more effective at stating whats in game atm, even if it is subject to change
[MrSmileyFaceDude] "I'm sorry, but what part of "without losing our broiler rpg fans" don't you understand?"-----didnt lose me :shrug:
[Slateman] "Each of the faction lines in this game have plots and quests to much greater depth over MW. Quality, not quantity."---- going strictly by Faction questlines, I have to disagree theres very little information about factions in Skyrim BUT it stated they dont ignore each other this time around :thumbsup:
[MrSmileyFaceDude] "I know you don't want to hear it, but you're just going to have to trust us that the dialogue is better than Morrowind's."---------] ehhh, Im a bit iffy there
[Todd] "As you play, you start to figure out what you can do with these NPCs, and how you can influence their behavior, and when doing a quest, it really comes into play. A simple 'get the diamond from that guy...' quest can be done in hundreds of ways now."----------- the Orum gangs behavior probably the most sensible to alter did not change in the least, if the leader was slain, the runner still runs, of the runner was slain, a new one isnt made, if the runners contacts are slain, she still makes the trip :shrug: Radiant story is definently going to remedy this it seems
to aid players in battle, more than 700 pieces of armor and weaponry will be scattered throughout the game. An item that resurrects defeated opponents into slaves and vampirism are two other tools that can be utilized, and if players are clever they can also use their surroundings to their advantage as well. Dungeons, for instance, will be full of traps that can be triggered by characters and enemies alike. --- all of that sounds awesome until you see the excecution, then it becomes a worthless gimmick, and 700 armor peices? pffft
[VSXX] "We have everything from mice to moles to crickets. The most fearsome you have ever seen even! You thought sleeping at night with a singing cricket outside your window was bad. You wait till you meet the one that plays a 14 piece drum set outside your window." I can't point this to anything other than Sarcasm you can't even hear whats going on outside....not even weather...but with ambient fish in Skyrim, im hopeful <3
[Pete] "Honestly, and this is just my opinion, I think the broiler RPG guys are going to love what we have in store for them in Oblivion. The depth, the level of polish...it crushes Morrowind. That doesn't mean that other people won't want to buy it and play it because it's a beautiful game that has fun combat and cool quests. We'll make enough copies for everyone."------- and in my opinion.....lol only the second half is true but from whats been heard so far, Skyrim will prove true to this statement
[MrSmileyFaceDude] "You'll be reading LOTS of stuff. All of the quest lines are much more in depth, challenging and interesting. And there's a heck of a lot more to the game than just the guilds and the main quest. Lots and lots of other things to do that haven't been mentioned. Stats play a huge, huge role. Class actually has meaning this time. The game is better balanced. You have more rewards for advancement besides just getting better at things. The dungeons are better designed, the NPCs are more interesting, the dialogue is better written
If you think this is a simple, dumbed down hack & slash, you couldn't be more wrong."--------- thats arguable
[BlueDev] "For Oblivion, there's a very concious effort to avoid too much random information spewing by NPCs. Fear not--there's still the same amount of info to be found in the game. In fact, the NPCs probably have more than ever to say; it just makes more sense for them to say it."
--------I met a mudcrab the other day......
[[MrSmileyFaceDude] "Oblivion is infinitely superior to Morrowind in every conceivable way."-------- Hype
[MattRyan] "So for all of you thinking that it would be neat to steal something, and then take off on your horse....guess what? An NPC can do the same pepper paste trick to you as well. " -----no not really...not ever in fact, but Skyrim should be much different