What If We Didn't Know Anything?

Post » Wed May 18, 2011 8:50 pm

What if the only thing we knew about Skyrim was its announcement back in December? How would you feel if Bethesda kept everything a secret about the game until release? Except that we would know it would be set in Skyrim and there would most likely be dragons in the game?

I'm bored right now and can't think of anything to discuss....so...discuss.
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Sandeep Khatkar
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 7:40 am

What if the only thing we knew about Skyrim was its announcement back in December? How would you feel if Bethesda kept everything a secret about the game until release? Except that we would know it would be set in Skyrim and there would most likely be dragons in the game?

I'm bored right now and can't think of anything to discuss....so...discuss.

I would still wait for professional and amateur reviews of the game to see if it has gameplay and features that I would enjoy before making a purchase of Skyrim.
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Nitol Ahmed
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 2:42 am

There would probably be a riot on the forum every day till we got some info :gun:
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TIhIsmc L Griot
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 4:21 am

That would svck, it would certainly create a lot of rumors and speculation on these forums thats for sure.
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Kat Stewart
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 10:00 am

I would enjoy the game a lot more. I tend to love games more when I know nothing about it (for example: Oblivion). When I start hyping things up (if the previous game was awesome, I WILL hype myself up for the sequel) I tend to get disappointed. This was the case for the Halo games after Halo 3. I hope this won't happen again for Skyrim
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Danial Zachery
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 8:44 am

id get bored, and do something else.
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Louise Andrew
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 9:55 pm

I would watch the world burn or look at people trolling
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Veronica Flores
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 11:57 pm

That would svck, it would certainly create a lot of rumors and speculation on these forums thats for sure.

Like there isn't enough already...
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Dawn Porter
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 7:35 pm

Thats why i'm going to completely shut myself out from skyrim information after E3... don't want to spoil too much :hubbahubba:
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 7:11 am

I would be much happier, I think.
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Sakura Haruno
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 10:51 pm

It would be like waiting for Neverwinter. Tense, unappreciated, and worrisome if they think it will have any commercial success. Believe me, a little information goes a long way.
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Emzy Baby!
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 9:37 am

Thats why i'm going to completely shut myself out from skyrim information after E3... don't want to spoil too much :hubbahubba:

after E3? Isn't it too late? :lmao:
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Ben sutton
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 3:33 am

What if the only thing we knew about Skyrim was its announcement back in December? How would you feel if Bethesda kept everything a secret about the game until release? Except that we would know it would be set in Skyrim and there would most likely be dragons in the game?

Wouldn't make much difference for me. I'd still be looking forward to it, and wondering what the system requirements will be. :shrug:
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Add Meeh
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 3:03 am

In my case, it would make no difference; I don' plant to buy on release day... I won't seriously look into it until after February, so by then, I will have more information posted about the game by the time I start looking to buy it than I would have found by scrounging daily for tid-bits from now until November; whether or not they released anything pre-launch.

** The only reason to pre-order a game anymore, is to acquire the CE, and/ or get the initial version and not the revised re-release. In Skyrims' case, it does not matter to me what version, so even the GOTY version would suit me fine.
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Rachael Williams
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 5:31 am

I'd be worried on why they were keeping everything a secret.
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Brittany Abner
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 12:00 am

This forum would be a lot less violent, I can tell you that. :P

I think that it's great that Bethesda's PR is so extensive this time around, and they really are doing a great job at steadily supplying us with new interviews and screenshots, but with it there's been a lot of ambiguity in things like birthsigns and spellmaking, which have just caused utter chaos. It would've been nice if Pete Hines were allowed to clear up some of the controversial things that magazines have had contradictory views on, but I understand we can't deluge every bit of information no matter how desperate us forum folk get.
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Baylea Isaacs
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 12:35 am

This forum would be a lot less violent, I can tell you that. :P

I think that it's great that Bethesda's PR is so extensive this time around, and they really are doing a great job at steadily supplying us with new interviews and screenshots, but with it there's been a lot of ambiguity in things like birthsigns and spellmaking, which have just caused utter chaos. It would've been nice if Pete Hines were allowed to clear up some of the controversial things that magazines have had contradictory views on, but I understand we can't deluge every bit of information no matter how desperate us forum folk get.
Some of the ads have been pretty impressive.
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Jack Bryan
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 8:18 pm

If you want tourture, Arena net announced Guild Wars 2 back in 2007-2008, ever since they have been feeding us with screens, races, classes, the whole works....but no release date yet :sadvaultboy:
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Natalie Harvey
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 1:14 am

If you want tourture, Arena net announced Guild Wars 2 back in 2007-2008, ever since they have been feeding us with screens, races, classes, the whole works....but no release date yet :sadvaultboy:

I played Guild Wars religiously from the day it was released up until 2008. I was eagerly awaiting Guild Wars 2 with the prospect that its wider scope, revolutionary quest system, and lack of monthly subscriptions (oh, and the ability to finally jump) would ensure the game could dethrone World of Warcraft and finally get Blizzard to wake up and start producing my glorious Warcraft IV. Then ArenaNet played the "dragons and guns" card, and suddenly I'm not as enthused anymore. :mellow:
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Vicky Keeler
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 4:27 am

I played Guild Wars religiously from the day it was released up until 2008. I was eagerly awaiting Guild Wars 2 with the prospect that its wider scope, revolutionary quest system, and lack of monthly subscriptions (oh, and the ability to finally jump) would ensure the game could dethrone World of Warcraft and finally get Blizzard to wake up and start producing my glorious Warcraft IV. Then ArenaNet played the "dragons and guns" card, and suddenly I'm not as enthused anymore. :mellow:

Ive lost interest in GW 2 since around 2009, and Guild Wars I still play but I am on only to hang out and all, I would still get it but it would have to wait after Skyrim :tes:
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Joie Perez
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 3:20 am

There was a thread on this some time ago...and I in my ignorance stated that I rather more information then being left in the dark, after some thought I found myself agreeing with the statement, with each new information relayed theres always something bitter in the concoction, while others may not share this view, I enjoy it when my Candy is sweet without a bitter surprise. if one thinks for a moment, do you feel the controlled low dose of information is a good thing? (too much of anything is bad right?) maybe some of you don't remember, but Pre Oblivion Beth was -very- talkative about their game, over the course of a year and some change (similar to now) a myriad of information of the game was lathed across the web and while such for true or false did by no means effect the tenacity of Oblivions sales, I can't help but think bethesda's current strategy of keeping tight lipped is for the better, even Todd exhibits this behavior not elaborating on things not with some grip in the current Build. below are various qoutes from the devs at the time about Oblivion, nothing but pride is displayed in these particular messages, and effectively save a few tidbits of info you couldnt really complain at what was said.

I'm sorry in advance, I tried to put these in spoiler tags so that people wouldnt be blinded by the wall of text, my apologies :( the point of this was to sum up the amount of info given in roughly the same timeframe as compared to now, or rather the instance of Dev comments on the game in relation to the light snippets we have now, and if its for the better, the qoutes below is just an idea of just how much information was shown

"All screenshots we've released are 100% in game showing stuff we've already got implemented. We haven't done any special poses or anything like that, with the exception of magazine covers."------ http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_rn-IWIiuLOU/R_l-iZ0aEvI/AAAAAAAAAHc/tXNTp1TyxCs/s320/oblivion-horseback2.jpg the Skyrim trailer I believe is far more effective at stating whats in game atm, even if it is subject to change

[MrSmileyFaceDude] "I'm sorry, but what part of "without losing our broiler rpg fans" don't you understand?"-----didnt lose me :shrug:

[Slateman] "Each of the faction lines in this game have plots and quests to much greater depth over MW. Quality, not quantity."---- going strictly by Faction questlines, I have to disagree theres very little information about factions in Skyrim BUT it stated they dont ignore each other this time around :thumbsup:

[MrSmileyFaceDude] "I know you don't want to hear it, but you're just going to have to trust us that the dialogue is better than Morrowind's."---------] ehhh, Im a bit iffy there

[Todd] "As you play, you start to figure out what you can do with these NPCs, and how you can influence their behavior, and when doing a quest, it really comes into play. A simple 'get the diamond from that guy...' quest can be done in hundreds of ways now."----------- the Orum gangs behavior probably the most sensible to alter did not change in the least, if the leader was slain, the runner still runs, of the runner was slain, a new one isnt made, if the runners contacts are slain, she still makes the trip :shrug: Radiant story is definently going to remedy this it seems

to aid players in battle, more than 700 pieces of armor and weaponry will be scattered throughout the game. An item that resurrects defeated opponents into slaves and vampirism are two other tools that can be utilized, and if players are clever they can also use their surroundings to their advantage as well. Dungeons, for instance, will be full of traps that can be triggered by characters and enemies alike. --- all of that sounds awesome until you see the excecution, then it becomes a worthless gimmick, and 700 armor peices? pffft

[VSXX] "We have everything from mice to moles to crickets. The most fearsome you have ever seen even! You thought sleeping at night with a singing cricket outside your window was bad. You wait till you meet the one that plays a 14 piece drum set outside your window." I can't point this to anything other than Sarcasm you can't even hear whats going on outside....not even weather...but with ambient fish in Skyrim, im hopeful <3

[Pete] "Honestly, and this is just my opinion, I think the broiler RPG guys are going to love what we have in store for them in Oblivion. The depth, the level of polish...it crushes Morrowind. That doesn't mean that other people won't want to buy it and play it because it's a beautiful game that has fun combat and cool quests. We'll make enough copies for everyone."------- and in my opinion.....lol only the second half is true but from whats been heard so far, Skyrim will prove true to this statement

[MrSmileyFaceDude] "You'll be reading LOTS of stuff. All of the quest lines are much more in depth, challenging and interesting. And there's a heck of a lot more to the game than just the guilds and the main quest. Lots and lots of other things to do that haven't been mentioned. Stats play a huge, huge role. Class actually has meaning this time. The game is better balanced. You have more rewards for advancement besides just getting better at things. The dungeons are better designed, the NPCs are more interesting, the dialogue is better written

If you think this is a simple, dumbed down hack & slash, you couldn't be more wrong."--------- thats arguable

[BlueDev] "For Oblivion, there's a very concious effort to avoid too much random information spewing by NPCs. Fear not--there's still the same amount of info to be found in the game. In fact, the NPCs probably have more than ever to say; it just makes more sense for them to say it."
--------I met a mudcrab the other day......

[[MrSmileyFaceDude] "Oblivion is infinitely superior to Morrowind in every conceivable way."-------- Hype

[MattRyan] "So for all of you thinking that it would be neat to steal something, and then take off on your horse....guess what? An NPC can do the same pepper paste trick to you as well. " -----no not really...not ever in fact, but Skyrim should be much different :D

[Todd] "The clothing you wear does affect certain NPC's, but not in a big way, it’s subtle."--------- while I believe this may be true for Skyrim following NV (yes I know beth did not make NV) this definently not the case for oblivion unless an item was enchanted :/

[MrSmileyFaceDude] "Broken shields and weapons are automatically dropped and they clatter to the ground using Havok physics. Broken armor stays on, but is ineffective and you'll know if you're wearing broken armor or not."--------- the game doesnt tell you out right if your armor is broken though, you have to check the inventory, if you notice your taking more damage sure

[Slateman] "While I cannot go into detail, rest assured that even players who max out a bunch of skills will discover challenges in this game. We didn't leave you guys out "------ no, no you didnt lol not one soul was left out.

[MrSmileyFaceDude] "Just because you can attempt to bribe someone does not mean they'll automatically accept it."------- never encountered an NPC that didnt take a bribe, can't say how this will be handeled in Skyrim since speechcraft is handled differently now.

[MattRyan] "We are gamers. We have given tons of time toward the balance of gameplay. Asside from the designers, artists, programmers, and producers.... our staff of QA testers are extremely good at exploiting our game systems and looking for loopholes in gameplay, or shortfalls in fun vs. realism.

In conclusion, to completely cut out any adjustment to difficulty in enemies would not be fun, just as making all creatures off-set to your level would not be fun."----- no arguments there but they do exactly that in Oblivion

[Slateman] "Yep. To second MSFD, we don't auto-level exactly to your level. We have all sorts of adjustments available. If we didn't the game would be boring "

[MattRyan] "If everything was leveled then you'd have no fear of anything in the game ('I can beat everything!') We plan on scaring the heck out of the player by higher level creatures."--------- yeah so much for that really

[MrSmileyFaceDude] "You're walking through a seedy part of a town in Western Cyrodiil. People mill about, some engaged in conversation, others minding their own business, out on their own errands. Suddenly, an ugly man decides he doesn't like you. Maybe he's drunk, maybe he's just a bully, maybe he's just showing off in front of his friends -- but for whatever reason, he has taken your measure and decided he can best you.

He comes charging at you, with a nasty looking mace in his hand and a look of hatred on his face. Onlookers move back to make room for what should be an entertaining fight.

Quickly drawing your sword and shield, you wheel around to face him. He's upon you pretty quickly though, and you barely have time to raise your shield (hold right mouse button) before his first blow thunders down upon you.

But you block well, and as he recoils from the collision, you quickly perform left & right slashes with your sword (left click, pause, left click). The bully realizes this isn't going to be easy.

He backs off a bit, and starts dodging around you. First to the left, then to the right. You maneuver to keep him in view, looking for an opening. Suddenly he steps back, raises his mace in both hands, and steps forward, bringing the mace towards your head in a crushing blow!

But you're quick -- you step to the side as he attacks. As he passes by, you execute a spinning maneuver and slash him in the side (hold left mouse button and left maneuver key). The hit is solid, and your foe staggers from the blow.

But it's not over yet. The bully swings his mace wildly -- his first swing misses, but the next one connects for a blow that sends you staggering. Pressing his advantage, the bully bears down on you with a power attack of his own. OUCH. This isn't going well. You take a glance at your health meter, it's getting a bit low. You quickly back up out of the bully's reach and raise your shield (hold right mouse button).

He's hurting, too. You circle each other for a time, looking for an opening, trying to recover some fatigue. Finally the bully charges forward with a devastating overhead blow, perhaps hoping to break your shield. But the shield holds and the recoil send him staggering back. This is your chance! You perform
a mighty forward power attack (hold the left mouse button, press forward) and connect solidly. The blow staggers your foe once again, and you perform 3 slashing attacks in rapid succession (left mouse button, pause, left mouse button, pause, left mouse button), and finally the bully collapses to the ground, defeated.

The crowd disperses, going back to their own business."

[MrSmileyFaceDude] "We happen to think that console gamers are smarter than that, and the success of Morrowind on Xbox proves that console gamers actually ARE interested in games with MORE depth and complexity than some pe ople seem to think they are."-------- Proved true for morrowind, Oblivion, :thumbsup: and will for Skyrim... when Bethesda advertises their games they flaunt the open world aspect more than anything, and that draws people in, I've no doub't about that.

[MrSmileyFaceDude] "You can only use the map-based fast travel to go to places you've already been. So you'll HAVE to walk to each possible location AT LEAST once."---- except for cities, In Skyrim however I speculate the Carriage will be needed to get to other cities initially should the player choose and then FT or not from there

[MrSmileyFaceDude] "We could make traditional creatures that looked like every other depiction of those creatures you've seen in books, food network, or other games, but then where's the originality in that?"--------- :shrug: arguable for Oblivion, havent seen anything in Skyrim yet...EXCEPT HOARKERS <3 (I hate hoarkers)

[MrSmileyFaceDude] "NPCs would have to be told to go into your house via Radiant AI. And even if they WERE, you could always lock your door..."------- he was replying to a question about RAI's tenacity and what you can do, the locking door thing however, no.

[Slateman] "Trust me, you're going to get lost if you wander in these forests and don't use the compass or map."----- until I fine the IC in the distance <3 Skyrim has no such convience looks promising there

[MrSmileyFaceDude] "you can enter every interior."----- I don't think this has been a concern...ever

[[Pete] "There isn't a magazine on the planet that hasn't gotten information if they've asked for it."------- which is the point of this post, look how much info they let go? they are doing a better job this time around I feel.

[MrSmileyFaceDude] "Resurrected NPCs are not themselves. They're basically mindless automata who will follow you around and fight for you."----- for 30 secs :D lol

[MrSmileyFaceDude] "Oblivion is an extremely rich, complex game with a tremendous amount of depth, compelling quest lines, interesting NPC characters, a huge variety of player character types and intricate character progression set in a huge, varied game world. combat, magic, and AI have all been dramatically improved to enhance gameplay while still providing a balance between player skill and character skill, because after all, Oblivion is a role playing game. Yes, some things that were present in Morrowind are not in Oblivion -- but a lot more has been added than removed, and the goal has always been to make a game that is both more accessible to first-time RPG players, and is also challenging and rewarding for more experienced players." ------only half of that proved true :shrug:

[MrSmileyFaceDude] "I absolutely guarantee that they'll be able to make mods that will completely blow away anything we saw for Morrowind, using the new Construction Set."

[Pete] "We will continue to support the mod community as best we can and let them do the great things they do, just as we did with Morrowind.------- and So true, and will continue for Skyrim <3

[Sentinel] "The sad fact is that many development studios can't afford to bankroll their own game development. So they rely on publishers to give them the money to create these games. The problem with this is that the publisher then feels they should have input into the game since they are spending the money. Hence Atari and EA have such a big influence on a game they publish
Just glad here at Bethesda we are our own publisher and developer and have delicious reign to make what we want

[MrSmileyFaceDude] "We're NOT going to slap in features that don't work well just to say we have them.".".------- this still holds true today as pete stated in a Vid interview, that they don't want the devs making a particular feature because they the plublishers "expect it"

[Pete] "Holidays this year'-------- this was as set in stone and repeated as 11.11.11 is this day, but they had to delay it to Feb 06, do you feel they are solid now?

[Pete] "You know if you have a 360 it will look as good as it can possibly look. If you have the latest, greatest PC with the best recipe card, etc., it will probably look the same as the Xbox 360 version."

[MrSmileyFaceDude] "The compass, the quest marker and compass icons, are NOT the hand-holding, dumbing down babysitter some folks paint them out to be."------------ I'd disagree in my opinion

[Hayt] "We're around on a daily basis, and we're reading. When we're ready to comment on things, you'll all know."
still holds true no?

anyone else glad they aren't talking as much?
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Robyn Lena
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 3:37 am

I think it'd actually be better if we didn't know anything...including its announcement. It just makes the wait longer. But now that we know. We must be fed.
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 2:42 am

I'd believe that my body would be ready for the experience.

I'm giving the game two months to cool down before I buy it.
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Janeth Valenzuela Castelo
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 6:18 am

If we didn't know anything, we would still be discussing Spears, Flails, Werewolves, Mounts, Dragons, Vampires, Graphics. Actually the same discussions as we have now.
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Avril Churchill
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 7:09 pm

With less Rancor im sure. as no one could shoot anyone down about IDEAS instead and basing their stances on what is said by the devs giving people a sense of confirmation bias and shooting down anyone otherwise
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